Writing or designing a resume used to be simple in olden days but to start a new career and that too a successful career, a person should have, a well designed or written resume which can highlight important things about you.
Even people hire professionals to write certain kinds of resume. It seems like a common thing, but in today’s job market to get hired in a company, a person or an applicant needs to have an impressive resume which creates the best impression.

While writing a resume or designing a resume, a writer needs to make sure the main elements of the resume writing, such as a summary and all the abilities of certain skills should be maintained in relevant portions in the described manner, as per the expectation of the company. There is certain kind of rules which need to be followed while designing or writing a resume.
7 Resume Rules You Should Break:
Resume writing needs to follow certain kinds of rules while writing or designing resumes. A first impression can be maintained as the last impression and it can be displayed in such a form of resume writing.
A resume is a prescribed format of letter displaying all the necessary information about a person’s professional career. Here are some of the rules to break while writing a resume and they are as follows.
1. Avoid writing an objective statement:
There was a time candidates used to write an objective statement at the very first beginning of the resume and that statement seems a bit overrated. It is not necessary that an objective statement needed to be added while writing a resume.
Therefore, these objective statements can be ignored while writing a resume. Usually, an objective statement in a resume displays a certain level of ambition of a candidate, but nowadays employers completely ignore that particular portion thinking that it is unnecessary.
2. Cut off extra pages of a resume:
There are some of the applicants who thinks that if he/she adds many pages in the resume, that may benefit him/her at the time of selection.
It is not necessary that while writing a resume an applicant needs to add all the professional information about his/her professional career. But the employer expects a truthful and fact full information displayed in the form of a resume. Therefore, a candidate can cut off some of the pages to make it precise and brief.
3. Avoid writing in a simple order:
Sometimes it happens that most of the candidates prefer writing their professional information in a simple format such as according to their academic information or previous experience of a job.
This information can be mentioned in the order of existing or current experiences. Therefore, a candidate can present his/her professional experience in the reverse order to create a change in their resume format which can be preferable from all the employers.
4. Keep hobbies or interest out from a resume:
A resume used to be a format of personal and professional information about a candidate. But currently because of certain kinds of changes, a resume is a format of most professional information and less personal.
It is very important to understand that writing a resume is a professional approach to a professional career. Therefore, all the people who think adding hobbies or interests can benefit their professional careers are wrong.
5. Avoid abbreviations:
While writing a resume it is very important to know that a candidate should provide truthful information about his/her professional career. Therefore, it is necessary to understand all the elements of information in a clear abbreviation.
A candidate should avoid writing any abbreviations in their resume because some of the time an employer who is interested in your resume would end up in confusion about some of the abbreviations used in a resume.
6. Manage information up till 15 years in a resume:
A candidate who has such a long time of experience in a certain position may try to go back to his/her professional career, at that time a candidate needs to provide information in a resume only till his/her 10-15 years of career and not more than that, because people won’t be interested in reading all the work experience of his/her professional career. This may seem unfair, but it is very necessary to upgrade a resume with the latest information.
7. Avoid casual language usage:
There may be a possibility that some of the people who started their career and decided to write a resume make a very common mistake and that is writing a resume in a very casual language.
A resume writer needs to keep in mind that he/she is building up their professional image in front of all the professionals in the job market. Therefore, a person must understand the value of professional language while writing a resume.
11 Resume Rules You Should Never Break:
There may be a possibility that while writing a resume a candidate needs to follow a certain format and if a candidate fails to maintain such a format, then there may be serious consequences for his/her actions and they are as follows.
1. Usage of resume fonts:
While writing a resume it is necessary to keep in mind that font size for a resume should be fixed for all resume writing. Font size needs to be eleven while writing a resume. If a candidate tries to display his/her resume in different font sizes, then an employer wouldn’t even bother to look at that resume.
It may seem a little weird, but it is fact that a candidate should never mess up with a font size of the resume. Therefore, the font size of a resume needs to fixe while writing any kind of resume.
2. Level of readability:
It may seem like a term as mentioned earlier, but it is a different element. A resume writer needs to understand the value of the readability of a resume. A resume should design to approach a professional format to all the rest of the professional career providers.
Therefore, it is necessary to understand the fact about readability which should be visible for the sake of a clear look of a resume.
3. Maintain a short length line:
A resume writing is not as simple as it seems, it demands a certain kind of professionalism while writing a resume. Some people deliver their services of resume writing, but those resume writers need to understand such things as maintaining a short length line while writing a resume.
There may be a possibility that long lines can be a drawback of that particular resume. Therefore, it would be preferable if a writer could maintain a concise and brief line.
4. Maintain fixed word spacing:
While writing a resume a candidate needs to maintain a certain level of fixed word spacing. As it is a professional format, it is necessary to maintain a fixed level of word spacing while writing a resume.
There may be a possibility that a resume writer may consider it an unnecessary thing, but to present a professional format in the form of a resume, a candidate needs to keep this thing in mind.
5. Alignment of relevant portions:
A resume can consider as a format of a professional subject where a candidate tries to display all of his/her professional skills and abilities in a small sheet of paper. Therefore, a candidate or a resume writer needs to have an idea about perfect alignment portions.
As far as a recent development in the employment system is concerned, a resume should emphasize those skills which can be beneficial for that kind of position he/she is applying and for that there should be a certain alignment of visible portions in a resume.
6. Never avoid grid format:
As per the recent research record or statements of resume writing, one thing is clear that writing a resume using such a grid format is the latest trend.
These grid format helps to emphasize those skills or abilities of a candidate conceal in a small portion of a segment without overshadowed by other elements of a resume. This format of resume writing creates a designer look for a resume to impress its target personnel.
7. Avoid dark colors:
As we all know that when it comes to a professional display, a person prefers to wear something professional such as suits or formal shirts or others. And similarly when it comes to the color which displays professionalism then we consider gray, beige, white, black or off white.
All these colors can be used while presenting a professional personality. Therefore, a resume can also be incorporated with some color which is not so irrelevant to the professional career.
8. Keep grammar clean:
While writing a resume a candidate or a resume writer needs to be careful with grammar. Sometimes it happens that most of the writers who design a resume mess up their resume with inappropriate grammars.
Therefore, perfect grammar is a necessary item while writing a resume. And it can always impressed if a candidate tries to use some professional language while displaying his/her professional skills and abilities.
9. Avoid spelling mistakes:
A resume writing is an art of displaying a format that consists of all the professional information. It is common to know that all the resume format should be accurate with their presentation, but what if a resume misses some of its presentation such as spelling mistake (most essential one).
Therefore, a resume writer needs to keep in mind that a small spelling mistake while writing a resume can cost him/her a big thing in their professional career.
10. Appropriate use of punctuations:
While writing a resume a candidate needs to keep in mind that a resume should be in a format where there is not a single room for mistake, at least not with punctuation marks because if there is inappropriate use of a certain punctuation mark, then it may change the whole meaning of that sentence or statement.
Therefore, it is important that a resume writing task needs a responsible approach while designing resumes.
11. Keep a precise and clear format:
Writing a resume is a process of displaying all the relevant professional information in the form of a written letter. These written letters are considered as a key to professional success.
All the given information on a resume should be precise and clear. A concise and clear picture of a resume can bring up a professional approach to the point of view of an employer.
And the bottom line is that resume writing a format wherein all the professional elements of the person’s career displayed. There are different types of resume formats, but to maintain a professional approach a resume needs all the above mention things or steps to follow while writing a resume.
These resume writing can create a professional background, where a person who is looking for a job tries to impress his/her employer with a certain format of latest resume designs.
There may be a possibility that these resumes may seem more professional and less personal. Therefore, to conclude, we would suggest the resume writers follow all the above mentioned steps while writing a resume.