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Why Have a Resume? Jobs that don’t need a Resume


You are a beginner in searching a job and don’t know where to start? This is a common question that lingers around many young, aspiring and inexperienced job seekers.

This section of group includes – college students, high school students, part time job seekers, just out of universities, etc. Regardless of whether it is a part time or full time job once you know you have no job experience nor at preparing a resume you may think it is a big question to solve. This article talks about how to get jobs without resume in hand.

jobs don't need resumeJobs Without Resume:

Firstly, let us put our thoughts in a positive mode and realize that world is wide enough and opportunities here can be angled from different directions. Until and unless you are not aiming at a professional job line without having a certificate, it is not that difficult to attain a job without a resume.

Jobs are in multiplicity and to get there does not take much time in this world of internet and people around us. Ads on television, newspapers, hoardings, classifieds, information from the internet (social networking sites), the message from friends-relatives and neighbors are all the sources that we need for searching a job. The range of jobs could vary anywhere between part time to full time jobs.

List below talks about the various jobs or methods of getting a job without having a resume.

1. Networking:

I faintly remember this incident that occurred to a friend of mine. She was a senior at college at that time. She was out one evening with one of her cousins’ who incidentally was looking for a part-time job seeker. Lo! She was there, waiting for a job opportunity. The two of them quickly got to business, discussed their requirements and the job responsibilities to basically come to a consensus on the matter.

Here, we have just seen how networking helps. So,

What is Networking?

It is to speak or communicate with many people from different backgrounds, so as to make an impression with each and every person. By doing so, one will definitely remember you as a potential resource in times of their need. If you have networked the right way, it would have already spoken volumes about you and the character that lies within you. Based on all of the above, important people will pin down their interest on you for a certain requirement.

2. Online job applications:

For those of us who think making a resume is climbing up Mount Everest, take some rest! Because after reading a few lines from now, rest assured one can take a sigh of relief. So, when one applies for a job, he or she is expected to fill out a simple job application available at several jobs providing websites like indeed,wisestep,monster.

This form basically asks you a few personal and professional details, which may not be more than one page of a document. Many of us are under the presumption that online job application is a pain taking document because it has a clause like – ‘Any field left blank will disqualify the application’.

One need not get worried or worked up; no firm will sue anyone for leaving a field empty. This job application is only a means of getting yourself through to the firm. It may even land you up with an interval. There is absolutely no harm in finding a job this way. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and find your job.

3. Family businesses:

Many of us who have this opportunity to work and continue our family business are very blessed. It is a very big deal to come to think of it. One need not prepare a resume, prepare for an interview, you are already acquainted with the job responsibilities, you are the owning authority and you work on your own shift timings. Wow!! What else could one ask for?

Actually, there is more to this, one can expand the business, grow the firm and become more profitable over the years. The primary objective of not wanting to prepare a resume has been served in this case.

4. Voice based resumes:

We live in a new world with advancing technological improvements around every corner. So here is a brand new idea that someone has come up with a little while ago, where resumes can simply be recorded in the job seekers voice expressing his or her professional views.

Resume-writing averters will be more than happy since the inability can be overcome. So what are the characteristics of this resume? The resume will contain the actual voice of the seeker, his story, contains full sentences instead of fragments or phrases giving him or her, the opportunity to explain one’s self.

Yes, this may not necessarily be the best way to convey your interests and professional summary but it is definitely one of the most creative ways to get across you to a recruiting employer. The reason being voice resumes are not official and may not have been used until date.

Hence, it could be some time while it gets accepted in the market. But all good things need a turning point or a transition state to materialize in the real world before it reaps any benefit. And yes, this transition is completely vested in the hands of these young kids who are not too keen on writing their resumes.


We must all realize that any job is good job and having to obtain one without much effort is another thing altogether. An out of the box candidate is always appreciated and is looked for everywhere. Whenever an employer is recruiting, the most creative, enthusiastic and an erudite candidate is looked for. There are all chances that an employer will find his suitable candidate when potential job seekers make use of the above channels to apply for a job.

Here is wishing all the young and zealous job seekers good luck with their endeavors. Feel free to come up with new and exciting ideas to help this section of youngsters rock their jobs without a resume!

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