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Why Rest Breaks at Work are Important? 30 Reasons to Know


Life is a peculiar fusion of diverse moments of action and inaction, blend of work and rest. There is always been a usual gap between professional life and personal life of a person.

During studying time one is having an ample of time to spend leisurely with friends & family, kith and kin, going out for long outings and so on.

Spending lots of time watching movies, long drives with nearest friends, picnics, uphill tours and many more things are done in the teenage period or during college time.

But the same things go wrong when you start working and enter into professional life.

importance of work breaksTake a look at the human race around you, and mainly you will observe that everyone is busy.

No doubts, when you have to grow and seek success in your life, you need to go through all the hooks & crooks which lead you to the path of thriving and a life with a vision.

Immediately after studying one starts searching jobs, sometimes from a lower level and sometimes from a managerial level if you are a post-graduate student.

It varies from academic qualification which you have done and also depends from company to company.

Innovative and energetic possession during early stages of job life is must but excessive working too, leads to a feeling of loneliness and away from social life.

So in such cases when you need to make a balance between your professional and personal life, you should tend to have a small short breaks during your routine job life.

Work-life balance is all about creating and maintaining compassionate and healthy work environments around, which enables employees to have a proper balance equally, between professional and personal responsibilities and therefore strengthen employee’s devotion and output towards their company and job.

There are so many questions that arises in your mind when you appear in an interview or during interview to ask the interviewer. Some of the customary questions are as follows:

  • What are the usual timings of office.
  • Is there any chance of late sittings after office hours.
  • Usually, how much time is required to stay back in office.
  • How many leaves would be there in a year or allowed availing leaves in a month.
  • Lunch break system or so many similar things.

In some of the job profiles, especially for the people who are on extremely high position and/ or having some managers under their supremacy, they usually get away from their personal life.

Taking break from work for few days is necessary when you know; this is not a one-day game show.

Taking Rest Breaks at Work:

Most of the people get into their work daily and hardly come to know the importance of having breaks at works and could not figure out that why they would take leave and stay at home or go for outings.

Here are few of the advises or suggestions which might be helpful to you to know why breaks are vital during your work life.

1. Conflicting between work & personal life:

enjoy doing work Since there is always been a contradictory view between the two, going out with family and relax for a while improves your work life which is actually must, for better skills and energy level.

2. Shatter from respective responsibilities:

Out of all the job factors that persuade work-life variance, the amount of time spent at job is the steadiest forecaster.

The higher levels of work-to-family conflict reported by managers or professionals often are a task of their longer work hours.

3. Better productivity:

Taking break from your work life is always must since it enhances your productivity and output level when you come back after a break with a fresh mind.

4. Leisure time for kith and kin:

Break from work also gives you time to get closer to your family and friends who keeps an eye on you when there is a holiday or short break.

5. Health & fitness:

Usually, you do not get time to go for walks or running etc since going to office early mornings and coming back to home late hinders from doing things to keep you fit.

Hence, weekends or during short breaks, you can dig out time for these activities.

6. Stabilizing homely works:

You could have a break to get the homely things done which you cannot do during working hours.

7. Healthy mind and soul:

practise yoga If you are not mentally fresh, you cannot prove your effective working efficiently.

8. Maintaining social circle:

If you were counted as a regular party-goers and long working hours have affected your social circle.

In that case, you could have a small break of 1 or 2 days on the weekend and could go out with your near ones.

9. Choice for up-hills or out-stationed areas:

Breaks could be taken even for going out with family and friends, on hilly areas and so many other out-stationed areas which first, gives time to spend leisurely.

Secondly, new locations could be discovered and thirdly you get revived after a thrilling break .

10. Paltry things:

You probably need time to get hold on the things which might be long pending or over-due.

Taking a break for doing such stuff also gives you a kind of satisfaction once they are done.

11. Relaxation – mentally and physically:

You could definitely get tired from daily same job, same work, and same routine. Relaxing your body and mind is too important for greater output in your work and other works.

12. Extracurricular activities:

You should take a break whenever possible to join some outdoor games session or gym or kind of yoga classes which enables your blood circulation to run smoothly throughout the body. And yes, a great feeling of freshness would be always there.

13. Distressing:

There is a large diversity of practices currently being used to help employees gather work-life balance.

It is significant to note that various work-life balance programs help employees handle stress and or else manage more effectively while other programs help to reduce the absolute stress levels by re balancing work life.

14. Fitness regime:

fitness Keeping in view growing number of employees, sometimes employers implement wellness programs or pay for their employees’ some kind of gym membership as part of a benefits package.

Some companies invite to their offices, few fitness trainers or yoga instructors to hold lunchtime or evening sessions after working hours.

15. Diversion of mind:

Basically work pressure increases like a boiling hot water in a pot and you need a peaceful place to decrease the volume of that work pressure; you seek time and place to divert your mind after a stressful completion of that work. So involving in other activities really helps a lot.

16. Entertainment:

Here an appropriate word comes for all stress bursting. Taking a break for own entertainment is really needed for everyone.

You could go for watching movies, roaming in malls, evening picnics, reading books or whatever your interest is.

17. Decreases the boredom of life:

Short breaks save us from the tediousness and boredom of life. It puts our energies in a right use. Idleness produce disorders in us. They make us physically unwholesome and emotionally unhappy.

18. An element of happiness:

The factor of utility is an essential source of happiness. When you build up something new, you feel encouraged and high-minded and thus get pleasure from the creative work which you have done.

19. Hindrance from regular workforce:

Too much prominence on work results on excelling in the work, makes a lot of money and looks professional but if you cannot revive the standards that make our lives fun and worth living, then people will start calling us ‘machines’. After all, we are not robots!

20. Proper working of brain:

brain Eventually, the goal is to let your brain to break up the dullness which usually comes on the faces of employees after sometime, so just to get rid of crazy sitting on the same subject for hours endlessly, break is actually needed. And of course, naps are an other way to give your brain a break for a while.

21. Significance of stress-less life:

Vacations or even shorter breaks are needed and search for the places from where you get some physical and mental ‘space‘ from the hassles of life.

Apparently, we sense less anxiety when we are not in a stressful atmosphere. But vacations in real, bring more than that: they disrupt the cycle of stress that could lead you to overwhelm.

They give us a break from constant stress so you can restart yourselves physically and mentally fit when getting back to the work.

22. Rejuvenating of one’s overall framework:

To fully recharge your batteries: one must go for a short break or on a vacation. Lack of energy, lack of motivation, more recurrent aggravation, and placid health issues or sleep disturbances are the thing one experiences in work pressure which causes stress.

In truth, unless you feel energized, provoked, thrilled, innovative and fully engaged at work and in your close relationships, you would likely to get benefit from a term called vacation.

23. Less productive without breaks:

You could be less productive and innovative when working constantly on the same desk, with the same aura of work culture and meeting the same colleagues of yours every day.

A Fed-up kind of scenario lead to irritation and hence taking a break is really not a bad idea.

24. An Importance of rest:

Having accepted breaks also allows for physical and mental respite to be taken. Numerous studies have taken place in the past and have shown that taking regular breaks helps to revive people who are then able to perform at a more optimal point when they return to work after breaks.

25. No taking breaks leads to health risks:

There are many health risks involved when you don’t a break from work since long.

Determinedly long hours of working could also lead to serious remedial conditions such as heart diseases, diabetes, stress related diseases and cyclic sprain injuries on your body.

Not only this is clearly not good for the employees, but it also leads you to an exhausted level.

26. Passion for hobby section:

Develop a hobby Although you are too busy in your work life, you hardly get time for getting fulfilled the untouched desire of your hobbies.

You should take a break and have re-looked on them. It could also give you a feeling of pleasure and you may design your hobbies in a different manner.

27. Lithe work options:

Flexible schedule is another choice. Working some hours in the office and some hours at home could allow you for more time with the family.

It is important to take time to consider your options and to assess the choices so that you have equal time to work, time to have fun and time to make sure that your life is as pleasing as it would have to be.

28. Plan time to take frequent breaks:

You should mark your lunchtime on your calendar and leave your office on time. If you work from home, take time to run tasks out of the house or just go for a mild walk or similar activity.

Make sure you schedule your workday, so you must know when you are ‘not working‘ and keep to it. You can’t work 24 hours a day hence your body and mind needs a break as well.

29. Prevent from becoming multi-tasked employee:

In taking on more than one project or task at a time could take you to invite unwanted health risk and other related factors. You should take breaks often and do not try to do multi-tasks.

What occurs, is really that we do a miniature bit of all the things and mark on our ‘to do list’ without really completing any project in the end.

30. Be firm on your decisions while asking for vacation or short break:

You should not be afraid of your boss asking for little breaks from work. People will respect you more for your honesty.

At work make sure to undertake your core job responsibilities properly which you could do it timely and to take a smooth break with your family.

The mentioning of all the loopholes that why people go into stress and invite medical remedies well before their age is all because of excessive workload in their professional and personal lives. It is hard for working people to go on outings very often. Sometimes this attitude and loyalty towards your profession might completely make you cut-off from your friends and relatives.

Maintaining your work-life and personal life balance is too important if you want to get success and mental peace or rest as well or especially would like to keep yourself updated in your social circle too. To get rid of all such stress elements, one should tediously go on vacations or should take squat breaks time after time, to live a vigorous and smooth life.


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