Lets start the topic by first understanding what is recruitment and what are the main functions of recruiters in the service sector and industrial sector. Recruitment is mainly the basic functions of the management.
Recruitment technique is the concept of bringing together, choosing and appointing the right people for the right job within the firm.

Recruitment Meaning:
Recruitment basically is the action of recruiting and bringing different set of knowledge and skills together which can effectively help in the growth of the organization. It is the continuous cycle of hiring, evaluating and designating them to the position where they can provide maximum contribution. It is beneficial for the individual as well as the firm in nature.
What is a Passive Candidate?
Passive candidates are the candidates who are currently not looking for a job change nor have applied for any job position. But due to their characteristics and skills, employers would want them to hire them for their organization.
Most of the employers find these passive candidates attractive due to their qualifications, expertise of certain skills and good work experience. Hiring manager find them very apt for the job role and wish to recruit them for their companies.
But as a matter of fact, hiring passive candidates is not an easy task due to many reasons and some top ones are passive candidates usually are not out of job, they are happy and have high job satisfaction in their current job, the conveyance and benefits their employer provides them etc.
How to Source Passive Candidates:
As mentioned earlier, it is tough to hire passive candidates as they do not look out for jobs or apply for any jobs vacancies. So recruiters or hiring managers use different ways to attract passive candidates. Some of the best ways are
- Directly contacting passive candidates
- Make use their network
- Try referrals from others
- Use LinkedIn network
- Ask their colleagues or team for suggesting suitable candidates
- Make use of social media websites
- Try professional websites
- Job communities
- Using recruiting software and tools
- Talent management systems
- Newer hiring technologies
- Effective use of search engines
- Top job portals
Top Tips for Recruiting Passive Candidates Successfully:
Recruitment, location and planning are essential to every industry because it increases the growth of the firm and the population of the organization.
Human Resource management is the basic and important level in the formation and organizing the daily functioning of the firm.
At the time of passive recruiting, the recruiter should have an open mind in selecting all kinds of individuals and the recruiter should have an impartial behavior and look towards the benefit of the organization.
Here are some amazing and reliable recruiting tips which may successfully help in recruiting the appropriate candidates for the desired task:-
1. List the desired job appropriately and accurately:
There shouldn’t be any haywire instead there should be simple and specific keywords while listing the job. Listing all the details and the key skills will improve the chances of finding plenty people seeking jobs.
It’s always preferred to read over the details posted carefully and perfectly so that there is no difficulty in reading. There shouldn’t be any confusion while listing the criteria and information of the specific job.
The job should be posted in such a way that it is in a detailed manner which creates less confusion and makes it more readable for the desired candidate suited for the role.
Changes whether big or small can help in improving the result. Listing the job accurately will provide the right candidate for the mentioned job by the organization.
2. Showcase the company well:
When it comes to places to work in, companies that stand for something unique always top the list. The candidates look for an opportunity to pitch a great career in their life so that they always see the goodwill of the company.
We mostly hear about focusing on differentiation in promoting products and services, but the similar principle works for recruiting. When the employees know more about your culture, the more excited they will be at the chance of getting a job.
3. Place attractive benefits and inspire them:
There is one great backlog in internet domain that it’s often considered as negative aspect rather than the positive. Telling the current employees to post about their experience in their current may give an added advantage as it is impactful information to share with the next batch of potential interns the following year, to give them a real sense of what working with the company might be like.
4. Ask them the basic question:
The candidates should be questioned about their objectives and goals because it can help in identifying the right candidate for the job.
Almost every professional recruiter agrees that asking the right question can help evaluating the candidates carefully.
Asking candidates questions on how much they know about the company is the ultimate way to find people who have the right attention to detail.
5. There should be a good public image of the company:
The company should have a great goodwill among the public that help the candidates know about it being highly reputed company. Awareness about the companies’ reputation will bring the highly qualified and focused candidates. A jobseeker always seeks an employment in a company where there is a long term accomplishment.
6. Involve the Employees to hire candidate for the right job:
Involvement of the employees will also generate more candidates for seeking a job because the employee of the company itself can explain very well about the working and functions of the company. It actually increases the speed of hiring people for work and also it creates opportunity for people to know more about the working system of the organization.
7. Do some research about the past history of the candidate:
It is mandatory to ask about the candidate’s previous job experience and skills that can be fit for the job. If that candidate has a medical history of mental illness, it’s always better to ask that person to have a complete medical checkup so that the company won’t suffer any future problems from the employee and promotes growth and harmony in the office.
8. Terms and Conditions:
The candidate before coming for the interview should be let known about the terms and conditions of the company. If that person who has been not told about the rules and the criteria of that particular job profile, it can create confusion and misunderstanding while giving an interview. This may bring down the impression towards the company by the candidate and can bring loss of opportunities.
9. The process should be simple and not long:
If the process is very lengthy it can de-motivate people to apply for the job and also will decrease the number of quality workers to apply for the job. The process should be simple to understand and simple to work with so that the recruitment process should not be hectic and painful. A candidate always looks for the job headlines which are attractive and easy to be applied for.
10. Keep in touch and keep a follow up:
When recruiters come across certain candidates at first they do not fit the job description perfectly but can be highly regarded for the future job. It’s better to keep in touch with such candidates and give them a follow up if there is a job profile suiting their skills.
A system should be created that helps in staying in touch with the future job seekers and by doing this the organization is the candidates preferred choice.
It’s always advised to send your preferable candidates the updated news about job placement activities happening in the organization, in turn helping to keep prospects interested in company’s opportunities.
11. Job posting should be mainly focused on social media:
LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter is a plus point while looking for candidates as its easy communication. In your company’s social networking pages remember to provide information regarding jobs available.
If the followers are not finding job according to their choice with the position instead you can provide them a link to share the job with the person they know who is the right person for the job
12. A strategy may help in selecting the right candidate:
With the job description in hand, set up a meeting about the recruitment planning that involves the key employees who are hiring the new employee. The hiring manager is important and essential to the planning.
At this meeting, your recruiting strategy is planned and the execution begins. A well planned strategy never backfires so it’s a plus point to set up a plan to hire the right man for the right job.
13. Keep a list of candidates that have been applied:
Keeping a checklist will help to find out mainly from where exactly the people have applied for the job. If the candidate lives far from the workplace that person shouldn’t be accepted as it will make him very tired and the company will have problem with that particular employee in future. So keeping a track will help to select the right candidate.
14. Check the qualification and work experience:
The work of reviewing resumes, cover letters, job applications, and job application letters starts with a well-written job description. By checking the details it will give a better understanding about the qualification of the candidate. Screen all applicants against this list of qualifications, skills, experience, and characteristics.
15. Set an Interview date and work Designation offered:
While giving an advertisement about the job placement following interview timing should be given. Specifying the job details about the work job profile offered will help in setting a standard interview questions concerning the interviewees’ desire for that particular job and ask them why they believe they are the one, right for the job.
16. Paying attention to the candidate and listen carefully:
The answer to such questions has the effect of exposing a lot about the characteristics, work instincts, habits and values of the interviewee. A set of questions can be prepared specifically to fit all company needs.
By giving the right attention and listening carefully to the candidate will increase the chance of knowing that person better. A list of questions should be targeted for the interview so that the candidate can be selected and evaluated properly.
17. Understand candidate objectives:
Sometimes certain candidates move from their old job as they wish to get an increase in their salary while a very few people seek for having more responsibilities in the new job they are about to work for.
The question asked by the candidate is to be followed by asking what he really wants or desires. Understanding the candidate objectives is very important.
18. Examine their Personality and body language:
Taking a test about their behavior pattern will determine the mental strength and the skills of the candidate. This ultimately shows whether the person is a problem solver or a problem creator.
Understand how the candidate will react for situations by setting up a test on behavioral situations. Arrange a disruption or interrupt the candidate intentionally and observe what happens.
19. Be Professional during an Interview:
Dressing appropriately for the interview shows and represents the company work ethics to the candidate. Don’t act tired or bored while giving the interview. The interview should be distinguished and grouped out into different parts. The candidate should also know that the interviewer is keeping a check and a record about his previous results.
20. E mail communication:
The email application is a basic process in this era to communicate. The immediate acknowledgment from the candidate is enough to show that the candidate is interested in the job vacancy. When the candidate is responsive to emails and reads them, then they are eligible for the next level of process.
21. Resume doesn’t always depict the whole story:
A traditional resume is not the only thing to be focused on when recruiting an employee. A resume lets you know a lot things and lot of factors about that particular person but it doesn’t always depicts the same story what the resumes tells which are apart from the resume. It is always best suggested to look beyond to pick the right candidates.
22. Take effort in finding the history about the candidate:
Through many checking and assessment for the candidate achieved, hiring experts conclude that all information is not available from their sources. It is suggested not to depend on the information on a single source but make a wide view on all the available sources. Its preferred to search about the candidates work experience and achievement.
The process of hiring a candidate should be done properly with keeping in mind the goodwill of the company. It is better to review and analyze the applications for selection process. Make a meeting with other hirers who has interviewed the same applicant. A proper evaluation should be done while selecting the candidate.
The candidate to be picked should achieve all the qualification required as well as should follow job criteria. Though there may be many of applications that fulfill the same, the candidate to be picked should be somewhat similar to the requirements. After successful recruitment process, the right employee can be picked and offered the job.