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What to Do When You Get a Job Offer? Must Follow Rules


On receiving a job offer, a person though may be filled with excitement but the next thing they need to start thinking about is, negotiating for the job offer. Negotiating for a job offer may be a difficult task for a person if they do not know how to do it. There are some steps what a person needs to do before accepting an offer and how do they negotiate the job offer in their favor.

what to do when you get a job offer

When You Get a Job Offer:


First of all, applying for a job and facing an interview is a challenging task. But when one gets a job offer letter, they are filled with excitement and are highly overwhelmed. After having that feeling, the next things are more important that has to be done by the person. If they do not do or look into these things, they will regret it later on after they have accepted the job.

What To Do After Accepting a Job Offer?

The first thing that the individual needs to do would be to see that everything in the job description has been mentioned in a detailed enough manner. The next thing would be to see if everything mentioned is in the correct order as per the requirement of the individual. If not then the person needs to negotiate terms so that the employer and the individual can come to certain terms which will be beneficial for both.



What To Do When You Get a Job Offer?

Knowing how well the job offer needs to be negotiated by an individual is very important if they want things to be in their favor. There are certain rules, 15 to be precisely considered as basic things an individual should keep in mind when discussing how to negotiate a job offer or when negotiating a job offer. They have been mentioned below.

1. Never underestimate how important likability is:

The person should know that the person about to employ them will only want them in their firm if they like them. So the individual should never attempt anything negative while the successful negotiations are going on.

This will result in the employer starting to reduce the likability towards the individual. This, in turn, reduces the person’s chances of getting the job. At this moment, the person needs to have more of a polite nature while speaking and always watch their tone.

2. Let them know why to deserve what you are asking for:

Know that for the employer to like the individual isn’t entirely enough. Along with that, they should realize that the person is worth the offer they have asked the employer.

So always tell the employers as to why the individual deserves the offer they have asked for having a story side by side to it. After the individual tells the employer why they deserve such an offer, always justify it. If not done, later on, the person can have problems considering it is an unwise decision by not justifying the offer.

3. Always be clear so that they can understand you:

No employer would want to expand or at once agree with the offer mentioned by the individual if still there is some negativity in their speech. They won’t be interested if the person still has doubts in their submitted offer and aren’t properly clear.

So explain the employer by being clear and specific by being firm while submitting the offers. If at times, a person even provides a list of options then they should have some leverage with it by also giving certain conditions for acceptance.

4. Understanding the interviewer sitting across:

Always remember, that a company never negotiates, the people representing it negotiate for the company. So before offer to negotiate or providing a counter job offer to the employer, the individual first needs to understand them. By understanding the person, negotiations can happen in a better way. Negotiating with a boss and an HR representative is very different from each other. But remember with staying direct, never annoy the person or speak harshly.

5. Understanding why they are constraining:

Constraining means refusing or holding back in providing a person something. The employer or the HR recruiter may like the individual and also think that whatever they asking for, they completely deserve it.

But they may not provide it to the individual. But they may be holding back due to some constraints like salary caps etc. So the individual should be wise enough to understand such constraints. This will adjust and solve the problems for both the people as other alternative options will be provided.

6. Being prepared for further tougher questions:

During the job interview, the candidates face certain difficult questions further on which they unexpected to come across. If a person did not prepare for these questions then they may end up saying something worse as well as untrue.

This can lead to a person losing any kind of leverage available. Therefore, the best way to solve this problem to prepare for anything that can come the way of the candidate. By doing this, the person can respond in a much better way.

7. Focus on the interviewer’s intentions and not the asked question:

If by chance, something comes across the candidate which they did not familiar with or is unexpected to ask, then there is one simple way of seeing it out.

The person should concentrate on the interviewer’s intents and not focus much on the question. Though the question may be a challenging one, the interviewer’s intentions may be gentle or kind. They may not be trying to corner the person so that they get nervous. It may be to see whether they can find some solution to it on their own.

8. Always consider the whole and complete deal:

Some people think that “negotiating for a job” and “negotiating for a salary” is similar. But they are far from different than the other. Though the salary may be low, there might be certain other benefits along with it much greater than only getting a bigger salary package.

So do not always just consider money, but also negotiate for things as good as money which will be beneficial for the individual. So always look at the whole and complete deal properly.

9. Multiple issues should negotiate simultaneously and not serially:

When an offer is made to a person, they will look at certain parts first which aren’t in their favor. So if there is more than one thing to say to the recruiter, then all these changes must be told to them at the same time.

Mention all the points that the person did not please with at once when the interviewer asks them about it. If the person keeps adding one thing at a time after they provide with solutions, then the interviewer will not interest in employing them.

10. Don’t negotiate just to negotiate:

It means that the candidate shouldn’t just negotiate just to show that they have good negotiating skills. Though if everything is proper in the job offer letter, the person still likes to show off their negotiation skills.

So the person should only negotiate if anything is important. But while negotiating do not let it turn into a fight as the issue may only be something minor and where it matters more these skills should be used in the future.

11. Always think through the timing of the offers:

When a person is searching for a job, then they will always look to getting at least one offer so that they start feeling secure. This can boost their confidence in a great way.

But at times, if a person gets an early job offer, it may sometimes lead to problems occurring. So if the person considers more than one job offer, if offers came close together at the same time it is at times very useful.

So with more offers in front of the individual they can come to a useful decision eventually rather than just going with the first offer they receive.

12. Ultimatums of any kind should either avoided, ignored or downplayed:

The candidate should not give any kind of ultimatum to the recruiter as they will not like such attitude by them. Sometimes this kind of ultimatums or demands come out just because the person may tired or frustrated.

But at a professional level, the person should keep a calm head first and then speak. Even if the recruiter gives an ultimatum to the person of any sort, they must ignore it. But after hearing it, they can try and come up with some alternative solution to it. Then just pretend that no ultimatum ever gave and move past it and forget about it.

13. Always remember, the recruiter isn’t being personal:

When salary negotiations activities go on for a long time, the candidate starts thinking that the potential employer is doing this on purpose. But realize that if the person went so far along, the employer likes such attitude and likes this person’s professionalism.

As said before, they may be just holding back just due to certain constraints. So the person should understand not to be impatient and stay calm and polite. But remember not going through candidate negotiations in the workplace, isn’t the only thing that the recruiter needs to think.

14. Do not leave the table:

If negotiation methods aren’t going as per the requirements of the individual, then do not leave the place at once. What cannot happen at the moment may happen later on in the future and the person should realize this.

Later on, the same person may be able to negotiate the same problem as the person. At the moment nothing may be in a flexible order so nothing happens properly. But now rather than leaving the situation, the person should show their trust in this person. Later on, they can persuade them to put them in a better position than they are currently in.

15. Always show a sense of perspective:

This being the final point it is the most important point. Though the person may have the best negotiation skills, if they are the wrong person they will lose it. So concentrate less on winning the negotiation process and more on getting the job right.

Know that the career path, the individual chose will, later on, determine the way they want and function in their job. On doing this only the person will get the satisfactory offer they need. And such way, influence the person’s everyday functioning in the workplace.

Getting the right offer as per the way the individual wants it to be is very difficult. Very rarely it happens at the first attempt. But when it doesn’t the individual should stay calm and think about it in a proper and detailed way how they should deal with such a situation.

The best way to do so is by being thoroughly and fully prepared for any kind of situation which arises in front of the candidate. Being ready beforehand it is important for any individual as they can understand the situation in a much better way. Not having any knowledge of such situations can cause problems for the person.

All these effective negotiation strategies and guidelines which have been mentioned above will help any individual in preparing for such a situation. Receiving a job offer and then negotiating job offer is a very difficult and challenging task.

But these guidelines will help the person negotiate in a better and much effective way. The person will get the offer that they deserve. But first, know that the job path chosen by the person is wise. It should be thoughtful enough and take the person to the heights they wish to reach in their professional life and hence they will be entirely content with their professional life.


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