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How to Reach out to Recruiters on LinkedIn?


Job seekers try out every possible option to get themselves a suitable job, and in a quest to do that they often land up in LinkedIn.

It is one of the most professional networking site where you will find the recruiters doing their work of hunting down the right candidate for the position that is vacant.

Most recruiters love to network, meet new people and find the perfect candidate for the job openings and all of these can be accomplished by making their presence felt on the platform of LinkedIn.

how to reach out to recruiters on linkedinSo, now that you know the recruiters are available here, it will be good if you can frame your questions correctly for the recruiters.

The recruiters are there looking for job seekers, so when you are requesting something you must do it after doing proper research work. They will answer your questions and also share tips that will help you in the job search along with the networking advice.

So, now it depends on you how you do your bit to reach out the recruiters on LinkedIn.

What to avoid while reaching out the recruiters:

Most of the job seekers end up looking stupid by asking silly questions. They spoil their chance of impressing the recruiter and not just that they lose out on job chances as well.

Here are some questions that you must avoid asking the recruiters while on LinkedIn.

1. Asking the recruiter to help in finding a job:

The recruiters are there to choose the candidate to fill up the job and not for finding a job to a candidate.

2. Send feedback after reviewing the resume:

The recruiters would love to help you with your resume, but as it is a time consuming affair, therefore, they will refer you to an expert who will also be charging you for the job.

It is not the type of question that impresses the recruiters, so it is best to stay away from them.

3. Pass on the information of a different contact:

It might happen that the recruiter knows the contact you are looking for, but rather than asking the recruiter to search for that contact, it is always better to carry on the search all by yourselves in LinkedIn.

4. Asking for LinkedIn recommendation:

traffic from linkedIn recommendations Recruiters are open to networking with the candidates, but if you haven’t indulged in any kind of conversation with the recruiter, then it is always better to avoid this question because they will not be able to do that without interacting with you.

5. Let’s meet up:

It is definitely a good way to make yourself known to the recruiter even better, but you cannot ask the recruiter to meet you only after your first interaction with the recruiter.

6. Too friendly in your approach:

LinkedIn is not one of those social networking sites where you can say just about anything. Instead, LinkedIn is a business networking site where you need to be professional in your approach.

LinkedIn contact level:

Most people are in a fix about how to use the LinkedIn profile to enhance their chances of getting the right kind of a job for themselves.

But, the main issue here is that you will be able to use this platform of LinkedIn only after you have applied for a position in any organization through their Career page.

Once you have applied for a position, then you can connect with someone who has some 1st level or 2nd level connections with recruiters from that particular organization where you have applied.

It is mainly due to the reason that when you get connected to this person, then automatically these connections will be in your network as well, but remember, they will only be a 2nd or 3rd level connection for you.

Now that you have them in your network, you can pinpoint the relevant person and make use of the Introduction request to introduce yourself to them.

Make them aware that you have applied for a position in their organization and also express your interest in that position by citing all the relevant experience that you have.

By doing so, you will be helping the recruiters to get vocal about you because if they are not aware of your experience, then they won’t be able to tell the decision makers that you are fit for the job or not.

You have nothing to lose, therefore, you can definitely give it a shot and see how things go for you!

Tips to Reach out to Recruiters on LinkedIn:linkedin_job_search

So, you have been looking for a suitable position for a long time, but due to some reasons or the other you are not able to pin down the position. Now, what do you do?

You already know that LinkedIn is a business networking site where all the professionals across the world are making their presence felt.

In order to connect to the right kind of people at the right time you have to keep certain things in mind and here we will be discussing some of them.

1. Look for people you know:

Start your connection with the people you already know, like some family member or some of your friends who are working in the organization where you have applied for a vacant position.

Even if they used to work there once, then also it is good to go, just reach out to them because they will be able to help you with the name of the recruiters who will be able to help them.

2. Join the career groups of the organization:

If you are applying for a position in the ABC company, then do make it a point to join their Career Groups on LinkedIn. This will help you to interact with the recruiters directly.

3. Locating the recruiters:

There is an option in LinkedIn, which says Advanced People Search that you can make use of in order to look for specific kinds of contacts. This is the function that is present on the right hand side of the page at the top.

To make the most out of this select from the dropdown menu, the option of ‘People’ that is there next to search box and then click on Advanced and you will have the Advanced People Search activated.

4. Keep in touch:

grow your linkedin connections Once you have connected with some recruiter and he said that he will keep the resume for future openings, then do keep in touch with the recruiter.

But, that doesn’t mean you will keep filling up his inbox with messages every day, instead you must make it a point to connect with him once every month, just to let him know that you are still interested in the position and you must also note down the skills that you possess in short.

5. Proper introductory message:

The introductory message that you send is important because that is the way you will be able to lure the recruiter towards you. So, your introduction should be concise, but highly professional.

6. Connecting in the right manner:

When you are trying to reach the recruiter, you must keep in mind that you will only be able to attract a recruiter, when you keep your profile updated properly.

The reason any recruiter might decline your request is only due to the fact that he didn’t find your profile to be interesting enough.

The recruiters online look at your LinkedIn profile as your resume, so you must take special care while creating it and all the details must be up to date and correct.

7. No personal message entertained:

Another reason for the rejection of your request is that you might have sent a personal message, which is not at all entertained by any recruiter out there.

So, it is always better to keep your introductory message or the conversation to professional level.

You must always make the right selection of words, otherwise you will lose out on the chance of connecting to the recruiter.

8. Void of typos and grammar error:

Your profile must not have any typo error or any grammar error, else the recruiters will not even give your profile a second thought no matter how talented and experienced you are professionally.

Proof read your profile in order to avoid all kinds of mistakes and if required, then ask someone else to do that too on your behalf just to ensure that there is nothing wrong in your profile.

9. LION Networker:

Not all recruiters are open to networking on LinkedIn. Though it might sound strange, but that is the fact.

Therefore, you can add LION at the end, which is the acronym for LinkedIn Open Networker. These are the recruiters who are open to networking and will help you out in your quest to pin down the job position in the organization.

10. Joining groups:

start your linkedin group LinkedIn does have some groups that will definitely interest you, so you can join one of them and look for the recruiters out there.

11. Common connection works:

If you have a friend working in the same organization, then you can use that connection to reach the recruiter. You can ask your friend to introduce you to the recruiter, this surely will help your cause a lot.

12. Avoid false statements:

Now that the recruiter has accepted your request and he wants to know how you know the person who have introduced you to him, then don’t lie because it is not a good way to start a relationship even when it is on a professional level.

13. Making use of the right option:

There is an option in LinkedIn, which wants to know how you know the recruiter. If you do not know the recruiter, then it is better to use ‘Other’ as the option and updating the email address.

But, if you do not have the email address of the recruiter, then it is best to frame your message in a proper manner.

14. Connecting through your photo:

There is a tool for recruiter in LinkedIn with the help of which the recruiters connect with the potential candidates and when they conduct their search through this tool they are not able to see your photos.

But, that doesn’t mean you can upload just about any photo of yours. No, you need to upload a professional image because in case the recruiters find you in some group, then you must be able to impress them right away with your image as well.

15. Have a clear objective:

Using linkedin for recruitingWhen you are trying to reach out the recruiters on LinkedIn, then you must have a clear idea about why you want to reach out to this recruiter in particular.

Moreover, you also must have a clear idea about how this specific recruiter can help you out in your quest for job search and the most important one is that you must know whether you are really interested in the role that they are recruiting for.

This will help you in making your purpose crystal clear.

16. Acknowledge the expertise of the recruiter:

So, you are sending a message to your recruiter, but what do you write in the message?

You must make complete research about the recruiter in the first place and invest some words acknowledging the expertise of the recruiter you are messaging.

If they have been working in this industry for long, then you can acknowledge that feat and start your message with that only.

17. Changing the keywords:

Make use of proper keywords while reaching out to the recruiters. If you have been using the keyword “Recruiter” without much luck, then you can try using ‘Recruiting Manager’ instead.

18. Using Zip code:

When you are looking for local recruiter, then the best way to do that is to put the zip code of yours in the box of Postal Code options.

It will come up with relevant search result and your search will be narrow down to what you are looking for.

19. Big numbers after their names:

You have been looking for recruiters, but is not sure whether the recruiter will be interested in networking or not! What do you do?

Look at the number after their names, if it says something around thousands, then it is clear that they are open to networking and that will make things easier for you.



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