Overcoming fear is very much important for an individual since this allows him/ her to survive in this modern day society. No matter what your fears might be, try to understand it, confront it and acknowledge it. Overcoming your fear helps you to show your full potential in life and helps you to enjoy your life to the fullest without any impending worries.
There are many ways in which one could face and tackle their fears in order to have an eventful life.

Overcoming Fear of Failure:
1. Realization:
Before trying to outdo and overcome your anxiety and fears, try to come to an understanding that fears can cause mayhem, disturbance and disaster in one’s life. Before attempting to eliminate your fears, try to realise the degree of seriousness of your fears. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as fear; it is your thoughts and thinking that is making you fear about various happenings and things.
2. Diagnose:
Another factor that you should keep in mind while trying to eliminate fear is to identify what exactly you are afraid of. Try to study yourself and find out the reason why you are experiencing fear. Try to have a self study process about your behaviour and the various situations that has happened.
3. Try to show interest:
Try to be curious about your fears and examine why you are acting different when you face your fear. Try to find answers to various questions such as what is your fear, why are you acting different when you face your fear, is there any way to control this fear, can I ignore my fears and move on and so on. As mentioned above, try to be an observer of your own life and find the answers to your question.
4. Consider your present:
While attempting to overcome your fears, make sure that you compare your past and your present and try to find out if anything is different. Try to find aspects that you find are lacking from your life. Accept who you are.
5. EFT:
Emotional freedom techniques are a form of emotional acupuncture that helps you to alleviate your emotional stress and pressure by focusing on the medians of the body. Emotional freedom technique is heavily based on the thought process of the individual. EMF has been used for over 5000 years and it played a great role in ancient medicine. Having a session of EMF might even help you to alleviate your fears and helps you to become fit to face the world.
6. Sedona method:
Sedona method is great method for assessing yourself and observing your fears and your personality. It is a great method to heal your emotional scars, anxiety and it can even heal one’s mental stress and pressure thus, helping them to perform better in the long run. The Sedona method consists of asking and enquiring a person about their fears, and they ask questions related to their fears and dismay.
7. Trance:
Making people free from their doubts and panic through hypnosis is also a popular method in correcting one’s fear and anxiety. Putting a person into a trance is a great way to eliminate and block sad and negative thoughts in one’s mind. The only disadvantage is that hypnosis does not apply to everyone out there. It depends on the personality and behaviour of an individual
8. Be thankful:
Whenever you are going to face your anxiety and fears, try to reverse the situation by thinking how grateful you are for the given opportunity. For instance : if you have been given a task of addressing a large group of people when you have stage fright , try to be happy and thankful that you got a chance to share your ideas with a large group of people and also you got an opportunity to share your ideas.
9. Note down your fears:
Jotting down various things and situations that make you feel uncomfortable and distressed is a great way of overcoming your fears. This is done to distract your mind from not thinking too much about the issue.
10. Talk to someone:
This is a more practical method to overcome your fear. If all of the above methods fail, try to talk it out. Find someone who is trustworthy and reliable and discuss about your fears with them. Also ask for any tips or advice, if possible.
11. Seek professional help:
Try to seek help from a good therapist or psychologist who can help you to eliminate your fear and helps you to be back on track. Having frequent therapy lessons can do wonders to your personality and behaviour and also enables you to see things in a new light.
12. NLP:
It is known as Neuro linguistic programming. This is a method that incorporates both hypnosis and self hypnosis and alters the thought process of the brain “-programming the brain” into achieving what is required. This is similar to hypnosis, but the task is more complex.
13. Life coach:
If you are a person who is under constant pressure for thinking that you are going to lose to fear, then talking to a life coach can do wonders for you. They are strict and they give you good advices and guidelines that you can follow, so as to reduce the level of fear among individuals.
14. Be active:
Whenever you feel like your fears are going to overtake you and control, then take necessary actions so as to make yourself more relaxed and also be confident enough to face your fears head-on.
15. Watch a movie:
Watching a movie helps you to alleviate the stress and pressure that has been built up in the body and it also distracts the mind from thinking too much about fear.
16. Diet:
Having healthy and natural foods work wonders for the human body. Eating natural sugars, enables the body to be more relaxed and helps the body to stay in balance. Eat healthy everyday and see the difference yourself.
17. Optimistic:
Whenever you try to face your fears, instead of having pessimistic thoughts, try to have a positive outlook on things. This will help you to mould the situation in your favour and thus, will help you to perform better and helps you to face your fears more easily.
18. Frame of mind:
While dealing with fear, it is necessary that you try to look into negative thoughts with a different perspective. Try not to view negative thoughts as such. Try not to make a big issue out of something small.
19. Submit yourself to reality:
Try to surrender and understand what the reality is and what the situation of the issue is. This is because, if you try to fight yourself with reality, at the end you will end up wrong. So it is better to accept the facts as it is and then try to tackle your fears face to face.
20. Read:
Reading self help books that inspire you and motivate you and help you to take actions against your fears is a great way to eliminate fears. Try to read books about famous personalities and understand how they had dealt with their fears. Reading books will give you a new insight on how you see fear.
21. Take action:
When you understand that fears are not as bad as you think and they are just a figment of our imagination and thinking, then try to take the necessary steps in eliminating that fear. In the end, you will come to realise that fears are not that bad as you think.
22. Do not be controlled:
Whenever you face your fears, try to keep in mind that you are not controlled by your fears. Try to understand that even experienced and seasoned professionals also have fears of screwing up, but they still do their jobs with perfection. Try to keep that mindset and you’re good to go.
23. Be empathetic:
Make sure that you are in a position to help others and try to be good to others. Not only does this will help others, but it will also have a positive impact on your own personality and behaviour. In the end you will feel good about yourselves.
24. Interpretation:
Keep in mind that everything happens for a reason, so there is no need for you to be afraid about your fears and stay closeted all your life just because of it. Try to explore and find various methods in which you can overcome your fears and anxiety.
25. Have a mentor:
Try to have a role model, whom you can look up to, try to understand and take notes on how they conquered their fears that you have and become successful in life. Try to have a talk with them and take necessary advice and suggestions from them and apply them in your own life.
26. Meditate:
Try to pray and meditate to keep your mind in a state of serenity and calm. Try to find answers on how to overcome your fears by praying for a way and a path for guidance.
27. Try not to over think:
When you are going to face your fears, keep in mind that it is not going to be the end of the world. You will still be alive and kicking afterwards. When you are going to face your fears, ensure that you can overcome even the worst situations that life can throw at you. This allows you to be more confident while facing your anxiety and weaknesses.
28. Do yoga:
Meditating and doing yoga regularly can help you to release the energy that is trapped within your body and helps you to be calm and composed even in the most stressful situation. It also releases the tension within you.
29. Examine your downfalls:
One of the most important things that you have to do while facing your fears is to examine your previous failures. This step is mandatory as this can help you to prevent repeating the same mistakes again. This will also help you to become a better individual.
30. Try to find the origin:
While doing the previous step, try to find the heart of the problem. Try to find the root cause of your anxiety. This is where meditation and praying comes into role. Try to observe within you and find when your fear had started. This can help you to eliminate the fear.
31. Take deep breaths:
Whenever you are going to face your fears and anxiety, try to have deep long breaths that help you to stay focused throughout the task. Taking deep breaths acts as a form of weight that helps you to stay in one place and tackle your fears that you have.
32. Try to find answers:
While going through a journey of self-exploration, try to ask and enquire about various questions that you have not only for yourself, but also to god, your parents etc. Find answers to these questions and this will help you to stay in the correct path while you face your fears.
33. Try to reflect:
Whenever you face a situation where you had to face your fears, find a way to address these fears. This helps you to face them as it is and help you to see them nothing much more than mere obstacle.
34. Recognise the symptoms of fears:
While you are facing your fears, you might get an anxiety attack or you might feel panicked. Try to understand such symptoms and try to overcome them. The symptoms include high heart rate, sweating, dizziness, feeling weak etc.
35. Mask your fears as an opportunity:
This is the basic that everyone should do while facing their anxiety and fears. Try to see fears as a chance to prove yourself that you can conquer any challenge that comes in your way. This makes you feel more confident and controlled over your life.