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How to Make your Morning & Afternoon Commute Productive


With the jobs getting diversified from one end of the city to another, the commute to the workplace has become quite time consuming. With opportunities coming up at different places it is at times not possible for one to change the places frequently.

It does feel that commute is kind of a waste of time while standing in a metro or driving a car when stuck at a traffic signal. But the interesting part is that if one understands the importance of free time while commuting then one can easily utilise that time.

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Productive Commute – 15 Hacks to Try:

1. Prepare to do list:

The importance of to do list is an underrated one. Making a list of all the work require to do in a day is helpful to get all the necessary job done. While on the metro or stuck in a traffic signal, preparing the to-do list for the day will be quite helpful.

Carry a small diary and jot down the points or you can download various apps on the phone and can write there. The advantage of using an app is that you can set the alarm to the task and it will remind you when to complete it.

2. Read newspaper and news on mobile apps:

Keeping oneself updated about the day to day affairs in our world is important. Because of the rush, many people are not able to read the newspaper early in the morning. Best is to carry the newspaper with you and read it while commuting.

If carrying newspaper seems difficult than download various newspaper apps and keep yourself updated on the daily news. Knowledge never goes in vain so knowing about the world will be helpful in long run.

3. Clear emaIl inbox:

Most of our mail inboxes are filled with junk mails, spams or are subscribed to unnecessary emails. While travelling in a bus or metro, it is the best time to clear up the inbox space. Sort out the emails that are required and which are not needed anymore.

It might seem as a small job but keeping the inbox clean is equivalent to keeping the workspace clean. By removing the unnecessary emails not only the inbox space increases but only the relevant mails will come to you, saving your time from checking useless emails.

4. Listen to music/radio:

Switch on your FM and listen to the latest music, it will refresh you and prepare you up for the day ahead. Music has its own way, create a playlist of your choice and try incorporating the music of various genres.

Explore the music of the diffirent culture, listen to what makes you happy. Radio is another medium which helps you to know what is going on in your city with fresh music. Radio has interesting jokes to laugh on and also is a great companion while commuting for work.

5. Read a book:

As a kid many of the people use to read the book but as we grow up, the reading habit gradually dies. Commuting for work in train and bus is a great opportunity to read a book. Buy a nice book or open a book which has been in the shelf for a long time.

Reading helps not only to increase the vocabulary but also makes the mind more creative and imaginative. There are various books available to read from if you want to get inspired read self-help book, spiritual book or pick up a nice novel and lose yourself in the magic land.

6. Work on your social media profile:

Maintaining social media profile has become quite important these days since most of the companies looking to hire someone tends to go through their social pages. It is good to keep a check on your digital profile, update them with your current job status and browse through for the best opportunities available. Or one can reconnect with old friends over it and it might lead to a good weekend get together.

7. Set a goal:

With such a busy schedule one is not able to review their achievements and failures or what they want out of their life. This is the best time to think about your aims and visions or plan a new goal. It could be about pursuing your passion or something you want to achieve at work. At times, commuting time is more of the alone time where no one can disturb you. Hence using it as your own mental space will be of great help.

8. Do breathing exercise:

In a life full of pressure and stress people are not able to breathe properly. Taking a deep breath daily is good for health just by inhaling enough oxygen can keep you healthy. You can take this time and can spend some time to take a deep breath, it will also help you calm in the rush while commuting. Spend some time and try developing the habit of taking deep breaths at intervals. It will help you to deal with office work and stress also.

9. Walk a bit:

Instead of taking a cab, spend some time walking towards your office. The common excuse for not able to find time to exercise can be dealt here, walking few steps daily is good for health in long term. Sitting in the office chair for long hours are harmful for the body so try walking daily a bit will keep you healthy and fresh. Stretch your body in between and loosen up your muscles. This is a very healthy and best fitness tip.

10. Observe around:

In the rush to reach the office one tends to miss out on the beauty of people and nature around. If your are standing or sitting while travelling, observe around look from the window and see the places. Find something interesting and see if that makes you smile. Observe the kind of people around and how they react listen to the conversations if you find something interesting in it. Observation is the part of the learning process which is good to increase the practical knowledge of the world.

11. Sleep:

Sometimes a good night seems difficult and it leads to a cranky behaviour throughout the day. While commuting for work if it is a long route it is the best time to take a quick nap. Set your alarm clock and sleep for some time, take rest and this power nap will make you feel fresh by the time you will reach your office.

12. Solve a puzzle:

Exercise your mind, solve quizzes, play the interesting game on your mobile. Find mentally challenging questions to solve, it will keep you engaged while travelling but also you will not feel the distance much. As a good physical exercise is important similarly strengthening your brain is of equal importance. With so many quiz and games available free on phones one can choose which they want to play. Hence, utilise the technology and time.

13. Interact with someone new:

Running for work has reduced the amount of social interaction one use to have previously. Travelling is one of the best time to talk to random people around and know them. If you belong to the creative field where one is required to give new concepts then this will be the best source to find new and interesting stories and inspiration. At times, you might make friends for life, other times you might get to learn something from someone’s experience. Share your experience talk to people, play with the kids around and this will lighten up your day. Share smiles and listen to stories.

14. Watch a short film:

Entertain yourself, download films on the phone and watch them while travelling. If you are not a film buff then look for various educational videos or documentaries. One will be amazed the amount of interesting content is available online. Watching these videos and films are not just entertaining but many a times open our eyes to the world completely different from ours. It can also show the culture of other place and how people across the globe experience their lives.

15. Finish up the pending work:

If you are lagging behind in your work, then try catching up while commuting. Switch on your laptop and see what all is left, you will be amazed the kind of efficiency can increase while working on the way. It is a different experience altogether. Also winding up your work will take the load off the day and can allow you to leave early for home.

Above are few suggestions of how one can utilise the time while commuting for work, but there are various other things that can be done. It does not need something special to become a multi-tasker but smart way of managing time. So it is of utmost important to stop complaining about the lack of time and know how and when one can utilise the time efficiently. Smart and successful people use these simple tactics to do their work and stay ahead of everyone.

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