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15 Good Reasons to Love for Living and Working in Germany


Have you been considering for a while to move to Germany and start working there but for some reason or the other you just cannot give yourself that final push?

Going to a new place and starting your life afresh is challenging as well as daunting task which not many are up for, however for your benefit here are a list of some of the reasons why people who live in Germany love working there are extremely happy and they would not trade the lives they have there for anything.

love working in germanyLiving and Working in Germany – Top 15 Reasons:

1. The Thriving Economy of Germany:

As opposed to any other places in Europe, Germany has a thriving economy, with a number of top companies that are always looking out for qualified, bright as well as disciplined individuals to be a part of their group.

If you think that you have what it takes to make the cut then you should seriously consider looking for a job there.

People that have jobs here say that they are paid extremely well and at no point do they feel that they are being over worked and under paid.

2. No sort of communication gap at the work place:

Most people think that Germans are only fluent in their native Language and rarely speak English at all; however this couldn’t be farther from the truth as Germans speak English very frequently.

In addition to this it is not like they communicate to one another in German, they ensure that everyone irrespective of their individual nationality feels like they are a part of the conversation. So at no point in a discussion at work will you feel left out or at a disadvantage.

3. The Excellent quality of life owing to good salaries:

It is not an unknown fact that Germans have an excellent quality of life. So when you are working here and earning well owing to the places thriving economy you too will be able to enjoy a good standard of living at par with everyone else.

So if you work hard you will easily be able to afford a spacious abode for yourself and your family where you could spend quality time with each other and make beautiful memories together.

4. Great place for research and development:

Germans have it in their blood to work hard and strive for perfection at all costs. If you are interested in the field of technological research and development then this is the place that you want to be!

The Germans make use of the state of the art technology to make sure that they do not have to waste unnecessary time doing some work that a machine can do in a shorter span of time. They have extreme concentration powers and after working with them, this is something you will imbibe.

5. High minimum wages offered to workers:

No matter what qualifications you have or where you are working, you can be rest assured that you will be paid your minimum wage without any hassle.

However it is important to note that this minimum wage too, will ensure that you have a good standard of living and you will not have to struggle hard to keep your head above water each month. This is something that is truly noteworthy of the place that makes it ideal for working at.

6. No speed limit while driving, so you will never be late to work:

One problem faced by everyone across the globe is the issue of heavy traffic jams. In an attempt to try and reach their work place on time, people are forced to leave their homes an hour or two before reporting time.

However one thing great about working in Germany is that there are absolutely no speed limits assigned for motor vehicles. If you value your life and those of the people around you, it is your responsibility to ensure that you leave your house on time and drive at a permissible speed.

7. Cycling is encouraged:

One thing great about working in Germany is that you are encouraged to cycle to work and no one will look down upon you for taking your bike to work. Even bosses do not come to work in luxurious cars, they make use of this environment friendly way.

This is indeed a wonderful practice that more people across the globe ought to consider making a part of their daily schedule. This is one sure way to ensure that you stay fit as well!

8. A number of interesting bonuses offered throughout the year:

In addition to the usual Christmas and summer bonuses offered to employees, there are bonuses given throughout the year to give workers an incentive to give their one hundred percent at all times.

Having such schemes ensures that employees are happy and never feel like they are not being rewarded enough for their efforts.

Rather since they are encouraged so much they always try to outdo their previous efforts with each project assigned to them.

9. Great Coffee available to help you get through the day:

Many people find it difficult to get through the day without multiple cups of coffee to keep them awake. If you are one of the people then you are simply going to love working in Germany as there is excellent coffee available at almost every street corner.

So rest assured that you never have to look far for that yummy warm glass of espresso that will just help you clear your mind and think in a clear and comprehensive manner.

10. Many thermal baths as well as spas to help you relax:

If you might be wondering about some ways in which you could alleviate yourself of your stress during the weekends, then one of the most common things that people in Germany go in for is some spa treatment which surely gets them to relax and feel rejuvenated.

It is very easy to make an appointment at one of these thermal baths as well as spa places and rest assured that you will not be burning a hole through your pocket when availing of these top class services.

11. Low unemployment rate:

If after working for a while , the realization dawns on you that maybe this is not your calling or that you are not being given your fair dues then do not hesitate to hand in your resignation at any given time.

There are plenty of employment opportunities that are open before you, irrespective of whether your interest lies in the field of business, finance, fashion or even academics. The low employment rate of Germany is a testimony to this fact.

12. Office drinking is encouraged:

This is one of the chief reasons why most people love working in Germany, the fact that office drinking is both allowed as well as encouraged!

It is not often that you hear something like that now, do you? In addition to this, there are also interesting get together parties held on Friday evenings after work hours where employees of the company get to mix around and get to know their colleagues better. This helps improve the rapport that employees have with one another.

13. Public transport is reliable:

One great thing about working in Germany is that public transport is both reliable and safe. You never have to worry about your bus or train arriving late and causing you a great deal of inconvenience.

In addition to this it will also make you happy to know that the public transport runs through the night and even on the weekends. So even if you do not have your own car or motorbike, you can always depend on public transport.

14. Cleanliness and order:

One thing that anyone living and working in Germany loves about the place is that it is extremely clean and everything is done in an orderly fashion and this discipline extends to the work place as well.

15. No beating around the bush at the work place:

At the work place everyone is extremely cordial with one another. However a junior will not be afraid to put forth his or her point of view irrespective of the fact that he or she is sitting before the boss or the chairman.

Similarly if a boss is holding a presentation he will not take the unnecessarily trouble of beginning with an ice breaking session, he will head straight to the point speaking no extra words.


So one thing is for certain, even if you were in two minds about going to Germany, previously, now you most likely cannot wait to pack your bags and head there to start your life afresh.

In life, it is alright to take a few risks once in a while, you never know something good might come out of it.

However on the other hand if you already live and have a job in Germany then going through this comprehensive list is sure to have made you fall in love with the place all over again.


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