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What to do and not to do on Last Day of Work?


The things to be done on the very first day of the work are known to all. Behaving properly, putting up the good impression, obeying by saying just YES, after all you are new, but here is the point of what things to do on your last day at work and what not to be done. So here is the list of things of some do’s and don’ts on the last days of work.

last day of workWhat not to do on Last Day of Work?

1. Do not spit out the frustration:

Although you have worked for long haul hours, got scolding on not meeting the deadline or whatever the reasons were, just do not let that frustration come out as it will only put the wrong impression. This happens to almost everyone to shed off the whole lot of frustration on the boss, but this should be given a big no.

2. Do not leave the pending work:

Before leaving the office, make sure you accomplish your work. All the pending work should be completed so that no work is left for the next employee to come.

3. Do not delete the saved files:

The work you did whole life in office should not be deleted as that becomes the asset of the office. In some places, it is illegal to delete the whole work before leaving office. So before taking such a step, go through the policies and norms of the company.

4. Do not steal the office supplies:

All the stationery provided by the company should be given back. Do not take it along with you. It is against the ethics, so do not violate it. The stationary like the notepads, pencils, pen, printers and so on should be kept as it is the place from where it is taken.

5. Save the important mails and clear the unimportant ones:

Check out all the emails. Keep the important ones like the words of praise from any co worker, or boss, or good feedback on the completion of the work and so on. Such appreciations will motivate you further in your life and will also remind you of your good experiences you had throughout the work period.

6. Do not indulge in any argument:

Do not indulge yourself in any of the argument with a co worker or a colleague. Even if you had any tensed state of mind with any of the colleague, better to solve it before leaving or it will only bad mouth your image after you leave the office.

7. Bid a warm adieu:

Solve all the issues, if there were any among the co-workers and bid everyone a warm bye. This will not only help you in being happy but also will make the environment in the office happy.

8. Change your voice mails:

It is the right time to change your voice mails into the informal callers. Also, make sure you divert all the required emails to the new co worker.

9. Clean up your desk:

Your desk at the end of the day should not look like a trash can. Throw all the unwanted papers in the dustbin and keep with you the vital ones. Same goes for the files also. Also, let the new comer know where he or she could find the files and the important documents.

10. No personal documents should be left out:

Check out the desk and your cabin properly and thoroughly. Do not leave any of the personal document on the desk. Check every corner and if possible take back the documents of yours from the ones, you once gave to. The personal documents may include your passports, the appreciation letter, the internship certificate if in case you are an intern. So take all of them along with you. Do not leave it for other’s unfutile use.

11. Your exit interview:

At many places, exit interviews are held. It is held to know the reason behind leaving the office or may be to bid good farewell to the individual. Whatever it is, just make sure your interview goes well and you are confident enough to answer every question put forth on you.

12. You are super excited about your new job:

Never ever say that you are excited about the new job. This goes in bad taste of the company and may turn the tables upside down. May be you do not get the permission to leave and you may have to stick there only. Be smart enough to use the words.

13. Do not bad mouth anything:

You are leaving the office where you worked for years, or probably which gave you a chance to form your foundation. So never bad mouth that organization. Always be thankful and grateful to what you learned from that organization. Be thankful to the staff and also the boss. This will help bring a smile on everyone’s face and also it will be in the interest of your future.

14. No comparison:

When leaving the organization, do not compare yourself with anyone. Just be yourself and explain how you felt working there for too long. Also, do not sing tunes of any other company you knew was better than this. Just be good at what you are right now.

What to do on Your Last Day of Work?

1. Ask for your performance:

Before leaving, do ask your boss regarding your performance. It will give you a boost and also will motivate you if it was good and satisfying according to your boss. Even if the response is not so positive, you will happen to improve it the very next time. So both ways it will serve your motive and vested interest. So do not hesitate and ask your co workers and also the boss regarding your overall performance.

2. Collect your contacts:

Once you leave, collect the contacts from everyone so as to keep in touch with everyone. Take the contacts of co workers, clients, vendors, all other business partners, professional networks and all those with whom you would like to stay in touch in the future. You can even reach out to LinkedIn to make further contacts.

3. Celebrate with office mates:

It’s the day of your farewell in office. Let the farewell be memorable. So, celebrate it with full pomp and show. Last day to work is the emotional one and before you finally leave after wrapping up the things, packing the bags and finalizing the transactions, just celebrate it with the mates and make it memorable instead of emotional.

4. Do not have a negative approach on the last days at work:

You are leaving everyone in the office. Do not create a negative atmosphere. Do not say that this place is a sinking ship, you do not know how to manage the things, you are super excited about the next job, you did not get a good exposure here and so on. Just be positive. Do not speak ill of anyone and neither of the office. Be happy and make others also happy.

5. No revengeful attitude:

Do not keep a revengeful attitude while leaving. Someone may have done bad to you but remembering it till the end will only incite you to take revenge. So, do not be revengeful and just forget everything, bring a smile on face, resolve all the issues with everyone and bid everyone a good bye. Everyone will remember you for bad if you fight on the last day in job , but your motive should be to let everyone remember you for all the good you did.

6. Be an example for others:

You should be an example for others. Do not leave even a single stone unturned to be exemplified by others by the boss. Be good to all and everyone will be good to you in return. Though bosses never usually exemplify any of their employees in fornt of others, but you never know, if your work was awesome, you may get extra appreciation by the way of getting exemplified.

So, above are the points that one should keep in mind while leaving the office. Do’s and the don’ts are essentials to be kept in mind while leaving the office. Everyone should know before they leave the office.

Make sure you go through the policies and the norms of the company and then follow the do and don’ts accordingly. At some places being informal on the last day at work is prohibited as some are entirely strict but at some place, a little liberalized behaviour is accepted. So, make a move according to that.


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