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How to know if a Company is good to Work for? Useful Tips


As the world is growing continuously and economically, more companies pop up, however their infrastructure can be hesitated as work is unpredictable and paychecks are amended due to taxes. It becomes a challenge to find a job that will help endure the family, and it is also quite challenging to work for large corporations as they become more arduous.

Often those who profit from these enterprises are those at the top and not the ones behind desks. To avoid such problems one must find a well-paying occupation and if it is for a company, the question raised is

how will you know if it is the right place?

Here are a few ways to discover if the job you are currently pondering is what you should be doing.

company is good to work

How to Avoid Bad Employers:

1. Social Media:

The most apparent thing to do in this case is to google search for the company details. Look at reviews and at their website, read through and get an idea of their mission. Check whether they have won any sort of recognition and if they offer a stable income.

However the most important thing to see is whether they have overcome any hindrances and how? These aspects open up their commitment towards work and their sustainability. This would assure you a guaranteed job as their decisions would be certain.

The other advantage with social media is Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn profiles. Not only you are learning more about them, but also what others have to say from customers to past employees or current employees, and even reporters and newscast.

Other professional’s idea towards the company can be known which makes you clear in case of doubt, if a majority of them are good responses, you are heading the right direction but if there are a multiple amount of complaints, you will know it is not a good environment. Read articles and the newspapers. Compare with other corporations, by this way you can judge where the company stands in terms of economy and what is better.

2. Immediate connections:

Before you can work for any sort of company it is important to seek advice from family and friends. Find out their thoughts and if they have connections to this company, if so who and how? Maybe they have experiences they want to share which will help make your decision easier.

If especially, one of family members has worked in the company, it can determine your choice as you may have the same preference and share a certain expectations of what kind of work environment you want.

Friends and family can also help you reach out to others who can offer their thoughts on the company, the more feedback you get the better. Your family’s input should be your priority as they are far more reliable then Google.

3. Visitations:

You can research, you can question others but the best results come from your own personal attempt. Visit the company or a branch closest to you. Pick up pamphlets, inspect the area and interview others there.

Again, ask them on their experience and seek advice. If possible, spend a day around the grounds and observe their interactions, get a feel of the environment, take note of what impresses or displeases you.

When you are around their work environment, you get a feel of the company. By the building or office they are in, you are able to tell where their income falls. A company working in a shack is not reliable, but if you are in office block where sophistication is within the walls you can immediately know what can be expected.

Notice employees and how they interact with customers, notice the customers – where do they come from? Are they all businessmen and women or are they from different classes. Who they attract, can give you an idea of whether they are broadminded or focus on a specific group.

4. Employees of the Company:

If and when you find someone who is tied in and can give you an idea of their experience; make sure you listen. Though you may be able to read from the web, it is better to hear a personal response and many companies do not make the work hours or pay known until the interview or after, there is a vague estimate but it is not precise. If you encounter one who has that experience, ask them.

Employees are a prominent part of the business, they are what create a business and their input is what makes it possible to have business. Many of them might have a LinkedIn profile, which will allow you to connect with them and inquire about the company. Note, not all many tell you their honest opinions but some will.

Not only can you come to decision by yourself, you must also be the employee they search for. A company can we ruined by their employees (as said before employees are the reason for a business to thrive) therefore many are extremely conscious of who they hire for, they do not and will not tolerate any sort of damage to their business.

The kind of people that are hired at any corporation will help you understand who you will be working for. When you have an idea of what the company is built on, look into what they want and the two most important things to keep an eye for are:

Important Things to Focus on:

1. Work Ethic:

Remember you are not the only one competing for this job. If the company has certain work hours, or a consistent work ethic they will expect all their employees to be spotless in their lifestyle and always bring the best to the table.

Companies hire employees who are responsible, diligent and trustworthy. There are criteria and rarely do they employ those who do not fit it, if jobs are delegated to those whose work ethic is sloppy, it is most likely that they will receive work that no one wants. The most important characteristic they want is respect, a company cannot run without mutual respect. If you mistreat your fellow employees, employer or customer, without a doubt you will be dismissed.

According to companies work ethic you will be able to tell whether they are successful and have a level of trust within the system. If they do not hire employees that have with admirable qualities, that is a good thing but if they do it may mean they are desperate and are not conscious about their business. The work ethic speaks out louder than any review or article.

2. Experience:

Companies are finicky while picking employees as they want to choose the best, though employees have an outstanding record and a flawless work ethic. But it is also very rare to pick fresh graduates or ones with no experience unless they offer internships where they can asset their options.

Experience shows the level of quality within the industry, whether the employee has recently graduated university or if they have been working on the field for decades. A company’s experience is top priority, this shows how advanced they are in their business and what sort of people they hire.

If you believe you are right for the part and have made an appointment, dress for the part and be confident. In interviews they will ask personal questions that may make you feel uncomfortable but keep in mind they are only asking questions to seek out the best employees. They will ask questions such as:

  • What did you do before this?
  • What and where did you study?
  • What does your family do?
  • How many siblings do you have? What do they do?
  • Why did you apply for this job?
  • What do you hope to achieve?
  • How will you contribute to this company and help us?
  • Are you looking for part-time or full time?
  • What intrigued you about us?
  • Do you have criminal record?
  • Have you done anything in your past you regret? If so, what?

Now they may not ask these exact questions but it will feel slightly like an interrogation. These questions are raised to ensure that they hire employees that will strength their industry. A single interview can prove their level of intelligence and say how serious they are about their business.

If after an interview, they hire one with no experience or qualifications, it is best to ask why. Because again, it can mean they are desperate but it can also say that they are looking beyond a person’s education and seeking for talent. This is uncommon, but if it is the case, you are in a great position. Companies that hire ones with talent whether educated or not, show that they are more than just success and money.

Final Words:

Though by googling a company you are able to get an idea of where a company stands in the world of business, statistics cannot always show if one will adjust and be comfortable in a work area such as an office.

To be sure a company is worth working for; t he best option is to hear from employees or employers of that certain business, what their thoughts are and their suggestion. As always, do your homework and research who you are working for because a company is only as good as their employees.


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