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How to Make Job Search Fun and Interesting?


Ever been excited at the prospect of a Job search? Very likely, no! Searching for a Job, can be time consuming and a tedious practice. It also takes up a lot of energy. The process is long drawn out, starting with preparing the interesting portfolio and resume as well as applying for the prospective job. It is a necessity and needs to be done. However, it can be made more fun and interesting. One can be sure that process of job search need not follow any rule. Certain things are necessary, but other than that, do whatever appeals. Try to make the whole procedure more enjoyable. Begin by taking a look at ways to make it easier and pleasurable.

Fun Interesting Job Search

Tips to Make Job Search Fun:

1. Something fun about Job Search:

Find out which aspect of the job search is exciting or fun. Networking is the best way to get the most suitable job as well as to connect with people. Go for it if that appeals. One could also find a job after the thorough research. Go with the method that is suitable and fun. Another option available is online networking. Try and make boring stuff more easy.

2. Start with easy stuff:

Changing jobs is so time consuming and a dreary process. Begin the job search with easy things. One might need to associate with friends or family and garner support from them in the endeavor and job hunt. One could also join the job search tech support group, so that one would find the correct motivation as well as support.

3. Get Help:

There is still things that are time consuming and takes a lot of care in the process of searching for a job. One such example is building up a good resume. The resume is the most important aspect in a job hunt and needs to attract attention of the recruiters. For this reason, to make the most of it, one can get the experts to do it. Outsourcing helps to simplify the process as well as to provide the best results.

4. Make a list of things to do with Job Search:

Begin by keeping track of interesting to be done, while on a job search. Keep details of the networking done or of the jobs applied to. One can use the excel or spread sheet to keep track of the completed tasks. Try to finish out easy and interesting work first. At the same time, try sort out more time consuming functions and make it more fun and interesting.

5. Keep track of performance while on Job Search:

Once the list of things done is ready, see how many times one does something as part of the job search. For example, have a look at the number of times that calls were made for networking purpose, the number of resumes send out by emails or mails and the number of meetings as well as job interviews attended.

6. Marketing Strategies:

Find ways that are pleasing to promote oneself. One could start writing blogs for that very purpose. Writing can be an interesting work. On the other hand, go on to make sure that one knows the best way to negotiate with others and get the best out of the deal. Interacting with the prospective companies can sure be fun.

7. Compete in Job Search:

Try and compete with friends on who leads in the Job hunt. See the number of jobs applied to or interviews attended. Draw comparison with the results. If someone had one interview, try scheduling for two. See what makes some resume or blog more interesting or fun. Do whatever is required to make ones more attractive.

8. Keep a journal of the Job search:

Make sure to write the feelings and experiences of a candidate while out on a Job hunt in the journal. After a period of time, analyze it to see what worked as well as what needs to be done to get positive results. Keep track of the trends seen while out on Job search.

9. Involve in Volunteer Work:

Volunteer experience is of course an added benefit in the resume. At the same time, working as a volunteer helps one to build up rapport with authority figures of the volunteer community, which might be useful for the customer at a later date to land the job.

10. Network on Social Media:

With the rise in popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook, Linkedin and so on, reconnecting with one’s friends and former colleagues sure become an easy job. It is surely fun and interesting and could as well help one to connect with a person or two, who could help with the job search.

11. Keep track of the status of the Jobs that you applied to:

Keep track of the status of the jobs applied to. Be sure to follow up with the recruiter after sometime to know the outcome. Be organized. Keep track of what has been done or what needs to be done. Follow up on the details and see which strategy worked best, thus helping to land the job.

12. Research on the company:

Prior to applying for a job, search online and collect proper information about the prospective company, where you hope to work at a later date. Google search for the company name such as the ‘NeaArts Media’ or ‘Wipro Technologies’ and pull up search results to get the company website, where one can check the entire job application process. One could also call up these companies to get more details. This entire process can be fun and entertaining.

13. Organize a Job Hunting Club:

Make job hunting into an amazing course of action. Arrange for people on the job hunt to start the club, where one could discuss and analyze with the rest and discuss the happenings and the result. The meetings or rather the planning sessions help the customer to connect with more people in the same situation.

14. Dress Smart:

Who said searching for a job is boring? One can make it more interesting and fun. Shopping is a way to add spice to the job search. One need not buy new clothes or go for a totally new wardrobe. However, at first, one would need to go shopping to find that smart and trendy dress for the interview, so that one can look their best. Apart from it, one also need to go for a new hair style or even opt to experiment with latest nail colours. Dressed in new and smart clothes one could also get self confidence. Formal or Semi formal clothes are preferred while out for an interview.

15. Celebrate the Wins:

Throughout the job hunt, keep track of the successes. Be it landing the suitable job or getting called for an interview, celebrate the success as an attempt to motivate ones to do better in life. Be it a big win or small achievement in the process, be sure to celebrate it.

16. Go out every day:

While on the job hunt, step out of the house everyday. From the unemployment office to lunch or tea out with family or friends or a visit to the local library, there are so many places to go out to. Go out to a networking event, so that one can find help to land that perfect job. Discuss and analyze job hunt strategies with friends and family while out. One can also visit the local job clubs, the networking events or business groups, so as to get help in the search for a job.

17. Exercise as a form of relaxation:

Exercise, of course, helps one to keep healthy and fresh. It is also the best way to relieve one from stress. Get into weights training or Aerobics workout as an attempt to lose weight or burn calories, even a Pilates can help out to lessen the muscle aches, resulting from staying in front of a computer, searching for a job. At the same time, to reduce tension and stress in life, opt to do yoga. With the refreshed mind after this time exercising, one can expect to come back to the job search with a fresh approach, thus aiming to get better results

Additional Tips On making Boring Job Search Fun:

Finding a job is never easy. It takes up lots of time, energy and space. Do not expect perfection. Go easy on yourself. Go for some innovative out of the box process to apply to the job to make it more fun and interesting.

Take a break from the Job hunt for some time and come back to search for a job, totally refreshed. One could also look for social media as the platform to search for a job.

The best way to attract attention of the recruiter is to build up an online portfolio, with the opportunity to display the sample works. Setting it up can be really fun and interesting.

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