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Job Interview Success – 13 Helpful Tips and Suggestions


A job interview is one of the major milestones in getting a good job. You need to be really well prepared to attend a job interview and impress the interviewers. There are many factors that cunt in an interview that we do not notice as freshers. Here we have made a list of the major tips and suggestions that can help you bag your dream job easily. These simple tips and guidelines will help you impress your interviewers and secure a good career option.

How to Dress for Job Interview Success?

What you wear is what makes the first impression on the person who interviews you. You need to be really careful while selecting an attire for the interview. The dress code rules may vary based on the trade and the industry for which you wish to work.

1. The Formal Attire:

If you are planning to work for a marketing or sales firm, you need to stick to the formal attire prescribed for formal interviews. A man would be expected to wear a black trouser and a white shirt. You may or may not wear a tie for the interview. Women may either choose to wear the trouser and shirt for formal interviews. Women may also choose to wear formal skirts for interviews. Pick a formal attire that suits you perfectly.

2. The Right Accessories:

Right accessories help you achieve the perfect look that is required for jobs and interviews. There are many accessories that help to add to your persona. A watch on your wrist reveals that you are a time conscious person. Make sure you pick a watch that blends perfectly with your formal attire. While women have a fad for fancy watches, they are not ideal for wearing during interviews.

Men should select a belt for their trouser that fits perfectly. Avoid belts with loose buckles as these create a bad impression. A pen is a good accessory to carry along when you are heading for an interview.

3. The Hygiene Care:

Most people fail to understand that grooming and maintenance have a great impact on the minds of the interviewers. A well-groomed and perfectly well maintained individual can create a lasting impact with lesser effort. Before heading for an interview make sure you have your clothes perfectly ironed and your shoes perfectly polished. You need to strictly avoid smoking before an interview. A foul breath can have a negative impact. You may select a mint mouth freshener to relieve you of the foul breath. You need to have a fresh look. Men should prefer a clean-shaven look for a job interview.

Preparations for the Interview:

You need to physically and mentally prepare yourself before you appear for an interview. You need to make sure you carry along everything that you may need during your first job interview. Here we have listed out a few of the major things that you may need.

1. Documents To Carry:

You need to make sure that you carry a hard copy of your resume along with you when you appear for an interview. You may use a strip file to carry the documents. You also need to make sure that you carry a passport size photograph along with you when you go for the interview.

You may create the resume yourself or seek the assistance of some professional resume writer. If you are appearing for a creative job profile, you may add some colour to your resume. There are info-graphic resumes trending in the creative jobs these days. You may opt for these too if you think it will add to your resume.

2. Decorum to Follow:

There are some things that count a lot during the job interviews. One of these is surely the true nature of the job seeker. You need to make sure you speak politely and nicely to the interviewers. A confident handshake usually has a great positive impact. You also need to make sure you reach the venue of the interview on time without any delays. In case some emergency problem on the way causes a delay, you need to make it a point to inform the company regarding the delay.

How to Communicate Effectively During an Interview?

Even if you start preparing days before the interview, you are sure to have a tough time during the interview. People often get nervous during the interview rounds. You need to make sure that you do not suffer from stress or anxiety during the interview. Effective communication is the main key to a successful interview. Here are some tips to help you communicate effectively.

1. Reflect Confidence:

If you are confident, it is clearly evident in your body language. Nervousness and anxiety also make themselves equally evident. Make sure you do not bite your nails or itch your head during the interview. When you speak, speak confidently while looking the interviewer in the eye. Do not hesitate or stammer as these are clear traits of lack of confidence.

2. Have the Right Attitude:

The right attitude plays a key role in the way you present yourself. You may be posed with several questions and you are not expected to know the answers to all the questions. Yet, if you do not know something, you need to confidently express your views. People who are confused or tensed are never liked by the interviewers.

3. Gestures and Postures also count:

You may not realize this but your gesture or posture also has an impact on the interviewer. Drooping shoulders reflect a lack of confidence or lowered self-esteem. Individuals who fail to make a proper eye contact during their conversation are known to be hiding something or guilty. Such people are bound to create a negative impact on the minds of the interviewers.

Five Questions You May Expect In Your Job Interview?

While every interview session is unique in itself, there are some questions that you may expect in any job interview session. If you are aware of what you should expect, you will be able to appear for the interview confidently. Here we have listed out a couple of questions that are commonly asked during job interviews, especially to freshers.

1. What is your strength/ weakness?

This is one of the most common questions posed to freshers during their job interviews. The interviewer tries to understand how well you know your skills and abilities. He tries assess whether you know what you lack. The answers to such questions should be framed with extreme care. Do not ever reveal what you lack as the interviewers may use these facts against you. Frame answers in a manner that it only impresses and leaves no scope for complaint or speculation.

2. What is your favourite hobby or pass-time?

Answer this question keeping in mind the post for which you are appearing for interview. If you are appearing for a sales job interview, do not say your hobby is dancing or singing as it is not going to help you in any way. You may instead say you enjoy shopping and often come across good deals through negotiating. The skill to negotiate is going to help you in your sales career.

3. Where do you find yourself in the next five years?

It is good to have some clear career goals. If you are asked where you see yourself in five years, you need to have a clear idea what designation or job responsibility you would enjoy to shoulder. It is not necessary that you are able to achieve what you state, what is vital is that you have a dream or vision. Individuals who know clearly what they wish to achieve are usually better at their jobs. They also form good leaders.

4. What is your definition of success?

Success could be different for each individual. Individuals who keep a mercenary attitude may gauge success based on money. Individuals who care for emotions and relations may gauge success based on stability and security in life. You need to be honest about your perspective of success. Your honesty will help you be confident. This will add to your persona during the job interview.

5. Are you good as a team player?

All the companies and firms look for team players. They look for individuals who can work well in a team. They do not like individuals who find it difficult to work in a team. You need to reveal to the interviewers with proper examples how good you are as a team player. You may mention the college events you have organized or other occasions when your worth in the team can clearly be noticed.

A job interview is the second hurdle in the job finding process and once you cross this hurdle, things get simpler. Make sure you follow the simple guidelines and prepare yourself well before the final round of interview. Subject knowledge is vital but control of emotions and ability to face challenges also count equally. It is a great idea to meditate before heading to the interview. This will help you achieve mental peace. A cup of coffee may help you stay chill and happy during the interview.


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