Boston Consulting Group is an international consulting firm in which they analyze strategy and general management tactics to get a solution for the certain client’s problem and requirement. BCG has more than 80 offices all over the world.
These corporate BCG offices bring strategy and creative ideas to create a noticeable change or development in business and management. And to get an internship in such an international consulting firm, an applicant needs to clear certain procedures. There are certain specific ways to get a boston consulting group internship.

(BCG) Boston Consulting Group Internship Tips:
How to get into BCG?
One needs to clear all the interview process and they are.
1. Online application or campus interview:
To start with, applications to get a Boston consulting group internship will be available on their registered website. One, fill up all the details in an application through online.
The other way of applying for the Boston consulting group would be through the campus selection they conduct every year from February to September.
2. Personal introduction:
The process of the interview starts from a personal introduction. In this round candidate will be tested on his / her ability to handle certain issues.
In this personal introduction round they try to analyze your problem solving tactics and also the way of understanding the problem. The candidates are interviewed on any of their past experiences where they utilized their problem solving ability.
3. Case Study:
The candidates who apply for a boston consulting group internship will be provided with some of the case studies. These case studies involve certain client’s issues which already been solved by using certain strategic methods.
By this kind of case study to the candidate, the interviewer analyzes the candidate’s problem solving ability and also consider the way he/she handles the case study. These case studies are most probably real practical issues of the Boston consulting group client’s.
4. Question and answer round:
This round allows the candidate to ask certain question and doubts regarding the Boston consulting group and their internship.
Generally it can be considered as a open conversation round where a selected candidate will have all the right to ask question about BCG and it is the duty of the Boston consulting group to make the candidate understand the culture and responsibility to make them comfortable in it.
5. To prepare for case study:
The Boston consulting group has a list of some practice case studies which is available in their registered website. The candidates can prepare themselves for the case study round by checking and studying about those case studies which can be asked during the interview.
Instead of failing the case study round, the candidate can prepare himself /herself for the interview even before attending it.
Valuable Tips to Succeed in an Interview Process:
The below mentioned are some tips to clear the Boston consulting group internship interview and they are.
1. Understand the case study and create a framework:
Once the interviewer briefs you about the case study, first try to listen clearly and if any doubts, ask after the question gets over and then start understanding the problem and create your answer framework.
Be attentive while listening to the question and never talk in the middle of the question narration. Take your time and understand the way of analyzing the problem and be accurate while answering.
2. Confidently present yourself:
Confidence is the main key for success. People admire the confidence in everything. Sometime people appreciate confidence while lying to someone as well.
A consulting firm needs a candidate who is confident enough to handle or analyze client’s issues. Never lose confidence in your problem solving instincts and capability.
3. Plan your analysis:
After creating a framework of your analysis, start with the most optimal problem solving technique which has been used in other case studies as you studied. Never rush to the solution, take time and think over your answer, assure your answer before and then start analyzing the case study accordingly.
It will always help you be better at the end. Sometime you analyze the problem in the wrong way, but at that time the interviewer can give you some hints over it.
4. Be creative while analyzing the hypothetical answer:
Case studies are allotted to the candidates to check their analyzing ability. If the candidate handles the problem creatively, then it will add as a plus point for the selection.
As a problem narrated is hypothetical then the answer should be way better than practical hypothesis. Never beat around bushes and try to answer briefly and accurately.
5. Focus on bigger issues:
Case studies only emphasizes on bigger issues. And the candidate needs to look at it as a bigger picture. There will several strategical issues, but one’s those are big and tough enough to handle, it will be added as an extra credit for the candidate.
Clients need a person who can solve their issues and give them an optimal solution for their problem.
6. Never prepare the artificial solution:
Artificial solutions are those which you studied in books or articles. The interviewer finds out the value of your solution through your justification.
Case study materials are given for the sake of our knowledge and help. This never can be used in practical terms. These case study solutions will help to understand the hypothetical situation and also provides the hypothetical answers for it.
7. Explain business judgement:
After taking into consideration all the elements, it’s time for you to explain your side of business judgement. Business judgements are made according to its credibility.
If a business strategy to create a vision for overall development then the judgement can be considered as the main way to start looking at it in a very different manner.
8. Never take much time to calculate your move:
A candidate will be provided with the certain time limit to analyze certain case study and if he / she is not able to handle such short period of time then the candidate will be marked rejected.
While answering the analysis the candidate needs to be very quick with his / her calculations. Because if you take such time to solve some problem, then the client will be left with no answer in the name of solutions.
9. Conclude briefly:
The candidate needs to give conclusion for the problem solving method he / she used to analyze the problem. It is important to know the conclusion or closing statement for the case study according your perspective.
Be effective while concluding your analysis, never doubt your answer after you decide to pitch in front of the judging panel.
10. Even conclude accurately:
Never rush yourself to the conclusion. It’s hard to handle interview pressure, but if you show your nervousness during closure of your statement, then all the efforts you made to clear the interview will be wasted.
So do not be nervous during an interview. Every conclusion makes a statement perfect and provide justification for its definition.
11. Don’t just narrate your analysis:
Analyzing a case study can be an art of solving a problem using most creative techniques to understand and create a solution to such problems. So the analysis is derived from facts and figures of the client’s problems and it should be intelligently handled.
12. Effective communication:
Effective communication is the key for success. Generally a consulting person needs to be smart, intelligent and should handle all the candidates effectively with his / her flawless communication.
To be a consultant, a person need to speak English very fluently so that the person sitting next to you should be convinced of your statement.
13. Never miss handle the case study material:
Case study material is given to you for the sake of knowledge. And the case study involved in it is just not hypothetical ones, most of them are taken from the currently involved clients, so any miss place on such material can cause problems.
14. Be logical, while analyzing:
A candidate allotted with a certain case study, may be analyzed according to the terms of candidates thinking ability. But never come up with the answers which is really illogical and inappropriate to the situation.
While analyzing a case study a candidate needs to underline effective elements of the case study.
15. Accept suggestion from the interviewer:
Sometimes candidates analyze a problem in a different perspective so at that time the interviewer may help you to correct yourself. So take that help and correct yourself.
It won’t affect anything on your selection if you take the interviewer’s suggestion. It will show your learning ability which needed for this consultation.
16. Be flexible with an answer:
A candidate needs to be flexible enough to handle the interviewer’s suggestions and helps. They should take their criticism sportingly and never complaint about it. As we are the business consulting firm it is our duty to be calm with our candidates and clients.
17. Interaction session:
In this session the candidate will be judged on his / her interaction capability. In this a candidate can ask his / her doubts regarding the internship and his / her responsibilities.
18. Be smart enough to handle the pressure:
During the interviews we feel nervous and feeling such nervousness is good, but letting that nervousness to overpower is a bad thing to do. So the candidate must learn how to handle the pressure during the crisis situation.
The candidate never should panic over client’s issues. And should be able to handle the client’s issues without making any scene.
Different Categories to Choose the Candidate:
There are certain roles which can be handled by certain candidates only and by understanding the background the applicant will be selected on the basis of certain category and they are.
1. Consulting roles:
Consulting roles are such roles where the candidate needs to know what to consult a client about. The consulting role candidate needs to understand the main issue of the client and then think calmly about his / her observation on that, this will help you understand his / her state of mind and gets you the answer. This consulting role helps to understand the actual issues and lets you consult a preferable solution to the client issue.
2. Knowledge and practice team roles:
This knowledge and practice team builds or create knowledge about business development. It helps in building knowledge development for core corporate advantage. Knowledge and practice team roles are considered as very important part of consulting.
This will help a client to know the main element of their issue and also helps him to understand the quick and simple way to handle such issues for the growth of the overall development of the business.
3. Business service team roles:
Business service team roles are such team were in all the services for the development of the business are utilized. This business service team consists of several services, such as finance, human resource, information technology, legal matters, marketing, advertisements, capital management and risk management.
Conclusion :
To conclude this I would like to state that the Boston Consulting Group is one of the finest consulting in the world. The Boston Consulting Group is an international consulting firm where all the strategic, financial, corporate and information technology relating issues of clients are resolved.
This consulting firm helps those industries or company which seeks their help for their business development. Therefore, if a candidate needs to get a boston consulting group internship, then he/she should be availing all the above requirements to get selected.