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What Makes a Good Internal Recruiter?


Recruitments mostly happen to fill up a senior position as a Director or Manager or adding members to already existing team.

It is for providing succession plans for supporting line managers. Hence, it requires a lot of patience and valuable time to recruit the right person as the company’s success is riding on their performances.

Hence, great care must be exercised while making recruitments where there is no room for compromise. There are certain qualities that good internal recruiter will need to have to be efficient.

what makes good internal recruiter

Key Qualities of Exceptional Internal Recruiter:

1. Efficient recruitment cycle:

This is mainly focused on the talents that the candidates have. Internal recruiters always have an eye for talents searching ability in them.

The hunt for talents is always done through proper assessments in various forms that are sometimes available by default or modified to suit the needs of the job profile.

2. Cutting down the external costs:

The recruitment process has been handed to internal recruiters to enhance the process whenever there is a need or there is a gap.

In case they are not doing their work properly then there is likelihood of handing over to outsourced firms which is just an extra expenditure.

But this could also cost the internal recruiters their jobs as they will not be needed in case they don’t perform!

3. Organize internal assessments:

Like you assess the art competition or any sport event, recruitment assessments are needed to be properly organized. This will help to evaluate the right talent for the position required in the organization.

For this, the previous records or appraisals are needed to be evaluated and reviewed before making a selection. It is also better to review their references for making your judgement error free.

4. Organise received applications:

organizing job applications Recruitments usually are involving receipts of applications from candidates. A good internal recruiter will need to know how to organize the files in the system.

Nowadays as email is the form of receiving CV, it is essential for the internal recruiter to organize good talents in his /her email box itself.

It will save lot of valuable time while making a selection. This sort of file management helps in busy scheduled tasks that arise during recruitment process.

5. Patience in the work:

All recruitment process is not an easy go task. It involves lot of checking out, verification, internal assessments, so that it is fool proof.

Hence, patience is a key characteristics that recruiter must have and in case it’s not there then he/she needs to develop those characteristics.

As the recruiter is the face of the organization, they must have the spirit of the organizations values and mission as fresh in their minds.

6. Be more personal:

It is seen in many places that the recruitment process starts with an advertisement. Instead of spending more time on recruitment details, it is often better devote more time to personal interaction with the candidates to get to know more about their nature that cannot be assessed through paper or software tests.

Engaging with candidates directly is a way of having a control on the job pipeline that may not have been advertised yet and could be potential future candidates.

It could be like keeping their contact details and time of joining updated. This will increase the face value or the brand of the company.

7. Attend HR trainings:

hr training in companies HR training are conducted once a year or as per norms of organization. Whatever be it, it is essential to update oneself of the trends and be more aware of the market requirements.

It is also one way of refreshing oneself of the type of qualities that a person needs to have and develop to be able to make proper judgements. Making a selection for a company requires the right aptitude.

8. Maintain stakeholder relationship:

Many recruiters are always good in maintaining relationships with their stakeholders and clients.

If you are adept in making good advisory remarks with your clients and stakeholders then you are suitable for being a good internal recruiter.

The ability to interview and find out a person’s talents are pre-requisite for this position. The process needs to be carried out smoothly for having a long term better relationship with candidates.

9. Proper management skills:

As seen in other job profiles, management is a skill that is particularly essential for carrying out a work properly and without flaws. Many people have not got themselves proper hike or proper raise as they lack this skill –“management skill”.

The qualities that the internal recruiters need to have is able to search and reply at appropriate times and promptly.

Due delays will cause brand damages and in course of time reputation in the market. This skill also includes the ability to manage the internal remarks that may trigger dissatisfaction within the rest of the candidates.

To add to this, he/she must be able to overcome objections and turn the negative to positive. The recruiter must have ability to negotiate, offer solutions to any issues, able to make compromises and finally initiate a hiring process.

10. Able to judge properly:

hr judgement After making the right selection, it is very necessary to know about the candidate’s nature and make yourself sure about them as they will be in the fore front representing all the other top candidates.

As a recruiter it’s highly essential to maintain composed nature while making selection based on facts evident.

Also making recruitment is based on qualities that is necessary for the job and not as per the “Managers choice”.


Often recruitment process is done by external or internal recruiters alone or a combination of external and internal teams. It’s just that sometimes the way the process is handled makes a big impact on the brand of the company.

Delays in recruitments are mostly due to unbudgeted or unapproved posts. Hence a recruitment process should be initiated only when the budget is approved and there is a requirement to enhance the business of the company. This factor can only be assessed or known by an internal recruiter.

The internal recruiter is best person to abide by the conditions and norms already existing and will be able to select the right candidate that will suit the culture of the organization.

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