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Important Things Interviewers Notice First Always


Interviewers try to figure out the candidates in their first notice, their attitude and enthusiasm towards the job will be quickly screened by the way they behave at interview. So it is always best to get prepared on how to impress the employer. The applicants may miss the opportunity due to their silly mistakes sometimes. So here are few things to take care while you appear for an interview.

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first things interviewers notice

Little Things Interviewers Always Notice:


Before the employers start their questions, they have a glimpse at your appearance, the foremost thing to remember is to present yourself well before the interviewer. Get prepared for how to look outstanding and professional at your interview

1. Select the best clothes which makes you feel comfortable and appropriate for the company. Go with colors like light blue, white, gray. Choose a appropriate tie that matches with the suit for men. Women make sure that you do not wear too short clothes

2. Do not wear heavy jewellery and visible piercings. Make sure you go as simple as possible, otherwise it makes the employer feel that you were not serious and professional

3. Polish your shoes neat, go with a clean shave, do not go with a long beard and moustache. Women try to avoid flashy accessories, comb your hair well and tie a pony or a bun, these all things will show your personal hygiene

4. Spray a mild perfume and polish your nails with neutral colors, have a good make up that suits with your skin complexion. Make sure your shoes matches with the clothes

Groom well to impress the interviewer, attire is just to elevate your skills, qualification, and personality just a level up. So make sure you do not lose an opportunity because of something which is a basic expectation

Your Punctuality gets counted:

Attend the venue of interview at least ten minutes before the interview, this shows your punctuality. Do not be late, if you failed to go on time it will hint the employer that you were lazy and it shows your lack of discipline at workforce

1. Know the exact interview time before the day you appear for the interview. Have a thorough look of a email or advertisement about the interview, estimate the distance you have to travel and make sure you appear on time accordingly

2. Do not make the interviewers wait for you, this will lead to disqualify you. So try to appear at least 10 to 15 minutes before the time, so that you will feel relaxed and get comfort with environment, it will make your stress down and help you to know more details of the company and recruitment process


Be confident with your skill set, qualifications and experiences. Do not get tensed or stressed and ruin your interview. Know your abilities and present them as you are the best eligible candidate for the position

1. Make a check list of your strengths and weakness. Identify the abilities and elevate them before the employer, do not get distracted with weakness and answer them in a smart way and impress the employer with your self confidence

2. Make them sure that you are comfortable and ready to take up an opportunity from them, and flexible with their culture .Know your capabilities or extra skills that will help the company and will be an additional advantage to get scored high than other candidates

3. Be balanced. Do not be over confident, Do not commit if you are not aware of the question or try to be honest so that you do not drag yourself to reject list. Show them how unique you are when are compared to others, let them know that you stand out best for the position

The employer checks how confident you can face a problem or a task if you are allotted. It is one of the main aspect that a professional would be required. Lack of confidence may lead to lose the opportunity at any level of assessment

Flawless pitch:

In many interviews the candidates will be screened by asking few questions about the things mentioned in resume or will be asked to introduce themselves or they screen through just a minute session .Remember to answer without a flaw. This round will be the entry for the next level rounds

1. Do homework. Practice your introduction, analyze the mistakes. Google tips for making a flawless pitch. Be confident while you introduce yourself, Make sure your pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary is apt.

2. Sometimes we get stuck in middle of our introduction. Try to use filler words and allow yourself to recollect the next words. Concise your jam session. Make sure you gave a brief version about the topic in one min, and use appropriate words.

3. It is all about how spontaneous you are that the interviewer will check. How fast you can react to the situation and your communication skills will be assessed through this round. This presents your potential ability to the employers.

Zeal to grab vacancy:

Let the interviewers know how much excited you are and serious to fill the position. This will help you to show your interest towards the job position

1. Understand about the company before you appear for the interview. Have a clear picture of the background of how company works. They may ask few questions like how relevant your skills are to their company, how good you fit to the company by elevating your experiences or interest with their services

2. Appreciate the company for their development in this competitive world. Recollect the best part of organization. This will make them convey how much you are prepared mentally to grab the vacancy

3. Also show abilities how can you manage in a team by participating actively while giving a presentation about company or being active in group discussion, this will be also counted on part of assessing candidates.

Body language:

Body language is the basic thing that will be observed by most of the hiring officers. Do not act negligible at interview, be attentive and behave with a professional attitude. Try not to be too casual at your interview

1. Do not rush into the hiring officer cabin. If you are called for an interview .Knock the door before you entire the room, this shows your discipline and a basic expectation

2. Maintain eye contact while answering the questions, when you assess face to face try to look at the interviewers and answer, this makes them know you are confident with your answers.

3. Do not sit with hands crossed or legs one on another, this shows you are lazy and gesture of an informal behavior. Sit firm and answer the questions, do not play with hands out of nervousness and tension.

4. Do not play with pen, or hold accessories or gadgets while you sit in the room for assessment. Keep them aside and make yourself comfortable with environment

Do not lean on the chair, occasionally give hand gestures while you communicate, make sure your body language is not too casual.

Positive attitude:

Positive attitude is also one of the important aspect of interview. They look at a candidate how good he can mingle with the work culture, and how positive he can handle things at workplace and lead to great results

1. Wish the employer when you meet him/her for the first time and introduce yourself. Do not give pale expression while you speak. A smile with greeting shows you are relaxed and glare.

2. The employers check how long you can serve the company. They try to check your stability by your aims, goals and experience went through the life. Answer them smartly and let them know you wanted to settle with their organization

3. Accept the feedback with a positive attitude. Do not get overwhelmed if they tell you conditions of the organizations, be flexible to rely with standards of company. Do not get disappointed with results or questions, face them brave enough

4. Be thankful to the employers for giving opportunity to attempt. Build your skills and feel as chance to learn something from the interview. Be patient, that will save you a lot to survive throughout the interview

5. When you end up the interview, give a smile and give a compliment that “it is nice talking with you” or “its grateful being part of the interview”. Or “it is a great experience”


To conclude, make sure you present well at your first glimpse of your interview. Do homework how you will try to present yourself. The behavior, attitude, personality is what that any company would require in this corporate world. Create your first impression as best impression. Do not opt for second chance, treat the first opportunity as the last opportunity. Above are the keys steps one should follow to nail the job.

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