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How to Become a Model for American Apparel: 13 Top Tips


Modelling is a unique profession that helps you stay in the limelight all the time. That could be the reason why many young people choose to become models for fashion brands, stores, events and new fashion trends.

American Apparel is a popular brand among blossoming models. They all wish to have the tag of this brand on their resume.

If you are one of those ambitious models, we are here to guide you through your career and find out American apparel job interview tips.

become Model for american apparelHow to Model for American Apparel:

1. Modelling of All Kinds:

You can start modelling for American Apparel right when you are a baby. The brand is always on the lookout for fresh faces in babies, toddlers, teens and young men and women.

If you have the desire to model for their brand and if you suit their requirement, you will surely get a chance to model for American Apparel.

You never know when they feel you are the face of their brand.

2. Different Ways to Apply to Model for the Brand:

Most of the American Apparel photo shoots are done in Los Angeles and New York so if you are anywhere around these cities, keep track of shoots by the brand and do not hesitate to apply.

The brand may also have shoots at other locations as the brand looks for new faces in different cities.

You also have an option to apply online by mailing to American apparel email i.e if you are above 18 years of age.

This is a great way to start off by sending your basic details and expressing your interest to model for their brand. As they have options for modelling at all ages, you may even choose to start early.

You may visit their American apparel website or mail to and check out the options for kids modelling. Gaining experience in such brands at an early age will help to strengthen your resume.

3. Develop Your Fashion Sense:

You need to develop a very strong fashion sense if you want to become American Apparel models. They look for models who understand fashion to great depths.

It is not necessary that you have the same perception about fashion as the brand people. You can be original.

If you combine styles of the past and the present, it could be accepted if it appeals to the viewer’s eye.

Trying to ape the styles of other brands and models and not being original is not a great idea. If you develop an original fashion sense, it will help you throughout your American apparel careers.

4. Try Out Weird and Quirky Hairstyles:

You have to be original but that should not stop you from experimenting. You must experiment with your looks and more so with your hairstyle. You must try out different hairstyles.

If you have straight hair, you have endless options to experiment. If you have wavy or curly hair, you may have to limit yourself when it comes to hairstyles.

You still have the option to colour your hair, try different partings or use queer hair accessories. Click pictures in these unique styles and add it to your profile online.

5. Know What You Possess:

If you wish to apply for a prominent brand like American Apparel, you need to be really prepared to answer all their questions and reveal to them what you really possess.

You should be confident and should know exactly what your skills and plus points are.

You need to take out time for yourself and self assess what your plus points are and what are the fields where you lack.

Once you self assess your skills and abilities, all the interviews and events will become too easy for you. It will all appear to be as simple as a cakewalk.

6. Research the Current Trends in American Fashion:

You should have knowledge regarding the latest trends in American fashion. You cannot develop this knowledge simply by observing your peers or people around you.

You need to religiously follow fashion websites and blogs. You may also order fashion related magazines and publications to help you develop an understanding of the latest trends.

Keep a check on the type of attires that fashion models wear for parties. Screen the newspaper for the attires worn by women for award functions and similar events. It will give you a clear picture of the latest style that is in vogue.

7. Comfort Counts a Lot:

A model cannot be her sexy best if she is uncomfortable or uneasy in what she is wearing. You need to feel yourself in the attire you wear.

Make sure you pick attires that you are comfortable in while auditioning for different shows.

American Apparel outfits and apparels are of wide range, so you can pick the one that you are comfortable in and audition for the show.

You must remember that the viewers, as well as the judges, note every single expression of yours and so you cannot show faces of disgust while you are modelling.

8. Practice Till You Get Used To Being A Model:

Comfort is not always a natural thing. There are times when you have to inculcate a feeling of comfort by getting used to the attires and the lifestyle of a model. Continuously practice modeling in your free time and when you are alone.

Try out different poses in front of the mirror and different hairstyles that may look good on you.

You must also try to get accustomed to make up and hairdos. You can try out different make up options while at home. Try to bring out your expressions with the make up on.

9. Have a Flexible Body:

Fitness and flexibility are two inevitable traits in a model for American Apparel. You must try and be fit and flexible. You need to have an exercise schedule that will help you stay fit and energetic.

You can take out some time for yoga and breathing exercise. Exercising helps your body gain flexibility. Occasionally you can pamper yourself with a little spa and body massage. It also helps you relax and feel fresh.

10. Be Confident and Energetic:

Modelling is really a profession of hard workers. You need to have very good stamina to work as a model for brands like American Apparel.

You must be willing to work extra hours if required. The models cannot afford to lose their enthusiasm when they work longer as it shows on their face and affects their reputation as a model.

Yet another thing that is expected from a model for American Apparel is confidence. You need to be confident while appearing for shows and auditions.

You need to be sure while answering questions in American apparel interviews. Big brands look for women who know what they are doing.

11. Maintain Your Features:

You may have God gifted features but you need to take efforts to maintain these too. You need to regularly wash your face and maintain it spotless.

You may use herbal face washes and moisturizing creams to keep your face soft and smooth.

Sun tan can give you an uneven complexion so stay away from the rays of the sun. You may also use scarves to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. If you use sunscreen creams, make sure they have no harmful side effects on your skin.

12. Be Proud Of the Brand:

If you have to model for the brand, you need to understand the greatness of the brand and feel proud for the brand. In interviews and during auditions, you may be asked questions on why you wish to be a part of this great brand.

You should be able to speak up what you like about the brand and why you wish to make a career there. You should be able to speak about their garment trends and seasonal American apparel styles.

To speak confidently about these, you need to have knowledge. You must research about the brand in great detail. It would be great if you can go through their success story and understand the ups and downs the brand has had.

13. Maintain a Clean Chit:

Big brands require individuals who have a good reputation. Make sure you are never involved in any illegal activity. You must always abide by the law to be an eligible candidate in big brands like American Apparel.

People who do not respect the law or who have a history of breaking the law do not get selected to American Apparel or other brands of the same level.

A model has to work hard in each stage of her career. She may also have to make several sacrifices to stay in the career.

Tremendous hard work and commitment to work is essential for working in brands and getting a job at American Apparel. So gear up and start preparing for the auditions right away.


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