When it comes to receiving certain advice from others, it is common to understand the actual intention behind such advice. Most of the time it happens that we are advising someone about something and the whole advising session will end up in an argument.
There is one difference between receiving good and bad advice. While receiving good advice a person needs to understand the good intention behind such advice, the same goes when one receiving something bad from someone.

How to Tell the Difference Between Good and Bad advice:
Some times we receive bad advice from people who intend to harm us, but at that time we need to understand the thin line between good advice and bad advice so that it can be prevented. Here are some of such differences which help a person understand more about good and bad advice and they are as follows.
1. Understand your state of mind:
While receiving any sort of advice whether it is good or bad, a person needs to clear his/her head before getting into something deeper.
Therefore, to avoid such bad influence a person needs to understand his/her state of mind first before receiving any sort of advice from anybody. Most of the time happens that a person is advising something good to us, but because of our state of mind, we are not in the mood of receiving such good advice.
2. Listen to your gut feeling:
Most of the decisions that have been taken from a person doesn’t require to be a correct one, it is even possible that the decision taken may turn in very badly.
Similarly, when it comes to good and bad advice, a person needs to decide to choose whether it is good advice or a bad one. To make that decision a person needs to listen to his/her gut feeling so that they can make an actual decision of choosing good advice.
3. Source of consideration:
The factor of considering something of someone needs to be directed to a source of such consideration. For example, when it comes to receiving advice regarding money matters, a person needs to be sure of such advice before making any stupid mistake.
A good source of advice can lead you to a level where a person feels safe around people, but a bad source of advice can destroy within a second of time. Therefore, it is essential to understand the source of consideration before receiving any kind of advice.
4. Combination of correlation:
Good advice and bad advice maintains a thin line of understanding between them. Some people misunderstand such good advice into bad advice and some people think vice versa.
Therefore, good and bad advice is a combination of correlation where it can combine the intention of such advice. Most of the time it occurs to be a different state of advice, but because of such a combining statement, a person receives that advice which is advisable to them.
5. Risk factors:
A risk factor in good advice and bad advice is equal because as common thinking goes, a person experiences some good reflection of good advice, but there is a possibility that such good reflects can turn things at a very bad level. And similarly, in the case of bad advice, most of the time people receive bad advice from people in the name of a good one, but eventually things may turn in very positive for them because of their decision.
Therefore, it is common to maintain an equal chance of risk when it comes to a piece of advice.
6. Based on availability:
A most common mistake that a person commits while receiving any kind of advice is that they never check for the availability of such advice. A person who is seeking some good advice may end up choosing bad advice because of its lack of availability.
Therefore, before receiving any kind of advice a person needs to be sure of the things which can affect, after making such good advice.
7. Concrete value:
As mentioned earlier, good advice may consist of a strong concrete value which can help you understand the intention behind such good advice and if a person fails to understand the actual intention behind such advice then they may end up receiving bad advice.
A bit of bad advice has never maintained a good intention behind it and most probably such advice may create a difference of opinion between people.
8. Intentional factors:
When it comes to advice where a person receives certain positive vibes from certain advice whether it is good or not, then there is a possibility that people end up deciding such advice as good advice.
It is not that easy to differentiate between good and bad advice, but as a matter of fact, receiving such advice may depend on an element that whether it matters to the actual situations of the problems or issues.
9. Optimism:
Most of the people are optimistic about their decisions in their life, but when it comes to receiving good and bad advice, people tend to receive an optimism of such advice.
Therefore, every piece of advice comes with a certain level of optimism, but it is up to a person whether he/she can handle such optimism in their life. Being optimistic can let a person decide whether the things going around him/her is for their good or for bad.
10. Value of trust:
Good advice is advice where a person holds a certain amount of trust in such advice that he/she can go ahead with it without any issues or problems. But when it comes to bad advice most probably a person holds a less amount of trust in that particular advice.
An advisor from any source of consideration will be converted into good advice only if a person holds a complete trust on such advice, otherwise, it will turn in as bad advice.
11. Knowledge:
When comes to trusting someone with their advice, a person may start trusting those people who really can make them feel protective of their advice. Therefore, when it comes to a time where a person needs to receive certain advice from people, a person may end up being stuck with bad advice. Proper knowledge about certain matters helps you understand the severity of certain advice in people’s life.
12. Communication:
It is not directly connected with the advising factors, but it indirectly hits a discussion of advice. If a person is really in need of certain help from people, it is common that he/she may expect some advice from people which is good.
In this whole process, the main element that creates a connection between these would be its level of communication. A good communicator can help a person with good advice through his/her communication level.
13. Compassion:
Being compassionate about something or someone is not a bad thing, but being over compassion about things may create certain problems in people’s life.
A person who is so compassionate about their loved ones may have an ability to understand their actual situation and such people may provide you actual good advice for the problems or issues of one’s life. Therefore, it is better if a person holds a compassionate nature in them.
14. Monitoring advice:
When a person needs good advice from a person that he/she trusts, then there is even a possibility that a person whom he/she is trusting should have the capability of monitoring good advice.
And at that time without understanding the nature of the problem that particular person may deliver certain advice which can cause serious damage in their life. Therefore, it is important to understand the value of monitoring such advice because it helps a person to evaluate his/her own decisions of their life.
Good advice can lead a person through a phase of his/her life where they may experience certain great opportunities in their life, but when a person receives some bad advice from people intentionally then there is a possibility that a person who received such bad advice may end up being in a situation where it is tough to understand the value of trust among people.
Therefore, before making any wrong decisions about good and bad advice, a person can follow all the above-mentioned tips to identify the intentions behind good and bad advice.