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How to Get Noticed by Hiring Managers: 16 Creative Ways


That one basket of coveted employers and the queue of vying candidates to grasp away the chance of getting hired can seem onerous.

With the growing rise of competition in the market, job seekers have started to stand on the edge of hired/not hired.

Though it can be pretty dicey to play an out-of-the-blue move in an interview, yet if clicked right it can impose a positive impression for the long haul. So, deliberate before you reveille up that attention towards you.

How to get noticed by Hiring ManagersCreative Ways to Really Get Noticed by a Hiring Manager:

Getting noticed by managers can be tough, but by careful considerations you can etch your impression on them.

Go through some instructions as how can you gain the notice of your most coveted employer. Think out of the box and see where it takes you.

1. Heard of ATS (application tracking system)? You must have!

Make your resume ATS friendly by wisely fitting keywords in the job title. The search engine optimizer will exact out your resumes to the recruiters.

But before doing this you need to intently read the job description.

A Smart candidate will replete his resume with keywords matching the job description. That will help his CV make way to the offices of hiring managers.

2. Networking might be important for you:

With most of the businesses going online, you just need to worry about how to get network referrals of your desired company.

Start following your company lead on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. If possible, through your networking get the names of the CEO, the hiring committee officials and other staff.

You can espouse the leads online. Try to instill a familiar connection with them, but avoid stalking or intruding.

3. An out-of-the-normal resume:

What have we known, what a resume can possibly be?

A resume is a 2 page document that delineates you abilities, achievements and skills. That’s it?

Well, if you want to be pushed in to the box of common then you are welcome to join the lot with such a resume. But you can make your resume look like a brochure detailing your academic and professional curriculum.

It shows how dedicated and sincere you are with your abilities and achievements, and would like to continue the same. You can even add your Statement of Purpose in your resume brochure.

4. Mail your resume by use of postal service:

post resume for job It might cost you a bit, given the online scenario. But it might be quite an investment.

Apart from applying online and emailing your resume to the hiring committee, make sure to even mail your resume with an eye-catching cover letter delineating a sincere purpose of doing it. It shows how serious you are to do the job. This etches a lasting impression.

5. Make-up your profile online:

You must be surprised to know that employers run a deep background check after accepting your resume. It must be important that you look good online.

Before you apply to jobs, login to social and professional websites and change, edit and modify facts to suit the companies you apply.

You can extend your LinkedIn web of contacts and can even bag recommendations from them. Update your personal websites (if any).

6. Google yourself:

One of the best ways to amend your profiles online is to search Google by your name. What comes on the first page?

It must be your Google+ profile, then your Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Try editing your Google profile by adding contacts that can refer you. You can do the same with Facebook and LinkedIn.

7. Recommendations that can help:

After networking the names of hiring experts and office staffs, it’s important that you build a casual but strong rapport with a potential corporate member of the company.

The recommendation of the member can work wonders for you to make place in the company .

Network your connections with the company and its official. They come in great help. You can also attach recommendation copies of LinkedIn contacts with your resume brochure.

8. Creativity in your mind:

It’s a gift to do something out of originality. But be careful, it may sometimes back-fire. Thus, it is important to revalue, and appraise your actions before executing.

A video resume:making video resume

Though it might be a bit uncommon but a video resume can do the job which alone your paper resume cannot. Rather than uploading a document file, try uploading a video resume  file of you delineating your academics and professional career.

Show them if you are multi-lingual:

Well, it is extraordinary that you know languages alien to you and your country. For instance, if you know French, Spanish or Mandarin, let your recruiter know about that. This will only augment your chances of getting hired.

Make your cover letter coveted:

You can creatively design your cover and make it look like an invitation. It is as if you are cordially inviting your recruiters to hire you. You can possibly contain your cover letter and resume in a creative handmade parchment.

9. Make a short documentary:

Why should you hire (Your name)? : Make a short e-book or a PowerPoint presentation of your achievements, video clips, photos, short visual testimonials.

Visual presentation can be more promising than tedious reading of your accomplishments. Plus it can be very innovative and creative for the recruiters. They might start considering you.

10. Skills to action:

One of the most out-of-the-box executions is solving an on-spot problem that has affected the company.

Nothing can be a better platform to demo your skills. May be fix an equipment or help someone in the interview room. You can help an assistant with paperwork.

11. First day without pay:

working without pay Well, this move you can apply in the closing of your interview. After you have explicitly demonstrated your position, you can offer to work the first day of your job without pay.

So that your hiring managers would see how you perform irrespective of fiscal limitations. You shouldn’t be seen in the light of working-for-money.

12. Handle fiscal details quite wisely:

The reply you give to the question of salary should be decent and witty. If asked about your expectation of salary, you should not seem at once too desperate to slot your job salary.

Take your time and then you can reply, “My last CTC offered me XYZ. Offer me as par my degree, as a matter fact it shouldn’t be more to you and less to me”. This can leave a lasting impression on the committee.

13. The more difficult to get, the more desirable:

Rather than being an overly enthusiastic candidate, pose to be a passive one. Passiveness shows that you can stick for the long haul. Email the company.

You can mention “I saw your job posting online. Though I’m not in search of any job, your description was a bit interesting. I would like to learn more about your company before I could decide to be an active candidate to pursue the position”.

14. Review your resume again:

review your resume Focus on your job title. It should match with keywords of the job description. The hiring manager should be able to Google your resume from the lot.

Once found, your resume should be speaking on your part. Last an impression with the first part of your resume.

If you are successful in saving your resume to hit the bin, you are getting the call for interview. Now you can avant-garde your techniques of approaching the interviewers.

15. You are able to describe your skill in practical sense:

Words are nothing but hollows. Remember to demonstrate your skill in sense of real situation.

Explain a real-life experience when you helped a former employee to fix a problem which helped the whole organization. The more practical, better the chances of getting hired!

16. Become irresistible:

You are applying to your coveted company, no doubt in it. But if you want to ensure a position in the company, try seeking attention of its market competitors. In the interview make your recruiter aware of your demand within fellow competitors.

Trying to desperately stand out-of-the-box can do you more damage than good. Your creative and practical demonstrations should be well thought and executed seriously. Appraise it thoroughly.

It all depends how innovatively you can put yourself in an interview. With sincere interest and performance, you can be irresistible to hiring managers. The key lies in you. But try not to overdo creativity which can strike the wrong chord.

Try out these methods and let us know what you experienced. Give us your precious feedback.

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