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Preparing for First Day of Work? How to Succeed


First impression is crucial, we all know that, but how to create the right impact is also a thing of concern. Whether you should keep it to yourself or go all out on the very first day of work? There are several questions in your mind already on the first day at your job.

Before joining your new job, it will be better if you take a breather and have time to leave behind the old job hangovers. We spend most of our time with the co-workers, no matter whether we like them or not!

first day of work preparationTherefore, leaving all these behind and getting adapted to the new environment from the word go might be a tough task.

When you will get time in between two jobs, then it will be easier for you on how to prepare for first day of work.

Planning for First Day of Work:

The first day of work is stressful as you are trying to get everything right. So, what you can do is, while you are taking your time off from your old job, look for someone in the current workplace, whom you know and who will be able to walk around the office on your first day.

A friendly face will reduce your stress level to a large extent. Apart from that here is a list of things that you need to take care prior to the big day.

  • Plan the route you will be taking
  • Lay down your clothes, for the morning
  • Prepare your office bag
  • Lunch must include non perishable items
  • Have some change, in case you feel like using the vending machines

How to Prepare for First Day at Work and Succeed:

Most of us stressed about the first day at the job, mainly because we feel that we have to impress everybody with our charm on the first day itself.

But, that is not the case, we have already been selected and now our job is to perform and for that we have time.

Once we make ourselves understand this simple fact, we can easily lower our stress to a great extent.

On the very first day of work, you will hardly find any job specific responsibilities being discussed.

In fact, it is more about filling up the forms, watching videos and meeting new people. The first day will set the tone for your tenure with the company and its people with whom you will be interacting.

Tips to Prepare for your First Day of Work:

1. Come well prepared with questions:

Generally, the first day seems to be all about listening, but it is important that you ask necessary questions as well.

But remember, don’t go overboard, instead come prepared with some in depth, meaningful questions that you can ask during the orientation meetings.

2. Sleep tight the night before:

On the very first day, you want to be attentive and agile, right?

You don’t want to meet people with half opened eyes!

Loads of information will be shared on the first day and there will be paper works as well, therefore, it is important that you have the energy to go through all these successfully.

3. Prepare an explainer:

People will be eager to know who you are and what you used to do or what your new role in the company is.

Be prepared with a 30 second introductory speech that will answer all their queries.

4. Test drive the route:

Decide whether you will walk to your job or take a drive. Depending on that go through the route prior to your first day, so that you know how the traffic is around that time and whether there is any detour or not.

This will help you in reaching the office on time and you won’t have to come up with some lousy excuse on the very first day.

5. Associate with the right group:

You will always find several groups in any company, there are some who are closer to the management and there are some who cribs about the management.

You would definitely don’t want to be part of the latter group, so the first day is the observation time.

6. Lunch culture:

Every organization has a different lunch culture, some enjoy an hour long lunch, whereas you will find some people stuck with their laptops even during the lunch.

So, it is better to pack something from home. But, most importantly, you must not forget to have a heavy breakfast.

7. Smile your way through:

Smile always wins heart and you must remember that a lot of hard work has gone into securing this position.

So, now you must enjoy every moment that you are there. It will show your happiness and that will be reciprocated by your co-workers as well.

8. Come well prepared:

With the help of the internet, you will be able to gather information about the company in no time.

So, if you want to impress your boss, then it is imperative that you come prepared with the information regarding the company, its product line, and also the clients.

9. Dress well:

You must have noticed how the employees dress when you went for the interview. But in case you do not remember, call up the HR department to get an idea about what to wear.

Some believe in formal dresses, whereas some are more relaxed, therefore, it is better to dress up properly.

Avoid revealing dress or the flip flops because no matter how casual the dress code might be, these are something which is not entertained anywhere.

10. Carry a notebook:

It is important that you note down the name of the concerned person and all other important information regarding healthcare, which will be important for you in the long run.

11. Hold yourself back:

If you are someone who is always hyper active, then it is important that on the first day you tone yourself down. The reason behind this is that you are new to the place and you don’t know the people around you.

It might happen that your actions might hurt someone, even when you did not intend to do so. Know your colleagues first and then open up.

12. Engage in clear communication:

Clear communication is always helpful because neither you nor your manager is a mind reader. Clear your doubts from your direct supervisor, so that you don’t get anything wrong in the long run.

13. Reach out:

Never shy away from making your point clear, instead make it a point to reach out and also introduce yourself in a positive manner.

33 Things You Should do on Your First Day of Work:

“First impression is the best impresssion”

Completely agreeable quote!

Well, that is the reason you should give your best, especially when its your first day at your office. Building a good name at place takes time so the best step to make out one will be having the best first impression.

Usually, it is said that first impressions last too long and that’s pretty helpful provided if it is the good one. Though you will be feeling nervous and anxiety being crowded with unknown people in the new office, you need to overcome all such feelings and mingle with them in a friendly manner. And for that preparing in advance is very much necessary.

“Most of us remember our first days at every job because of the heightened pressure to impress,” says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of “Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant; How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job.” She further states that “But you can reduce your anxiety by being as meticulous in planning your first day as you were in securing your new position.”

Also to maintain a good attitude and give out the best impression especially at a new place, here are few things to consider.

  1. Be yourself.
  2. Be available to your boss
  3. Manage your body language
  4. Carry important documents
  5. Show interest in employee and people around
  6. Silent your phone
  7. Professional attire
  8. Prepare an introduction
  9. Learn professional rules.
  10. Adapt to the company culture
  11. Stay calm and composed
  12. Research about the company
  13. Prepare and ask questions (if any)
  14. Showcase high energy
  15. First, listen and observe
  16. Make connections
  17. Don’t turn down lunch
  18. Never try too hard
  19. Befriend at least one colleague
  20. Talk to as many employees as possible
  21. Don’t be shy
  22. Look and play the part
  23. Wear a smile
  24. Study onboarding materials
  25. Relax
  26. Figure out the social atmosphere
  27. Show up on time
  28. Prepare an elevator pitch
  29. Identify your goals
  30. Take breaks
  31. Avoid office gossip
  32. Keep organized
  33. Leave with a good attitude
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