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Different Employee Development Methods and their Benefits


In this day and age where there is such stiff competition among different top companies and there are numerous startups making an appearance each day, the directorial board of the company should ensure there is a constant training program for employees or some employee development methods so that they can improve in areas where they are lagging behind.

Given here is a comprehensive list of some of the different employee development methods so as to ensure that your company is able to remain a relevant part of today’s 21st-century business world.

employee development methods benefitsEmployee Development Methods Benefits:

The following mentioned are few employee training techniques that help us understand the importance of training and development process that help us execute a better employee development plan.

1. Having long term plans for all the projects:

In the business world thinking on a short term basis is not something that can help the company go very far, rather it is vital that the management team plans out things in advance and allots work accordingly so as to ensure that last-minute things are not managed in a haphazard manner.

If the system of function in the office is good and comprehensive then the workers automatically know that this kind of organization is also expected of them as well, irrespective of what task is thrown their way.

2. Strict deadlines being adhered to at all times:

A good method to ensure that the employees are always on their toes is to make them adhere to strict deadlines at all points of times.

If the company begins to have such an attitude to just let things slide then over time, things could go from bad to worse and employees might start completely ignoring any deadline which has been given to them by the management.

Such a kind of attitude should certainly not be accepted in any workplace, especially not in big corporate companies.

3. Workshops conducted to help employees improve:

workshops for employeesOne of the chief methods which all companies use so as to bring about the development of their company’s employees is organizing proper workshops for them.

In addition to having these workshops, it is of paramount importance to ensure that these workshops are well attended by all employees, that they contain matter which is both relevant, current and novel and last but certainly not the least the workshop ought to be conducted by a skilled rhetorician and professional who knows what he is doing.

4. Giving credit where it is due:

Many believe that it is only with criticism that employees are able to grow as well as develop, however this is something which is certainly not true.

Positive reinforcement is an age old method which not only makes the person receiving the praise feel very good but in addition to this it makes them mindful of the fact that in the future too such a good standard of work must be delivered.

If a person is not given credit where it is due, chances are that he or she may be demoralized and might not feel like working as hard the next time.

5. Having a way where employees can give feedback:

It is only when employees are happy that they are able to grow, improve themselves and develop. So a great way to ensure that employees are content is by having a suggestion by or any manner in which feedback can be given.

If feedback is not given then chances are that there might be a sudden strike that the managerial team could not have even seen coming.

When you have a proper way of giving feedback then changes can be brought about as and when required without trouble.

6. Technical training to use modern technology:

technical training for employeesIn this day and age technology is a word which has become synonymous with development.

So keeping this in mind employees should be given effective training methods on how to use modern technology so that they can do their tasks in a faster, simpler as well as more uniform manner.

Sometimes employees may not know how to use simple gadgets and machines like a photocopy machine, fax machine, printer or scanner, in such cases technical employee training programs are vital so as to get jobs done as and when require without trouble.

7. Mentoring as well as coaching to employees:

Even individuals who have high qualifications, as well as credentials, do require some training to get them acquainted with what exactly their job entails.

No matter how experienced a person is he or she cannot be expected to just come to the office and automatically know what to do.

A little briefing in the form of some mentoring or even coaching could go a long way in bringing about the development of the employees at any company.

8. Promotions as a reward for dedicated service:

In addition to giving positive reinforcement to someone who has done some good work, promotions should also be given to those individuals who have been giving their hundred percent at all times and have been delivering top quality work.

This has been a long-standing method in practice that has successfully brought about plenty of development to the employees.

Owing to the fact that all employees want promotions they try their best at all times.

9. Task rotations to get acquainted with some new aspect of the job:

Development means not only bettering yourself in the job that you know how to do, but it could also imply getting yourself acquainted with another kind of job which has been so far handled by your colleague.

Companies are constantly on the lookout for those employees who are all-rounders and know how to adapt themselves according to the situation.

If you show that you are a multi-talented and multi-dimensional person it could work wonders for your reputation.

10. Good system of communication between the employer and the employee:

employee and employer communicationA simple, age-old, tried and tested method which has been successful in bringing about the development of the employees is having a proper and systematic system of communication within the organization.

A great benefit of this is that everyone automatically begins to work as one comprehensive unit and starts to think of things from another person’s perspective as well.

11. Exams conducted on a regular basis:

Very often there are some people who may not be the best speakers but are able to express themselves very well during a written exam.

In order to find out who really has potential and who knows what the company actually stands for, exams should be conducted at regular basis even in top companies.

This is a systematic practice which has begun all around the world so as to bring about the development of the employees and see who really knows his stuff.

12. Accepting new ideas in an open and receptive manner:

A very effective way to bring about the development of the employees is by always being open and receptive to the ideas which are being offered.

You never know when an employee might come up with an absolutely revolutionary and path-breaking idea which can really benefit the company name greatly.

Companies should encourage their workers to be dreamers as well as think outside the box. However, you should be willing to accept that sometimes these ideas might end in failure.

13. Not encouraging negative workplace politics:

No company should ever encourage or accept those workers who are spreading negativity in the workplace.

A negative atmosphere is one where development of no kind can ever take place, so rather than making everyone work against one another they should try and make all the employees like a close-knit group who function as a comprehensive group without trying to achieve success at the cost of another’s failure.

14. Offering refresher courses regularly to all employees:

In addition to giving proper technical training, it is also important to have refresher courses for the workers so that they can be updated regularly about the new advancements and methods of working which have come about in their field.

No matter how experienced and bright your team is, if they have obsolete and old methods of learning and development, chances are they will be lagging behind other up to date top companies.

15. Giving employees incentives to work better:

incentive to employeesIt is a psychologically proven fact that giving incentives automatically brings about better employee performance.

The  bonus or incentives do not have to be big or even in monetary form, they can be anything which encourages workers to work better and give their all.

Doing something like this also generates a little bit of healthy politics which is acceptable and fun.

Key Tactics For Developing Employees:

The primary duty of human resources department and employer of any organization is to take good care of their employees. But at the same time it is also the responsibility of the employer to provide them best of resources.

Offering such facilities not only help them to work hard and bring productive results but also aids them grow and develop themselves. So employers play a major role in developing and improving employees.

As per Wasp small business report, around 56% of employers plan for hiring in next 12 months while 82% of employers work on developing their workforce.

The developing plans of employees differ from one organization to other. But there are few basic ones which are common in any company, like employee engagement, online coaching programs , training employees, providing best development opportunities etc.

The main aim of developing employees is to strengthen their future generation, making the employees engaged and inspired and to improvise their skills that help them in the future as well.

Here we have enlisted few effective ways for developing employees

  • Invest on resources and tools
  • Provide a professional network connection
  • Lead by example
  • Make all types of hindrances and barriers free environment
  • Provide constructive feedback
  • Offer best opportunities to grow and develop skillfully
  • Help them gain additional skills (which isn’t related to their job role)
  • Showcase employees their performance stats
  • Create plans based on employee work performance
  • Build separate development plans for each set of employees

Reasons for Employee Training and Development:

Employee training and development holds great importance and the main reasons of it are many. Some of them are enlisted below,

  • Training on the required skills for the job role(related and additional as well)
  • Helps in assessing the new performance management system
  • Aids them to adapt to change in roles when ever required
  • Helps you develop yourself on the professional front
  • Analyze your work performance especially during performance appraisals
  • Assessing your improvement in terms of performance

Employee training topics:

Employee training is done on several topics but some of the very common ones are enlisted in the list below, some of the best topics of employee training are

  • People skills
  • Communications
  • Safety and security measures
  • Quality management policy
  • Sexual or abusive harassment policies
  • Human relations
  • Work ethics
  • Computer skills
  • Skills as per requirement
  • Diversified thinking
  • Customer service

Advantages of employee training and development:

Employee training and development programs for the employee is a win win solution for both employees and the organization as well. Employees can gain many skills and experience, on the other hand employers will be having skillfully efficient work force working for the organization.

Some of the top benefits of employee training and development are

  • Better job satisfaction for the employees
  • Improves the moral of the employees
  • Felt important by the organization
  • Employee motivation
  • Lesser employee turnover
  • Working hard for achieving company vision and goals
  • Risk management
  • Expert in conflict resolution
  • Employee ideas are accepted
  • Motivated to try newer strategies and techniques
  • Pioneering innovative products


So these are some of the different employee development methods and employee benefits program which have been in practice for a while so as to ensure that the employees, who form the very essence of a company are able to be fully functional and nothing stands in the way of a company reaching new heights.

A company will never be able to prosper if its employees do not get the proper methods of training.

It is only on the job training methods and techniques that help to bring about development and hard work which yields rich dividends in the future.



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