If the workplace is uncomfortable, one cannot concentrate on work. The first time we may feel difficult to hand but will mould to the way one feels appropriate. Change is necessary in everyone’s life, especially at work. Workplace change is very important for success. Even change in an organization, or organization structure or change in responsibilities, there is no need to feel disappointed to handle the change, go ahead with an optimistic attitude. Here are few tips to deal with change in the workplace.

How to Adapt to Change at the Workplace:
1. Understand change management:
In an organization generally, the change management team or HR circulates the information to all the employees. Have a clear note of which department is being affected or which role one has been allocated or work timings.In case of improper information, try to contact the HR or management to have a clear picture of how one is being affected by the changes. Sometimes one can understand in other way and get affected with mental tension. So there is always a need to have clarity
2. Purpose of the change:
Understand the purpose of the change. This will give you a hint to work against the aim, and how one can go through it in a proper sequence. It helps to know Merits and demerits by going through this phase and how much necessary it is for his present condition whether it is relevant or irrelevant, all these kind of stuff they to get know
3. Accept the change:
The foremost thing is to not oppose the change. Digest the change and try to know more details of it like the effective date, the new team, or new equipment or new role. Mentally be prepared for the change. Make necessary arrangements to face the first step of fear. Do not reject it since life is a cycle with changes, one have to face it one day or the other, so be ready to accept it
4. Avoid distraction:
Find out how one is benefited out of this and what disadvantages one can have and what alternatives he/she can sort out to overcome the challenge being placed before them. This makes a clear vision of your future and do not get confused whether to accept or reject it. In case of fear, understand from superiors or co-workers the detailed summary of the change, learn from their experiences and knowledge, have proper training and build self-confidence to stand up for the challenge
5. Motivation:
If you are demoted from the position, then understand where you lack behind, what dragged you to the position, how to build confidence to work, join motivational programs and allow yourself to prove once again. Give an opportunity to show up your abilities and performance to the company. So all one need to do is keep the fear aside and try to adjust with the circumstances, and go with a positive attitude and taste the new experience, environment and knowledge. It is all about adapting to the change, with all your abilities and skills.
6. Overcome the fear:
Sometimes one may be misled about their change by someone in the team, this makes them feel stress and gets afraid of accepting it. Do not get depressed, note down the consequences and have a strategy to overcome instead of wasting time with it. If it is a new team, try to get communicated with everyone and understand the mental ability of everyone, so that you can have a big picture how to manage and work with the team in a smart way. Sit with them and introduce yourself and let them know what troubles you, so that will try to help you out
7. Work Culture:
In case of a new organization, make a quick friend and know the details from him/her or from reporting manager, it takes time to adjust themselves with the environment but do not hesitate to try the opportunity. This may help for a successful career. If it is a new reporting manager, understand his background, maintain a professional relationship. Maybe the previous manager is very good at handling the team and may have a good bonding with each member, give him the best farewell party and welcome the new manager with a positive spirit
8. Learn to adopt the change:
Be flexible to the workplace, if you were asked to work in a shift which one is not comfortable, have a chat with HR, let them know your issues, if it is a compulsion, change your timetable and try to complete personal works in the week off or non-working hours. Learn time management and handle the change. Have proper training of new responsibilities from the education & training department of the organization. This will make your pressure down and will clarify your concerns. Focus on the upcoming goals and growth, then you will realize the necessity of change.
9. Proper communication:
If you do not find interesting with your work environment, do not get distracted and take negative decisions about career, exhibit your fears, concerns to the management and team, this will make them get better or you try to adopt it, always give feedback this helps the team to have good communication between them
10. Balance the stress:
Many of them have personal issues, do not show up in your professional career, face the situation with a smile, maintain diversity with your environment, this will lead to the support from the staff and encouragement from co-workers. Know your strengths and implement them in appropriate situations and highlight yourself and do not lose confidence, bring situations into control with all your strengths and give your best until you feel comfortable
11. How to settle slowly:
Gather as much as information possible and clarify your queries from the senior staff and ease yourself. Catch the fire as early as possible to retain your position in team. Do not get relax in the misconception that things will get settled slowly. From day one be active in the team. Always be ready with your game plan to settle with new environment. Take it up as a new challenge. Get mentally organized that this change is necessary, this thing is most important to understand to go ahead
12. Build self-confidence:
An individual is responsible for his/her own career, so be serious while taking up decision. To survive in this competitive world one should accept the change, initiate yourself to take the step forward and enjoy the new experience. Take it is a new learning in life and inspire from the new world around you, sometimes we need to compromise few things to get success in future, do not worry about them you will have to work hard now for a great future ahead
13. Make use of opportunity:
Do not discourage yourself with fear, think ways to overcome rejection or failure fear. Just write down what if you do not face the change, what one may lose in their career and how long will he/she will be affected and for how much cost you are losing the opportunity, this will make you know the importance and build confidence to accept it. Give time for yourself to get settle. Make your deadlines to reach the targets one by one to be outstanding and motivate yourself to reach the basic objectives. Try not to exhibit your weakness and give reasons to withdraw yourself from the opportunity
14. Teamwork balance:
Be honest with your officials, they will sort out your hurdles or problems which you are facing, and letting you stop to adhere the change, make yourself comfortable by involving into the mission that you are allocated. If you are new to the team, your behaviour with them plays a vital role, engage with each one, understand and make use of their knowledge, let them know where you were lacking behind, take their help to catch the position in the team
15. Change is a must phase:
Maintain the communication with the team, this builds the team strength.Lack of communication questions your existence, mark an impression in the organization from the beginning of the new challenge and develop your career and give a scope to excel yourself. To grow in career all these conditions are must to experience once in life. Be excited to take up new experiences in life, this will help you to have a long lasting successful career in life
16. Keep trying:
One might fail at his first attempt in his new responsibility, you may lose interest to work. Do not avoid the meetings or off sites with co-workers, have a face to face meeting with your manager. Be with a positive attitude, move on with go-getter attitude, even try to attempt the worst condition in the workplace. Do not run away, dedicate your time to focus on getting things solved, push yourself to put all your efforts to bring the workplace to the normal condition by which you can work comfortably.
17. Decline the change if appropriate:
Firstly think what disadvantages you may have if you lose the opportunity. Sometimes the emotions or bonding with the environment will not allow you to accept it, organize yourself that you can create the same environment in new surroundings. Think properly before you accept or reject the opportunity. Understand the reason behind not accepting the change, why you cannot handle it, what is stopping you to catch it, reduce your stress, think about the long term goals and view the responsibilities in a big mirror. Build your confidence to deal with the situation
18. Whether to accept or reject:
If it is a change that could degrade or demote your level, then one can resist the change, since it is not possible to do out of your way, politely decline it, explaining them the reasons. Suggest the management with any other relevant opportunity they could offer that well suits with your skill set. You cannot have all the same comforts offered in the new responsibility. So adjust with it, and compare what is most exciting in a previous life and apply the same formula here, prepare yourself how to manage the change, relieve the stress and work with your goals
20. Overcome the hurdles:
One may not have experience in the field or with people when change is inculcated in the organization, so develop a plan for onboarding, go through this phase to remove the burden of fear. We may have many questions on how to handle the new challenge, so one must go through this training phase to adapt with the new life. Understand the benchmark from the previous employer who is being replaced. Collect the data from them, how did they go through this phase, how did they handle crucial situations, and how they won the hearts of everyone in the team. How did they meet the differences or gaps in the position.
21. Economical benefit:
Along with career growth, also concentrate on the financial growth, how one will be affected economically, if one is assigned with a new role or promoted to the higher position, understand the benefits, it will help you to easily accept the change or opportunity. Also, remember to compare with current statistics
22. Why is it so important:
Change is the first step of growth for everyone. Understand the productivity of the organization neglecting individual personal interests. One will be responsible for the organization promotion or growth, so it is essential to understand the objective while accepting the workplace change. Build your interpersonal skills to work along with the team. Identify the opportunities with a clear vision, overcome the pressure or problems.
Build a relationship with the surroundings, always accept the feedback to grow and allow change. Do not get disappointed with the reality, deliver the results with a new experience, skills and utilizing your knowledge also learning from others. Nothing stays forever so be part of the change and adhere them