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How to Build a Great Company Culture? 17 Excellent Tips


A foundation for any company is its culture. If a startup is considered as human then culture is considered as a heart. The core of the successful business is formulating a strong company culture. A culture should be one which adopts shared values, attitudes, beliefs and standards which qualifies the organizations goals. Since culture isn’t quantitative it is tough to get to know how strong a company is in terms of culture. There are many things the leader needs to follow for culture building in a company. Let’s glimpse through a few aspects on how to build a great company culture.

build great company cultureKey Elements for Creating a Great Company Culture:

1. Greeting others like family:

The morning ritual of greeting your colleagues is one aspect which should be followed in order to build a company culture. There are few people in organization who smile at other colleagues while they enter, put high five and even hug as if they were relatives. It is really a small gesture to greet your teammates. The employees feel safe and unstrained when you leave your guards down and they also offer their best work. Greeting other employees can be the initial step in building a great company culture.

2. Enjoy cool talk:

In an office environment, there are a group of people who would keep laughing about something apart from work. A leader should try to encourage these aspects rather than thinking that employees work well only if they sit in their seats. It should be believed that humans are social creatures and lead their life the same way. It would be counterproductive to try and develop a company culture without these interactions. Leaders should bear in mind that a team chatting other than work is not waste of time but in turn it develops unity among members. By this way company culture can be developed.

3. Guarding the team:

A leader should be one who makes personal sacrifices for the sake of the team. By this way the team also attempt to make sacrifices for the company. As a leader come forward and do things which no one does, dive into troubles and start solving them first. When team observes this, they start battling to achieve the mission of the organization.

4. Assigning an owner:

Another way to develop company culture can be by assigning certain people who take responsibility for culture. Not everyone as an individual focuses on company culture; someone should focus on it and also push employees in a singular direction.

5. Leadership plays a key role:

The leader is a main personality who shapes culture of a company and so makes sure that the leader incarnates the type of company culture it needs to be.

6. Hiring the right person:

Picking the best fit by taking a look at the perspective’s hire personality is something to be noticed at time of recruitment. Staffing and recruitment firm CEO of LaSalle network, Tom Gimbel states that if a candidate has interest and knows what their friends and family members are doing then they will surely know what their colleagues will do in an organization. This adds to developing strong culture in business or an organization.

7. Transparency:

A strong company should make sure to go through the key metrics in an organization which can help to develop company culture. Ensure that all the employees are aware of the responsibilities, thinking, and strategies at each level and the employees are able to offer feedback as well offer ideas. To bring in transparency the employees should make sure to allow the employees to ask any queries either through a phone call or through a separate provision in the web. The company culture can surely be developed by means of transparency.

8. Understanding work life balance:

Concentrating only on work rather than other personal activities can make an employee burnt out. If an organization desires a work hard mentality from the employees they should also remember the responsibility of the employee about work-life integration. The leaders should understand that life runs the way business runs but there are personal aspects for which time needs to be dedicated. This can also be a way by which corporate culture can be developed in an organization.

9. Freedom in organization:

In an organization the leaders can provide employees with proper guidelines rather than detailed directions and micro managing their project. It is a fact that informed employees are more specific and empowered in a company. When employees have a greater freedom to manage tasks, work on them, execute them they are more interlinked with the company’s work culture.

10. Talking to employees and customers:

It is mandatory for employers to get to the employees and get a pulse about cultural change that’s prevailing around them. At varied positions in an organization, there may be situations where an employee wouldn’t have nailed a product in the right manner, or may have few challenges regarding the product. This category of problem can be solved by talking to customers. This actually fires up an employee and also develops enthusiasm in an employee. When personal connections are made it makes a difference in an organization. The leaders can talk to employees and further develop company culture.

11. Organizational design:

When organizational design is placed in the appropriate place then business culture is enhanced in life. An organizational culture design can be described as a process, structure or hierarchy which puts culture into practice. The way certain responsibilities in an organization are done such as strong team building, communication, company policies, performance evaluations, and more are aspects that helps culture to be practiced amongst employees.

12. Defining legacy:

An organization should be developed deciding upon how you want it to be. In that manner workplace culture should be sowed in every employees mind from the start by defining your organization. Many people leave big cultural organizations and get to smaller one as they aren’t well treated. Decide to yourself what an employee should say out when he leaves an organization. A good company culture is important to gain a good name for the organization.

13. Listening to their needs:

It would be a good suggestion to listen to the employees. The employees can be asked about what they like about the organization and what they hate about the concern. By this way a positive company power culture is sure to be developed as the needs of the employees are listened.

14. Rewarding:

Patting your employees at their back is something they always liked. Giving recognition to employees when there is a due can be energizing for the employees and a positive culture is developed in them.

15. Changes take time:

To make a change and develop company culture patience, time and dedication is mandatory. It consumes more time and hard work for developing good company culture, in that manner, leaders should be patient to experience the output. Start developing good company culture to enjoy the benefits.

16. Realizing humanity:

It is really important to realize humanity in employees. Great employees are required to build a good culture and for the same, people’s humanity should be considered. Leaders just need to be caring about work force, authentic and able to communicate about the visions to their employees. By this way company culture can be developed.

17. Leaders responsibility:

These are considered to be few pointers which should be followed in order to develop a company culture. Every leaders in an organization needs to focus on little things in the company which contribute to the development of culture in the workplace or company. Leaders who desire to make a change and develop their company culture can run through the mentioned points and initiate their process.

Every employee in an organization is responsible and must cooperate in order to enhance company culture. Culture would be predicted if the employees are properly guided. A good company culture makes you believe that everything and everybody inside and outside the company are good. For the same more contributions from the employees are mandate. A hunt online can help the leaders know more about ways to develop company culture and steps to develop the same. Gaining familiarity for an organization not only depends on productivity but also with good company culture, and hence developing a good company culture is mandatory in an organization. The core values and mission of the organization can be a good start when discussed with the employees to develop a good company culture.




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