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How to Create a Better and Happy Work Environment


A workplace where one works for his / her daily earnings should be comfortable and also with positive energy. Every day going to the same office at the same time seems to be a little annoying, but sometimes when one’s day goes well in that office everything seems normal and great.

Sometimes one feels that he/she had a bad day at the office and they may start feeling irritated about their official work. These kind of feeling comes because of some kind of negative act or maybe cause of negative situations.

Better Happy Work Environment

13 Ways to Create a Better and Happy Work Environment:

Sometimes one feels negative about office stuff, it’s because of the old and normal look all around the office. And to avoid such uncomfortable negative vibes in an office, one can start with some of the ways to make workplace to be comfortable for work. And they are as follows.

1. Use some natural lights:

Generally, human being gets bored of stuff very soon. And because of that one loses interest over his / her duties in that office. Ultimately, this creates a certain kind of negative things in one’s mind.

To avoid such negative behavior inside the office one needs to think of using natural lights in an office. Natural lights bring nature and positive energy inside an office. This kind of natural lights helps to create a new idea for the success of the company.

2. Flexible schedule:

An employee working in an office feels very irritated to get to the same office at the same time every day. To avoid such annoying feel an employer needs to rethink about an office hour.

This doesn’t happen in reality that the employees can come to the office as per their desired time and finish their eight hours of work according to their time schedule. If this kind of flexible timing around the office is opted then all employees feel confident and energetic to come to the office

3. Rethink of office color:

All the office is colored white with the thinking that white color is not destructive and give inner peace. But this kind of thinking over color brings one to think that it’s not about color, it’s about thinking.

White color around the office bring negativity and it’s too depressing, instead of that one can think of, using bright and vibrant color which changes moods. This can be helpful for all, the employees feel the change and enjoy the bright and vibrant colors all around the office.

4. Take a small break from work:

To deliver one’s work very comfortably and happily, one needs to start taking a little break in between of the work. This may seem inappropriate, but taking a small break from work can give a break from stress.

A break can give one an energy to work hard to complete the work. By taking a small break from the work will also help an employee to think about positive elements all around the office. This kind of thinking brings positivity and comfortable environment at the office.

5. Keep a lower and respective tone:

An employee feels irritated to go to one’s work because of some of the mistakes of the employers. These employers use such annoying tone around the office that the employees working feel bad about working there.

A respectful and requesting tone can make all the employees give 100% of their work. Use of such sweet and respectful tone solves the communication difference between the employer and employee. This helps to improve positive energy around the office.

6. Take small naps:

There will be lots of work going around the office and people get so frustrated because of that they lose their temper. And this kind of behavior creates a communication difference between others. To avoid such mood swings around the office one can start taking a small nap from the office things. This helps in clearing frustrating stuffs to be controlled in a better manner.

7. Taking walks:

Whole day in front of the monitor seems very tough to handle. To avoid such uncomfortable working position one can at least take a walk and get some fresh energy to move on with the work.

By doing such things an employee or employer can definitely bring some comfortable situations in the office. To make that happen one needs to take responsibility to understand the working ability of oneself. This can always help in a very good manner.

8. Keep moving on with the work:

Sometimes a person works in an office, gets stuck with only one work which can turn things in a frustrating level. A person should keep changing their duties assigned, if there is any problem then try to solve it and if it doesn’t then wait until there’s any valid reason for. Meanwhile, one can start doing other work to avoid old problems to come up. By following such kind of work order, one will definitely feel lighter about some work.

9. Use some good office air fresheners:

To be more comfortable and energetic in an office an employer needs to check that all the elements in the office going are great. A person working in an office feels well to start his / her work if the smell around the office is good .

If an office smells good, then the all the employees working in that office feel better to deliver their responsibility. By making all this kind of changes in an office an employer can bring some energy in the office.

10. Providing cold and hot beverages:

After being healthy in the office, one needs to understand that being healthy is not so favorable to an office environment than being attentive in the office. All employees should be provided with the beverages they really want in the office.

This can help them to work effectively and accurately. These kind of beverages are healthy enough to be handled in the office. If an employer wants to keep his / her employees happy then they should provide them all the requirements they need.

11. Growing plants:

Plants gives natural energy and fresh air. To be comfortable in the office one can bring their plants to be placed next to where they sit. This can be helpful in the case where plants can be very refreshing to watch.

These refreshing natural elements bring positivity around the office, which is very necessary. All the employees start bringing plants to the office so make some changes in the office. By bringing some changes in the office can make things better there.

12. Healthy menu or snacks:

Every office has their canteen facility, these facilities can be boring as well as the rest of the things in an office. Same boring snacks and meals can turn one’s mood down to a zero level. By adding some healthy snacks and meals inside the canteen menu will give those employees, a positive energy, healthy way to approach the things in the office. Having a healthy snack can bring some energy to work better and also to think better while things go out of uncontrolled inside the office.

13. Placing right temperature:

In an office the environment should be warm enough to handle. Being warm enough in the office can be stated as in healthy bearable temperature. Temperature setting in an office is very essential as it’s a working place where all the official matters are discussed and things can turn in very heated up due to uneasiness. These small things can turn an office into a place where things can be comfortable and relaxing.

6 Best Ways to Keep Employees Happy and Motivated:

There are certain situations where an employer drives an employee crazy and this turn things in a very bad shape. To overcome this situation an employer needs to get some kind of changes and they are as follows.

1. By being a wise employer:

An employer is a person who controls and manages all the activities around the office and he is the one who handles all the staffs professional activity. But sometimes these employers try to be very rude to the employees. And this can create some kind of a communication difference between an employer and an employee. To avoid such difference an employer needs to start being very nice to everyone and this may change certain things between him/ her or the rest of the staff.

2. The employee work appreciation:

An employer instead of being rude and stubborn, he / she can at least appreciate the work they deliver. By appreciating all the employees work and effort an employer start a positive change in the office. This change can ultimately affect an employer for the betterment of his / her company. These things help an employer to be more interactive with all the employees which is considered to be a good thing.

3. A healthy atmosphere:

In an office people work there for different departments. These departments have their own nature of working. These nature of working can be maintained with all the data and discipline. To maintain a healthy atmosphere in the office an employer should make sure that all the transaction and activities going around in the office are resulting in a positive way. Positive energy brings healthy and very productive environment for the employees.

4. Rewarding efforts:

An employer can start taking initiative towards employees’ efforts over certain working projects. To make them comfortable in their work, an employer can start taking track of the employee work sheet and also can start rewarding them for the efforts they have put to get it done. These kind of gestures can help an employer to make better relationship with all the employees. And also it creates a comfortable environment.

5. Maintain an employee involvement:

To work in an office comfortably and productively, there are certain things which needed to be check listed. These checklists can be of many official materials and environment. And main importantly its employees, they should be involved in all the decisions the company takes for itself and for the profit. Their opinion matters for the company because they deliver their life and intelligence on this particular company.

6. Encourage them to keep working:

Encouragement creates such an environment where a person starts to feel that he / she is very productive to be part of this encouragement. All the employees should be encouraged to keep working in that company. Sometimes it happens that the employees may be willing to switch their job because of some valid reason. These reasons can be negative for the company reputations. Losing a good candidate for that position can create problems in the office.

Conclusion :

To end this discussion, we would suggest that an office is a second home for everyone who is currently working and who used to work. To have a comfortable working environment an employer needs to make sure that all the elements in the office are placed according to the comfort of all the employees.

By making one’s employees comfortable an employer can have a better working ability. If an employee is happy then he/she will definitely work better for the success of the company. If an employee is not so happy enough to handle situation in the office, then it is tough handle such employees to get comfortable.

Therefore, to avoid such situations an employer need to make note of things which can bring uncomfortable environment in the office. And above mentioned are some of the ways to make workplace more comfortable for working. By following mentioned steps one can make their workplace comfortable.

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