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What to Do Before, During, and After an Interview?


To cope up with competition one should be well prepared to handle the interview. Many of them get rejected because of their bad performance at the interview. It is likely to expect that a candidate can be interviewed by a professional interviewer who has gone through many applications.

They keenly observe the candidates how they project themselves at interview. So to be outstanding among all the applicants it is necessary to follow certain instruction before, during and after an Interview. Here are few tips one can follow to crack their interview in first attempt.

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What to Do Before During After Interview

What to Do Before Interview?

1. Resume writing:

Resume is the first weapon to capture the attention of the employer. Resume should be very brief capturing every key skill, qualification and educational background. Prepare the identical resume so that employers will choose the one who seems to be perfect, make sure it is different from others. Most important thing is not to mention about elements which are going to be controversial and asked for explanation.

A good resume should cover all the work history, and the key skills that are related to the current job role. Avoid mentioning about career breaks in the resume. Elevate all the additional responsibilities that one associated in their past jobs.

2. Browse about the company:

Before attending interview it is necessary to go through the company website, its products and services, during hiring process it is likely that candidate will be asked few
questions related to their company to find whether one is aware of their nature of job and readiness to accept the challenges.

Applicant can draw the attention of employers by speaking about the facts and knowledge of that company, this will emphasize that the candidate is excited and enthusiastic to work with them. It also shows that one is prepared and well deserved.

Express to the employer that how much you love this job and needed it. Highlight the key achievements and milestones of the recruiting company.

3. Contact References:

For few companies, references are important to collect before an interview. They will save to get job, if someone is little weak in any part of interview. It is always not necessary to get references, but be prepared to get some references they will be helpful if asked by the interviewer.

Mention in the application if required to be filled with not more than two. Also, make sure that these references are useful, do not mention them if they don’t have a good impression with employers, not higher in cader or the employers have not known them. They also help with any queries related to the job roles. So don’t forget to find references before the interview.

4. Try Online ability tests:

Online tests before an interview will build confidence before the interview. Have a mock test, one can assess themselves and check their performance level. They need random questions in different tests and get chance to prepare well that is required for the role.

Accuracy levels also improves by practicing. Also, it helps the applicant to know about the pattern of the interview. To have a flawless interview, evaluate results and understand the drawbacks so that it will not repeat while attending interview. It gives a gist about professional format of interviews. Clarify with someone if there are any queries.

5. Dress Up professionally:

One need to concentrate on dressing part before attending interview. Groom a day before the interview. Make sure to chose subtle colors which appears to be professional. Do not go with heavy makeup, be as simple as possible. For men chose brown black shoes, and a good tie with light color shirts.

For women make sure that skirt length is not too short, a blazer will be outstanding idea to pull over before attending interview. Comb hair well, for men trim moustache and make hair short, for women a pony will do, or any hair style which do not fall over face

6. Prepare a check list:

Make a check list of all things which are to be carried and followed for interview. This will not make it last minute messy. Some fail at interview for not being organized, they skip something or the other.

To avoid such things, take a notepad and write down all items. Make sure to follow these things like educational documents, skill certificates, a pen, notepad, references name and contact details, check for the venue address, research about the company, ready with pressed dress and polished shoes, photocopies and photographs, resume preparation, go through previous interview question if available in online websites.

What to Do During Interview?

Resume is just set of pages which will show applicant skills, qualifications and profile of a candidate. But that will not help a candidate to get completely succeed in the interview, one have to present themselves in a way that they get impressed with the professional behavior and attitude of a person towards the job.

1. Be elegant:

Never show nervousness on face. Keep smiling and be pleasant. Dress well and show up to the interview. Be confident while entering into the interview room. Be active and say hello to the interviewer or just shake hands with them.

Maintain eye contact while answering the questions and do not rush or interrupt the interviewers while they speak, let them complete the sentence and then proceed. Be conscious of behavior while moving in and around the premises of company. Many eyes will be observing so be attentive. Keep mobile in silent in office premises.

2. Confident and specific Answers:

Be well prepared with basic questions like tell me about yourself, education and family background, make sure to give flawless introduction. Try not to make mistakes in that, with proper vocabulary and fluent English. Be spontaneous and give them interesting and smart answers. Sell yourself with positive attitude how best can fit for the offered job role.

Elevate strengths than weakness which relate to that roles and responsibilities and prove that you can handle the challenges. Never talk bad about the previous companies. Organize yourself and give answers straight to the question, but don’t mess up with anxiety. While talk about negatives make sure to give reasonable answer.

3. Posture and body language:

Sit firm in the interview. Don’t get nervous in the interview, being relaxed also not entertained. Playing with hair and pens. Or resting arm under the chin all these things should be avoided at interview. Maintain eye contact and smile when necessary. Stop wandering while talking with the employers.

Stick to the topic and don’t tell stories which may irritate the interviewer. Kill nervousness and other habits of shaking legs, biting nails. Employers will notice that the applicant is nervous and find that he/she is weak. Take a deep breath and start. Mock interview will help the candidates to handle such situations.

4. Talk about positives:

One bad sentence is enough to fail in the interview. So be very careful while making statements or when talk about something. One may have many good experiences in their life, collect them and talk in the interview.

Interviewer will ignore all the achievements that one had described them in interview, but they can easily reject someone for the one and only one negative statement. Be constructive when the employer asks questions and prove that you are deserving for this position. Be active and engage with interviewers.

Give a clear answer so that the employer will not find difficulty to ask the same question repeatedly in attempt to understand.

5. Speak about special skills:

When the competition is high for certain job vacancy, the employers will not choose average candidate, applicant should be outstanding with skills and qualifications. So when you get a chance to talk about skills, gather confidence and build sentences to speak with employer about the elements which will be helpful to grab this job.

If it is for experienced candidates they will have wide scope to talk about it, fresher’s can talk about their projects, they should be very keen to explain how could they suit with this job and match the requirement.

Refer to the course materials if required which will be helpful to get through the technical questions. Never fake and be honest.

6. Give Examples:

If one keeps on talking about themselves the interviewers may be bored to make them assure give some good examples, which will prove that how one handled the situation with their potentials skills.

Employers feel interesting to listen, make them engage with story. Keep check mark for all the qualities that are required for the job with a proof statement and make it short and clear.

Many do not compromise and satisfy with the answers of the applicant, saying such examples will set a bar for the others. Collaborating behavioral, experience and personal qualities will help to get successful in the interview.

What to Do After an Interview?

Now it is time to break the suspense and candidates worry for their result. After performing well in the interview one should also take care of some tips after an interview so that they wont lose opportunity.

1. Thank the interviewers:

After finishing the interview, shake hands with interview and thank them for giving opportunity. This will show that one is interested with the job and excited to work with them. Utilize this opportunity to impress them and this is one of the professional behavior to be followed after an interview.

Show some enthusiasm by thanking you on the spot or through a email or message. It is not only to make a interesting start up conversation also one need to end it smart. Tell them once again about the interest to work with their organization.

2. Catch up with references:

Contact the person whose name mentioned in the interview as reference. Share the interview experience with that person and gather some information about the company details, how helpful he/she can be to get this job.

Also, let them know skills and experience that one have in their career. They can give some hint about the result date or could help with some extra information which may be helpful to get through this job.

Be in touch to get updates. Until and unless we talk the step about the status of application, they can’t help us. So don’t ignore their contacts after finishing the interview.

3. Wait for the deadline to cross:

Never contact the recruiters as soon as the interview is done. Wait patiently for them to analyze and announce it. Ask the employers for the result while leaving from the interview and wait till then. Many of them write emails and try to contact before the deadline, it is major mistake give some time to decide themselves.

Don’t annoy them by dumping emails and messages, they may block the candidate if did such kind of things. Follow up only when the given deadline is finished, there are very rare chances to miss the candidate contact details, in that case one can contact the recruiter about the status of interview. Check the inbox frequently so one will not miss the opportunity.

4. List down the power facts:

Interviews will bring great experience, especially for the freshers. Apart from the result, note down overall performance in the interview. Note down all the good statements that one answered before the employers so that one can repeat the same in the next interview.

Also, make sure to write the feedback given by the recruiters to improve, this will help to overcome the drawbacks in the future not only interview also in the workplace. This will improvise person performance in the next challenges that they face and help to handle them easily. One can motivate themselves with these notes and perform much better in the future and can help others to get through the challenging interview.

Acknowledge the recruiter upon receiving the email regardless of the success or failure of the interview.

What Not to Do During an Interview:

Now as you have learned all the major tips on what to do before, during and after the interview, it is better to know the mistakes you need to avoid during the interview.

It is better to understand “what not to do” rather than “what to do” as the former is the mistakes that can directly lead you out of the hiring process.

So having a good grip on these points can help you sustain the interview waves smoothly.

  1. Do not get defensive
  2. Do not fidget
  3. Do not get nervous
  4. Do not give any negative impression
  5. Avoid talking about personal life
  6. Never be arrogant
  7. Avoid the words you have no idea about
  8. Avoid slang
  9. Do not drag the answers
  10. Avoid talking too quickly
  11. Never chew anything in between the interview

Quick Instructions on Interview Process:

Before an Interview:

  1. Have a good night sleep
  2. Research the company well
  3. Have a healthy breakfast
  4. Rehearse few answers of common interview questions
  5. Prepare a few questions to ask the interviewer
  6. Carry extra copies of resume with you
  7. Use the internet for more information
  8. Your interview dress should be formals
  9. Know about the interviewer
  10. List out your strengths
  11. Create a list of references
  12. Take a bath
  13. use a mild perfume
  14. Take your thank you notes with you
  15. carry a kerchief with you
  16. Turn off your mobile

During an Interview:

  1. Be yourself
  2. Give firm handshake
  3. Maintain eye contact
  4. Do not show nervousness on your face
  5. Do not sit before asked to
  6. Answer the question confidently
  7. Do not use words like ‘yeah’
  8. Maintain a smooth tone
  9. Understand the question and then answer
  10. Take notes
  11. Brief out your achievements
  12. Speak about your extra skills only if it matches the job role
  13. Ask questions if any

After an Interview:

  1. Drop a thank you note
  2. Create a list of areas where you need improvement
  3. Follow up in the right way
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