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How to Become an Aerie Model? A Complete Guide


Aerie is the lingerie brand by American Eagle. They are always in the search of new faces to represent their unique lingerie brands.

The brand has a unique collection of lingerie in many different colours and patterns. They wish to reinvent styles of inner wear for women so that they are comfortable and attractive.

Modelling for the brand can be a unique experience for any budding model. You need to understand the brand and what it stands for. This will help you qualify and be eligible as an aerie model or to be the face of the brand.

Read to know what the brand represents and how you can be the face of the brand.

how become model for aerie

Tips to Become an Aerie Model:

The following mentioned are few tips on how to become a bra model and all the things to understand before becoming a model for the company.

1. Products By The Brand:

The Aerie brand has the widest collection of ladies innerwear. They have bras and panties in many different colours, styles and patterns. They understand the need for the wearer to look natural and confident. That is why they have come up with a wide range of lingerie products that suit different women’s tastes and comfort.

The lingerie products are made from best quality materials that ensure complete comfort and ease to the woman wearing it. The advertisements also try to reveal the higher level of comfort offered by their products.

They have modified their marketing strategies over the years based on the changing needs of a woman.

2. Brand’s Target Audience:

The brands’ target audience is usually women of 21 or 22 years of age. The brand usually reaches out to women in the age range 15 years to 35 years.

You may visit their website and you will get an idea of how the models are used to represent the brand.

The brand has now started a new marketing campaign that is referred to as the Aerie Real campaign. The campaign tries to reach out to the new age woman.

3. Brand’s New Aerie Real Campaign:

The big brands used to retouch their models using different photography techniques and the people never got an idea of the real picture.

Aerie has realised the significance of showing the true picture to the customers and buyers. That is why they have come up with the campaign where the models are not retouched.

They have also made their website in a fashion that there are aerie real models to represent the buyer’s body type. This makes it easier for the buyer to purchase the perfect lingerie that suits them.

4. Ways To Enhance Your Profile:

A budding model may have certain firms or brands for which they wish to work. If Aerie is your dream brand, try and have a profile that represents you as a model for their products.

Try and have pictures in your portfolio flaunting your natural looks in lingerie. These profiles are sure to draw the right attention.

Steps to Take to Be a New Aerie Model:

There are many factors that matter a lot when you plan to be a model. Being a model for big brands like Aerie means that you need to have a lot of courage, confidence and willingness to work.

Here are some things you need to do if you wish to be as selected as a model for Aerie.

1. Stay Fit and In Shape:

A perfect figure is vital if you wish to model for big brands like Aerie. You need to take special efforts to make sure that you stay in perfect shape. This may sometimes mean a complete alteration of your lifestyle and habits. You must be willing to make these little compromises to stay in this glamorous career.

Alter your diet so that you get all the nutrients your body requires while eating less. Incorporate fruits, vegetables and nuts in your diet. Avoid oily and fried foods. You may consult a dietician to know the best food habits. She will tell you the foods that help you stay stunning and glamorous.

Regular exercise is a major contributor of the perfect figure. You need to take out a few hours each day for regular exercise. Try joining clubs for badminton or swimming. You may also join a gym or hire a gym trainer. He will help you with your exercise regime.

2. Work on Communication Skills:

Communication skills are vital for all people in the glamour industry. You need to develop a good accent and the proper vocabulary to support your stylish and fashionable looks.

If you have trouble with language, you can join language speaking classes. These help you learn the language in the proper way. They teach you the right accent and the proper usages for different contexts.

Joining a communication class helps you learn several aspects of speaking and communicating. These include the correct body language, posture and gesture.

Understanding these nitty gritty of communication will help you during an interview for brands. It will also help to improve your confidence.

3. Hire A Professional Photographer:

A professional photographer has worked with several models and brands. He may have worked with lingerie brands too. He has knowledge from his past experience that will help him click the perfect picture.

If you want to create a perfect portfolio and profile, you need to select a good photographer. He can help you click the right poses that brand managers of Aerie and other brands would be seeking.

Since you are aiming to be an Aerie model, you need to have profiles in lingerie. Agents who share model pictures also prefer to have images that most resemble the need of the brands. Make sure you have a natural picture that is not retouched.

Aerie looks for the natural and genuine you and not for fake and modified profiles.

4. Pick the Right Modelling Agent:

Modelling agents keep track of all the modelling events and modelling requirements. Pick a modelling agent who has worked with Aerie’s hiring process before.

This will increase your chances of getting hired by the brand. If the agents suggest changes and modifications in your profile, be willing to make those changes and take it in a positive light.


Once you get selected into the brand, your journey has just begun. To stay in the modelling career and to increase your career opportunities, make sure you stay active in modelling circles.

Participate in events and make the audience feel your presence. Once you are the face of Aerie, other brands will also approach you with lucrative offers.



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