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7 Awesome Tips for Starting a New Management Job


Managing things can be a daunting task. Most of us wonder about how we would have handled the situation if we were in our Manager’s position!

This is mostly the case when we have got bad managers. We might have just failed to meet the deadline due to unavoidable situations, but our manager is in no mood to listen, instead he is giving his piece of mind.

Once we step out of his room, the very thought that crosses our mind is that when we will become a manager, we will never do this sort of thing.

starting new management job tips

Now that you have landed yourself a management job, what kind of a boss will you turn out?

One who hears to his sub-ordinates or the one who is always dominating. When you are new in the management job, initially it will be an elating learning experience for you, but it is important that you settle down quickly.

Don’t be overwhelmed by the power that you have now, instead work tactfully to use it for the benefit of yours and your company.

Here are Some Tips that will Help you in Starting your New Management Job with oodles of Confidence:

1. Set the performance expectation:

Now that you are wearing the management shoe, it is important that you set the performance expectation clearly.

Even your boss will have some expectations from you, so you need to clearly communicate with your boss what new responsibilities you will have.

When you know what is expected out of you, come back and talk to your team about the performance expectation that you have from them.

Ty to know the goals that each individual has and try to steer the goals in a manner that will help them grow and also help you in achieving the performance expectation that is set.

2. Accept the challenge:

We all know change is constant in any company, so you will have to be flexible and make your team believe in that too.

You may be a first time manager, but that doesn’t mean you will take uncertainty as an excuse to hide your incompetency in pulling up the team productivity.

You will have to work on your plan almost every day to see that the challenges are met on a daily basis and if you are waiting for things to get stabilized, then you might not start working at all. Therefore, get on your toes and plan your group output.

Unless and until your team starts delivering how will you even realize whether you are on the right track or not?

3. Keep yourself updated:

Just let your higher management know that you are following the plan that both of you have agreed upon.

If there is any change in the plan request your supervisor to inform you, otherwise you will be getting on with the pre-decided structure of work only.

Clarity in communication is imperative and when something new is introduced, welcome it with both hands.

If you feel that the goal won’t be achieved no matter what, then you must state it beforehand. In case, you agree to it and later you fail to deliver, then it will have a worse impact on your career.

4. Seek help from experienced professionals:

You are new in the management job, but there are several other experienced people around you.

If you are stuck in a problem or you are faced with such a challenge that you haven’t anticipated, then you can always seek help from your HR friends or experienced managers.

They will be able to guide you through the situations and provide you with effective feedback on the matter. You can also ask the HR department to see whether they have any program or training session arranged for the new managers or not.

5. Be on the same page:

You might be thinking that if you do certain things, then you will be known as a good manager.

But in reality that is not the case, instead if you act according to the requirement of your team, then only you can become a good manager.

Everybody needs to have their own management style because one team might love the idea of doing things on their own and some team might need directions from their manager. Depending on the situation, you will have to plan your action.

You need to be on the same page as that of your team requirements. If they want clear methods, rules and deadlines, then provide them with that and if they want autonomy and responsibility, then support them with that.

6. Teamwork is necessary:

A manager is as good as his team. If his team performs well, then he is a good manager, if his team fails to perform, then he is bad at his work. In your team you have a strong team player and a weak team member as well.

As a manager, you will have to work along with your weakest member to see what resources he needs to come at par with the team’s performance.

It is always about ‘us’ in a team and when you share the credit of success with all of them, they automatically get charged up to perform even better.

7. Confident decision maker:

No matter how harsh the decision is, you will have to announce it with oodles of confidence. The company has promoted you to the position, so that you can bring in the change which is best suited for everybody.

Therefore, lead your team with confidence and you will see that your team understands you and respects your decision as well.

These are some of the tips that will help you in starting a new management job, but everyday will be a learning experience for you. An effective manager is one who is flexible and is eager to learn and adapt to situations in no time.

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