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How to Leave a Lasting Impression in a Job Interview?


Leaving a lasting impression during a job interview might not be the easiest deal to crack these days. People tend to get very nervous, especially if it is their first time. A lot of us tend to stumble, say things that are unnecessary and as a result send a negative vibe to the interviewer. To avoid this, we have enlisted few tips and ideas in our post that have been tried and tested by many. We are sure they will help you in the long run provided you follow them.

So without further delay, let us give you the top techniques using which you can make good and lasting impressions at your work place.

lasting impression in job interview13 Best Tips to Make a Lasting Impression at Job Interviews:

1. Try to be as real as you can:

The first step for you is to be as real and original as you possibly can. When the interviewer is asking you a question, make sure to answer in such a way that it stands out or gives you a very good impression. For example you could mention some of your outstanding qualifications along with a unique story you have to tell. No matter what it is, just make sure the hook ties to the position you are trying to aim for. The rest will be taken care of.

2. Prepare yourself well:

If you want to leave a positive impression at a job interview, it is important for you to prepare from beforehand. There are several parts of every interview and in order to nail all of them, you have to be smart and cautious. First of all, make sure you have searched and researched about the company online. You will be asked questions about it so make sure you know all of it. Second, decide what you are going to wear in advance. Your clothes and shoes should be spick and span. Third, make sure to smell good. And finally, be on time or come early.

3. Try to show that the qualifications you have match the job description:

When you are speaking to the interviewer, try to speak in such a way that it looks like you would be able to handle the job. Do not focus way too much on the experiences you have had earlier. Try to keep an eye on the future as well. Yes, your past experiences are of some importance but you should also try to see how the past experiences will help you reach the desired position. You should also be specific while describing your set of skills. Do not use long phrases or paragraphs while trying to explain.

4. Try to be both humble and confident:

A fourth thing you must implement is trying to achieve a balance between humble and confident. You should sound confident with your abilities. There is no way they should get a feeling that you are insecure. And for the matter, you shouldn’t be at all. So sit up straight and speak in such a way that you come across as audible and clear. You should also make it look like you are a humble person. Arrogance is never appreciated anywhere. So make sure to tone it down when the need comes.

5. Do not try to force the issue:

The first 10 minutes of the interview would be a bad time to talk about salary, payment and benefits. So we suggest you to focus less on things like that. There is a time for questions like that and it should be at the end of the interview. So take it lightly and see how things go. If you hurry, that would mightily work against you. The more calm, collected and composed you look; the better it is for you.

6. Know where your weaknesses are:

Another thing you should do is be entirely aware of the places where you are weak. You should prepare for both professional and personal weaknesses if the question arises. If you are asked a question on that, be honest and speak about it in brief but also try to show how hard you are working on changing this habit. That will give you a very good impression! The interviewer will think you are an honest person who is open to change!

7. You don’t have to ask questions:

You don’t have to ask questions for the sake of it. So always remember that! Normally when the interview comes to an end, the recruiter expects you to ask them something. If you don’t have anything valid or interesting to ask, we suggest you don’t ask any at all. In case you want to do something smarter, say that they should ask you questions if they have instead. That would look much better in an interview. It is also a good way to stand out.

8. Prepare all your answers:

Before you go for the interview, taken 15 to 20 questions and plan how you will answer them. Remember to give them some evidence that will support your answer.

9. Final job interview tips:

There are a couple of other tips you should definitely follow if you want to make a lasting  and great impression in your next interview. First of all, just be yourself instead of giving them a false idea of who you want to be. Second, sit up straight and make good eye contact with the people speaking to you. Third, before you leave the interview, smile at them and don’t forget to shake their hand. Fourth, listen carefully to the questions you have to ask. And finally, stay focused and positive.

10. Begin as you mean to go:

As the saying goes “The first impression is the best impression“. The first couple of minutes of every interview is very important. Starting off from the wrong foot will not help you get the job. So there is just one chance for you to make a good impression on your boss. And for that you will have to maintain a decent body posture. So when you walk in, make sure you are smiling. Also remember to maintain eye contact. Secondly, try to be positive and use good words most of the time. You should be optimistic and maintain a fine attitude.

11. Know your CV very well:

You should also know your CV entirely. It is also common that we practise “Tell me about yourself”. It is a common question and there are chances you will be asked that question. But when the recruiter is going through the CV, he might stop all of a sudden and ask you something very random that could leave you speechless for a bit. So the smartest thing to do here is knowing for CV entirely. This will help you answer all questions very confidently. We suggest you go through the CV detail by detail and probably make some notes out of it.

12. Learn how to handle different kinds of interviews:

Another thing you must do is to know how to handle different kinds of interviews. We might be all different but people tend to like other people who are just like them. So if it is possible, try to change your style just a bit maybe and match it with theirs. You can still be yourself though even if you make a couple of changes, we are sure your personality will shine through and make a very lasting impression of you at work.

13. Leave good energy behind:

Our final suggestion to you would be to leave some good energy behind. Like it has been mentioned several times in the post, you should be a positive person so that they can get a good vibe or not. Trust us when we say this, a good energy and decent vibe is what they all look for. So if you have this quality, there are higher chances the recruiters will remember you.

This brings us to the end of the list. Clearly as you can see, leaving a lasting impression at a job interview might not be the easiest thing to accomplish. It is hard and takes practise and a whole lot of confidence. You can always follow these tips and ideas in order to make a overall impression. If there are any questions you would like to ask, please feel free to leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you. Also try some of these tips and give us some of your feedback.



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