Marketing is a vital and critical function for all companies. The success and failure of any firm depends on the success of its marketing functions.
It is a constantly evolving profession and the executive should be always in tune with the social, political and economic changes to succeed. Making it big in corporate world needs business expertise.
However, when it comes to marketing world, you need much more than that. People looking to recruit marketing executives and those applying for such fields should know about few qualities essential for a successful marketing executive.
Let us dig a bit to find out some marketing executive skills and qualities.
Qualities of a Good Marketer:
Only being a good business expert does not help you in the marketing industry. Most of the hiring managers look for the best of marketing skills in an interview, while recruiting a candidate.
Also if you really are aspiring to become a successful marketing executive, there are a few important qualities that you need to possess. According to industry professionals, these qualities help you get ahead in their careers. Some of them are,
- Business Driver
- Customer Driven
- Relationship Focused
- Strategic Thinker
- Visionary
- Digital Guru
- Brand Champion
Traits of a Successful Marketing Executive:
The traits a person possess defines his true character. Being a marketing executive is easy but a successful one takes a lot of hard work and dedication.
Every employee in an organization strives to advance in their career and set up a benchmark in the market. For making this possible, there are few traits of a few successful marketing executives and some of them are,
- The idea of building the right team
- Having a perfect marketing strategy
- Know how to make the teamwork
- Having good influence in and out
- Best in adoption
- Ability to take the heat
Essential Qualities of a successful marketer:
- Curiosity
- Modesty
- Sales ability
- Good observational skills
- Innovation
- Sense of responsibility
- Relationship builders
- Eternal learners
- Creativity
- Adaptability
Successful Marketer Executive Skills and Qualities:
The following mentioned are few skills required for marketing executive and marketing personality traits.
1. Innovation:
Great marketing leaders and executives do not agree with mediocrity, but only with the best.
Innovation is the key in all spheres of life, but in the corporate world and marketing world, new and improved business solutions drive the business and the person should be an innovator to attract, maintain and grow customers.
Impatience and disagreement should be channelized by initiating changes to things that need to be changed.
2. Future Vision:
A successful marketing professional should be able to visualize what he and the company want for the brand in future.
A visionary needs to see what all needs to be done to achieve the objectives. The marketing executive should be able to communicate the vision to others and also inspire others to share it with him.
The whole company must be aligned with the winning strategy and the common goals and plans. It prevents companies from dysfunctions at later stages.
3. Tactical Thinker:
A marketing person aspiring to be victorious should be able to understand, formulate and execute business plans accurately.
To execute it, he needs to have an understanding of market trends and then by using tools like metrics and analysis; he can predict the big picture. Strategic thinking in marketing acts as a deal cracker.
The person needs to have an understanding of market flow, company strategy and how to implement it.
4. Converse with technology:
Today’s world eats and sleeps technology and to be on the top in this tech savvy world, the person needs to be on the edge throughout.
Detailed knowledge of all the latest available platforms and tools to market the product is essential.
5. Customer Concerned:
The basis of marketing is identifying and satisfying customer’s needs that too with profit. Hence every marketing professional should be able to identify the target audience, identify their needs and fulfil them.
All top notch marketing managers regularly think and behave like their customers would do. It helps them in getting in their shoes and understanding the customer better.
Feedback from the customer is also essential to modify, adapt and deliver the product accordingly. The capability of identifying the customer and his needs is the essence.
6. Passion:
To be successful in marketing, a person needs to have a passion for the product and the company he is endorsing. If a person does not love his organization, his brand, he cannot market and promote his brand effectively.
He should be able to ensure accuracy in the implementation of plans and ensure his passion is shared by others.
7. Focus on Relationships:
A successful marketing person should be able to build relationships as they are the most important aspect in the corporate world.
A person with good networks and contacts gets the best deal, and this holds true even more in the case of marketing. Support from all levels of the company, customers and people is a crucial feature of marketing.
8. A complete business leader:
Focus on the identification of needs and delivering results is the base of every function. Marketing personnel should be a business leader first and then a marketing leader.
Trust and cooperation from all the departments of organizations, is needed. The person should think and maximize efforts in the requisite direction to deliver the best results.
9. Diversity in functions:
A person with experience in a variety of functions like sales, operations and finance will be more successful in marketing overall as compared to those with experience solely in marketing.
A holistic approach is needed to sort the conflicts that may arise with time, among various functional departments. Speaking their language will ease the situation and help in reaching a solution.
10. Business Insight:
Marketing department delivers not only on a specific plan but on the overall plans of the organization. Knowledge of the market, its working style is imperative to be successful in this field.
The person should have knowledge about the organization deeply so that if any customer asks, he can answer the queries. Business fundamentals and forces influencing the business also must be understood.
11. Personality:
People expect the successful marketing manager to be well presented and one with a straightforward personality.
Marketing and straight forward may not sound good together, but the truth is that people prefer honest marketers as compared to those who promise them unfeasible things.
In other words, these are the key skills of a marketing manager. The marketer should be strategic, convincing and a bit of fun, so that he is always on peoples’ mind.
12. Two brained:
Generally, it is felt that some people are left-brained and some are right-brained. Left-brained are analytical in their approach and right-brained are creative, artistic.
A marketer needs to be both brained to bring discipline as well as art to the profession.
13. Specialization:
People with marketing background may have specialization in areas like brand management, product planning, sales and communication.
The organization and its recruiters should be clear about the traits that are necessary for the marketing person to face their challenges and segment its markets to achieve the targets.
14. Courageous:
Obstacles are imminent in every field and the team will also have to face many such challenges on their path to success.
The determination to get over the roadblocks, tenacity to overcome tough situations and the patience to never give up are important for a team leader.
Having a person like this gives confidence to others and it is needed to keep going in an environment like today where things are extremely dynamic.
Important Marketing Executive Skills:
Here we are sharing with you 6 essential skills that every marketer need to possess.
- Technological Skills
- Content Creation Skills
- Financial Management Skills
- Technological Skills
- Project Management Skills
- Critical Thinking Skills
Habits of Successful Marketing Executives:
It has been years that digital marketing has overtaken the traditional ways of marketing. Though both types of marketing still exist, most of the organizations are focusing on every way possible to get leads and business.
We need to move with time, or we will be left out. Digitalization is the new success formula which every business are trying their hand at. As it is a trending sector, there are many marketing executives who are trying hard to gain success in their career. The topmost position, a marketing executive can get is to become a chief marketing officer.
To get a brief idea, here we are providing you a few habits of chief marketing officers.
- Have a vision about future
- Committed towards the organization
- Respect native advertising
- They’re people persons
- They are experts in their industry
- Best mediators
- Have good experience
- Have a creative mindset
- They are into managing and analyzing big data
- They are completely on the digital bandwagon
- They are leaders
- They do not get stuck to a single thing
As seen above, there are many traits that a person needs to have to be a successful marketing executive. Understanding the fundamentals, combining the knowledge about business and the need, desire to do something new is one of the bases of effective marketing.
Finding and retaining talent i.e good marketing executive is not an easy job and if anyone shows above traits, he should be encouraged and trained to channelize his energies in the correct way to make him a successful marketing executive.