A candidate ought to compose the best kind of resume possible to get past all the stages of elementary and final selection. This however as easy as it may sound is one tough nut to crack since there will possibly be a thousand others fighting towards the same goal. Even though such an image of competitive roles may strike terror in the hearts of young applicants, there are a few easy ways to tackle any nasty turn that may fall on the way. Just as there is scope of preparation before any major examination, there are quite a number of nerve easing facts that can be of tremendous help in overcoming the problems of creating the perfect resume, recruitment and selection.

Interesting Resume Facts:
1. Unprofessionalism is a non-starter:
Sincerity and seriousness are the most sought after qualities, recruiters care to look for in a candidate. And this search begins from the very beginning with the submission of applications. The adage that our resumes reflect our personality is taken quite seriously in the corporate world. Any sign of lack of negligence in rounding up one’s best qualities in a resume, amounts to immediate cancellation of the concerned candidate. There can be a few reasons behind such an early rejection wherein the foremost would be possessing an unprofessional e-mail id. Professional workmanship is a promise every company is compelled to deliver on. And they will not hesitate with a second thought before chopping your name out if you are due on that promise.
2. Piquing the interest:
As a candidate the first and foremost thing you would want to tick is the recruiter’s interest. But before you can stir a foot in an actual interview, you have to get down to brass tacks with your resume. You will need to follow a few simple technical rules to bring your resume up to scratch in the best possible manner. Do not try to hard or brag about your achievements for too long as it is sure to botch your chances of getting the dream interview. Instead begin by saying how motivated you are at the prospect of being a part of the company followed by how and what you wish to contribute. Also mention how serious you are about committing your time and effort to the company. Speak about your goals and try to win over the interviewers with a factual approach.
3. Reader friendly resume:
Write in simple and lucid language if you are willing to obtain the perfect resume. Interviewers do not spend more than a few seconds after a single resume. Drawn out sentences are evidently going to be omitted by the interviewers. This renders most parts of your resume ineffectual as to making an impact. Therefore. Stick to writing a simple, easy-to-understand resume without difficult grammar and phrases. On top of it make an habit of repeating the keywords in your resume to help make an impression on the readers mind.
4. Other things that trigger rejection:
Another thing that might have a hand in your rejection is adding your photo in the resume. Interviewers have no interest over how photogenic you are or how many bottles of Botox you have emptied upon yourself in hopes of being the fresh face of the company. Include only your personal details as is needed and only talk about things interviewers are normally interested in. Pasting your picture does not paint the right picture for your selection and is most likely to show you the door. Instead stick to old policies and save the mark of beauty for the personal interview.
5. Walk the extra mile:
Since a personal interview is the most impressionable part of any selection, it would help candidates to gather as much reinforcement as possible in the preparatory period.
More often, the interviewer/s have a different origin of culture than the applicant. So it serves a better purpose if the candidates equipped themselves in the language of the interviewer. Trading on such advantages has often been seen to reap tremendous benefits in the long run and also in terms of the interview for the candidate. Speaking in the interviewers’ tongue will give you an edge over all those who will overlook the matter.
Interesting Facts about Recruitment and Selection:
1. Ruse on the rise:
It might come as a bummer to you that more than 34% of the candidates that fill out resumes are under-qualified for the job they are applying for. All the same it has become a rising trend among young commuters to apply for a number of jobs even if the job descriptions suggest they are unfit. This is a problem that cannot be easily dealt with, since there are always going to be a handful of talented people who are under-qualified but can still take the company to new heights. Such an underdog selection comes to pass when the resume is quite up to the mark having demonstrated the specific qualities the company requires. However, the interviewers try to avoid such partiality and leave the selection upon automated software to track down the appropriate candidate.
2. The machine before the man:
Selection of applicants these days is solely based on the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Due to the growing injustice over candidates owing to partial selection and unfair rejection, the rise of an automated software made to scout up the most eligible candidates was inevitable. Moreover difference in opinion among interviewers over candidates have also led to the need of a safe and sound device created to handle the dirty work of selection and elimination. The ATS matches the keywords and vital portions of a resume with the criteria of the company and makes the right selection there forth.
3. Scouts on social media:
In the light of technological advancements, recruitment has also found it rightful place in the heart of social media. Nowadays, in keeping with the trend recruiters have also hoisted a platform of selection on Facebook. More than half the selection made today is a result of Facebook scouting. To our surprise recruiters have taken to searching for able employees on Facebook. Due to the rise in retrenchment, companies are sometimes in immediate need of employees and fixing up a date with a potential employee on Facebook is a much faster way to fill the vacancy without suffering the cost of printed advertisement.
4. The 90 seconds countdown:
A scientific study reveals that the interviewers decide whether they want to hire a candidate in the first 90 seconds of the interview. This may come as a shock to all candidates since most of them are nearly clueless about what to say or what to do in the first few minutes of an interview. And here the choke is being narrowed down to a matter of 90 seconds within which the candidate has to give the best effort to win over the board of interviewers. The best way to overcome this fear is to worry as less as possible and not letting the tension affect your performance in anyway. A positive attitude towards your interview is the way to go since it does wonders as to increasing your chances of selection.
Surprising Facts about Recruiters:
1. The 5-7 seconds window:
Apparently recruiters do not spend more than 5 or 7 seconds staring at a resume. Since they have thousands of resumes to look into they can only spare about a few seconds on each. Candidate therefore have to make every word count. They can neither be too elaborate or too sketchy. The way to seal the best bargain is to repeat the keywords and write in simple language. The employer should have a good time, reading your resume. Try to avoid adding unnecessary detail and know how to trade on your strengths. Talk about your talents clearly and explain how you can manifest yourself as an asset to the company.
2. Fashion faux-pas:
55% of the rejection is due to inappropriate attire. Unless it is a fashion designing company, candidates are advised against being too creative or forward in your choice of clothes. Candidates do not take into account the importance of wearing the right clothes suitable for the interview. This habit can ruin every chance that you have to succeed in your efforts. So consult with an experienced person who knows how things work at interviews. Do not give into the latest trends of fashion while going for an interview. Always remember, what you wear represents your purpose so do tend to take things serious when it comes to making an impression at an interview.
3. The importance of seeing eye to eye:
About 67% of rejection is due to the failure to make proper eye contact. An interviewee has a lot on his/her shoulder the moment he/she walks through the threshold of interview. So it is normal to be nervous about what to say without making a puerile display of your talents. More so, candidates without their knowledge do themselves a nasty turn by avoiding eye contact sometimes owing to come off as rude. All the same, it is normal to be intimidated in an interview, but standing your ground and making eye contact reveals a lot about your character and how useful you are going to prove to the company in the future.
4. Gift of the Gab:
0% failure in selection is due to lack of clear verbal and communicative ability. Despite the talents lack of proper communicative skills can create a gap in understanding. Even the most talented candidate can hit rock bottom when he/she is unable to explain him/herself in clear terms. Try to avoid using colloquial lingo while at an interview. Think before you say anything while being absolutely original. Remember, companies do not want to gather the same horde of talents. Therefore, remember to play on your uniqueness which will help you to stand out in the crowd. Candidates are needed to brush up on their communicative skills and should train themselves to answer questions to the point.
5. Body language:
A large body of applicants get ruled out just because they are careless enough to retain a lousy body language and posture at an interview. For example crossing your arms over your chest gives off the wrong impression and vibe as opposed to what is needed. Crossing your arms indicate isolation and hampers your own interest by creating a barrier between you and the interviewers. Moreover, slouching in your chair is another example of a mistake which ought to be avoided at all costs. Bad posture and body language cut you off and severe your connection with the interviewers.
6. Acknowledge the company:
It is a given that when you have applied to a company, you must know a thing or two about the organization otherwise you would not be applying in the first place. Nonetheless, so applicants are stupid enough to walk into an interview without any knowledge pertaining to the company. No company appreciates such sincerity, negativity and unpreparedness. It is absolutely frowned upon and will result in your immediate rejection. Moreover, companies expect the candidates to know the vital details and principles the company runs by. This helps in better screening and also creates a better idea of the company among the candidates.
7. Show confidence:
Confidence is the key to success or better still brings you one step closer to success when you are at an interview. Studies show that it is mostly because of the lack of confidence that candidates give out easily. This has much to do with performance issues. This is one obstacle that the candidates need to overcome on their own. They can opt for mock interview classes but in the end all depends on their final performance. Nevertheless, practicing does wonders for your speech and boosts your level of confidence.
Bagging the most coveted job can be quite a struggle starting from composing the perfect resume to cracking the final interview. But it does become a lot easier if one follows the tips mentioned above that can only bring you closer to your dream.