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How to Work 12 hours a Day and Still be Happy?


Happiness at work is of utmost importance. Even if you are working 12 hours a day, being happy should be the priority. This is because if you will not feel happy, you will surely not enjoy your work and the work is worship. This is not a Herculean task of staying happy while working whole half a day. Just some of the tricks, you may say or the smart strategies, one should follow to stay happy and energetic whole day long. Follow some of the tips:

work for 12 hours dayHow to Work 12 Hours a Day:

1. Initially choose the work of your choice:

This is the first and foremost step towards being happy. Choose what you like to do or in which you have a deep interest. Having a deep interest in something will act as a catalyst and you will probably take an initiative for all sorts of work, hence will keep you happy.

2. Come up with innovations:

Innovations and novelty in something will help you bring a jolly attitude towards your work. Try something new. The same thing everytime will gather rust and will stop working after some period of time. Let your brain move in all directions and analyze the things to bring innovations to your work. Just like eating pulses and rice daily will create monotony, same is for the work. Doing the same thing everyday will create monotony. So to avoid dullness, try and be innovative. Innovation will keep you happy at work.

3. Take small breaks frequently:

Common, taking small breaks in between is no big deal. One cannot work like a donkey and expect to remain happy. So, take a tea break, a break for five minutes walk and so on. Taking a break will freshen you up from the standard life of sitting infornt of PC’s whole day long. Let your body take rest for a few minutes and then start with the work. Moreover, whenever the time of having a small break come near, the heart feels happy and also creates a sense of enthusiasm in us. So, get a break while you work.

4. Love what you do:

At first, doing what you like is fine, but loving what you are already doing is beyond happiness. Try and love the work you are given. When you leave the task, you will automatically feel happy, even if you work 12 hours. The time will not matter if you are happy with the work you do. So, love the work and it will provide you happiness.

5. Do not do the different thing, do the same thing differently:

Everyone can do the same thing and some may even rush to search for something different to do. Remember, you have to do the same thing, but in a different manner. Do not hurry for the non identical thing. If you want to be different, then create different from the commonness. When you try and experiment like this, happiness comes to you like a magnet.

6. Music would be a good idea:

Whenever you are doing a light work, play some music along with it. Music is the best way to have a gentle calming effect. The nerves get relaxed and also you feel happy while working. This is quite obvious, the work load is not the same the whole day. It’s graph increases and decreases with time. So grab the immediate opportunity of creating a smoothening effect in your ambience while you work.

7. Sleep early and get up early:

This is the basics to remain happy whole day without feeling sleepy and tired. If you had a sound sleep, you will remain happy and feel energetic the whole day, which will ultimately lead to maximize happiness while you work. If you did not have a sound sleep, the laziness and the urge to sleep will irk you and keep your happiness at bay. So, make sure you sleep early and also get up early to make you feel better the next day.

8. Take proper diet:

Now the paperwork has been reduced in the companies. Everything is accomplished through the laptops and the computers, so staff members remain tethered to the computer screen whole day long which creates tiredness and also number of body ache, illness. To avoid all this, one has to have a good balanced diet, to remain fit and healthy. Only being healthy will keep you happy and finally you will be able to work hard that too with happiness.

9. Talk to your near and dear ones:

At least once or twice, you should talk to your near and dear ones. Be it your parents, your wife, husband, children, etc. talking to them gives a sense of relief and lessens your burden, if they are fine. Hearing their perfect voice, provides your inner happiness and you will be able to concentrate on your work. When you will be able to concentrate, you will surely feel good and happy.

10. Have a friendly behavior with everyone:

When you are friends with the one’s you work the whole day long, you feel good and happy being in their company. If there will be conflict among each other, it will surely disturb you and you will not at all feel happy. Having some conflict with someone will haunt you every single second, even if you work for one hour. So, make sure you keep amiable with all and keep yourself as well as others happy.

11. Do not complicate your work:

Complications will leave you perplexed. So, keep your things simple and clean. The things you do should be crystallized, so that no complication is able to bring a frown on your face. This is the best way to remain happy. Also make sure you have a welcoming workplace.

12. Cleanliness, welcoming workplace:

Whenever you leave your desk after finishing the work, clean it properly. Cleaning does not only mean washing and clearing off the dust. It also means clearing the task and not leaving anything for the next day. When you leave the task for the next day, it will curb you for the next day and you probably will not feel happy. So, complete what you do, the similar day only. Leaving something for the next day is not at all advisable.

13. Completing the simple tasks as quickly as possible:

Yes, do not linger on anything. When you take a task and do not complete it, thinking it to be simple, it will create a problem for you. So, do not invite problems yourself. The problems have the capacity to snatch away your happiness. Just complete what is given , especially the simple task. This is because, if your simple task will take too long, the complex will threaten you and you will not at all feel happy while working.

14. Make yourself physically active at work:

This means instead of using the elevator or the lift, use the stairs. Walk to your co- worker to ask a query, instead of sending an email, leave the office for some minutes to get the coffee across the street. Sometimes have your lunch outside, do not eat at the same place where you work. So these are some of the tips that can make you feel happy from inside while you are working.

15. Avoid multitasking:

Do not do two or three works at a time. It will drop you somewhere in a pit of confusion and will lead nowhere. You will only be surrounded by the confusions. So, do not try your hand on different things at a time. Just concentrate on one thing and focus on that only. It will be helpful for your mental as well as the physical health and you will feel happy.

16. Avoid negative people:

Let negative people be away from you. Do not let people with negative vibes affect you or you will not feel good at your work place. If you want to be happy, surround yourself with the people who have a positive attitude. Positive one’s will inspire you while the negative one’s will degrade you. Positive people will themselves be happy and also will keep you happy. So, be with the people who spread happiness and encourages you. Do not be friends with the wrong people whom you do not admire.

So, above are some of the points that one should keep in mind while working, so as to keep oneself happy whole day long. Though it makes us feel tired, yet it is vital to keep yourself enthusiastic during the day’s work, as enthusiasm will keep your energy level and happiness intact. Keeping yourself happy is important both for inner as well as physical health. If you will stop being happy, you will not enjoy your work and it will lead to the loss of your company as well as the quality of work will get affected.


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