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Best Words and Phrases that Motivate, Inspire and Persuade at Work


Employees are the actual resources of an organization. To achieve the long term corporate goals, every manager needs to motivate and boost employees to perform up to their true potential.

To stand tall and make your company survive and grow in the long run, it is your primary responsibility to maintain the zeal and commitment of employees towards their work. Here we are going to discuss the best words that motivate employees at work.

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Words That Motivate

Phrases and Words That Motivate Us Most:

Be free and frank with your staff:

Daily communication with staff members is essential to be familiar with the ideas, concerns, and approach of your staff members. Conduct weekly meetings with them and you will come across numerous ideas that can help in streamlining the workflow of your business. A word that helps to maintain a level of transparency is most useful in such situations.

You will also be acquainted with the concerns of your staff and properly address them. As a result, you will be able to gain the trust of your employees who will put their best efforts into their work. Their dedication towards work will then improve.

Share interesting quotes, motivational quotes, etc. with them. Each time you meet at the meeting, make them remember the topics discussed. This will help you gain respect in their eyes for paying attention to details.

Share your business goals with staff members:

If all members of the staff are aware of the collective vision, they will feel far more motivated and will achieve success in their endeavors. They will thus experience growth in the long run. Therefore, to make your staff an important catalyst for success, in the long run, share the important business goals you aim to achieve.

Tell them ‘we need to achieve such a goal within the set deadline’ and it will motivate them.

Always appreciate new ideas:

If you make your employees feel worthy, then all of them will feel privileged not just to execute their daily tasks, but also come with new, worthwhile ideas. Provide them with an opportunity to come forward with an initiative and you will not be disappointed. A pat on the shoulder and words like ‘you can do it’ can do wonders.

Each one of them will in their ways approach to the longstanding problems which the firm will be facing. Some of them may prove to be indeed practical and help you resolve longstanding problems. Therefore, always be open to new ideas. They will help you maintain a good relationship with your staff.

Make people feel valued:

One of the major cravings of a professional is to be valued for the quality of work which he does. There are circumstances when appreciation has a higher value than money.

Even a well-paid employee will feel demotivated if he is ridiculed and criticized daily. Therefore, show your gratitude to everyone at the office with sincerity. Tell them ‘you are doing a great job’.

If your staff feels valued, they will reciprocate positively. It will get reflected in their work and consequently, they will prove to be useful assets for your organization.

Assign challenging tasks to your employees:

People tend to become stagnant if they keep doing what they are used to. They can grow only if they adapt to new skills gained through the handling of challenging tasks. So, as a manager, you need to provide them with ample opportunities to handle challenging tasks. But make sure that the assignments you are offering can accomplish and match well with the interests of the individual concerned.

This will make sure that they can live up to your expectations and set new benchmarks within the organization. This will help your employees to get the much-needed grooming required to blossom into trustworthy assets for the company.

Give all employees opportunities to grow:

If your staff is sure that everything is going to be done in the same manner day in and day out, they are likely to lose interest in their work. This is likely to affect their efficiency.

To create a healthy work environment within the office, you need to provide each staff member with sufficient growth opportunities. They will perform to their true potential with a high level of dedication and achieve new professional milestones in their careers.

Have sufficient room for creativity:

Managing doesn’t mean that you have to dominate managers at each step. As a manager, you will need to ensure that all organizational activities are implemented with efficiency from the highest level.

Therefore, to ensure flexibility within the organizational hierarchy, you will need to provide people with unique ways to resolve problems. So, you will need to challenge them to come with groundbreaking ideas.

A team that is always full of new ideas will prove to be a major strength for your organization. Therefore, encourage your employees to come up with new ideas time and again.

Be highly supportive of your staff:

You may have a highly professional staff who are highly skillful in resolving the problems your organization faces from time to time. But they need a mentor who can provide them with proper guidance

Therefore, be supportive and you will get a high level of cooperation from their end. This will create a good working atmosphere within the company and ensure that both the staff and management work in proper coordination to achieve the major objectives of the organization. It will also enhance the company’s image among the staff.

Empower all staff members:

There are situations in which just a little bit of self-belief can work wonders in improving the performance of staff members. Therefore, always encourage your staff to realize their innate abilities and come up with viable solutions to the challenges which your organization may be facing. The hallmark of any great leader lies in his ability to instill confidence among his juniors.

A manager who has full faith in the caliber of his men is likely to entrust a high level of responsibility to his subordinates. This will give your staff sufficient opportunities to prove themselves.

Manage each employee individually:

Each individual has his share of strengths and responsibilities. Someone might be proficient in making presentations, while another may be good at pitching to clients. Therefore, provide people with tasks which they are good at handling. They will be far more confident and dedicated to their work if you are supportive of their claims.

Pay attention to each of your subordinates individually. This will make sure that none of them feel left out and neglected. Co-operation within the team will improve and they will work in perfect coordination to achieve the targets set out for them.

Don’t let an atmosphere of boredom to set in:

One of the best ways to make your team feel excited about their work and productive is to avoid routine. Performing the same type of tasks on a day to day basis creates a mood of boredom and make them lethargic.

Conduct training sessions to help them learn problem-solving skills in a better manner. Their approach towards work will also be more focused and there will be no room for complacency to set in. Therefore, making your juniors feel that every day is a learning experience.

Be a part of their celebrations:

Even small accomplishments can be celebrated. There is always a stepping stone to success. Your employees will prove to be loyal if they feel that they are getting adequate recognition for the services that they have rendered. Praise all the goals that they have achieved.

Convince your staff that they have put one foot forward as a team. Work anniversary celebrations, birthday parties, etc. are the best opportunities to interact with the team and make them feel connected.

A manager who is good at cultivating good relations with his staff can understand their issues and help them overcome the problems.

Play an active role in creating a good working environment:

A research conducted by experts in the field of organizational behavior has confirmed that a good work environment is more desirable as compared to money for working professionals. You can create a high level of motivation among employees by making them a part of extracurricular activities.

Employees will thus get a perfect atmosphere where they feel that they can work and have fun at the same time. Encourage them to take part in the fun activities too. It will help them discover many of their innate talents which they may not be aware of.

Generate a feeling of oneness among workers:

Teamwork is vital to the success of any organization. Mutual understanding and a high level of trust are therefore of paramount importance.

To foster strong ties between subordinates, you need to organize team activities from time to time. This will help in creating a bond between them and help them get over their differences which they may have experienced in the past.

Once you can instill a strong team spirit among them, they will be able to overcome insurmountable odds and achieve your long-term objectives.

Being a senior and a mentor is often the most challenging task. You must possess good people skills and know exactly how to deal with different people. These tips are sure to help you be a better employee and leader.

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