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Top 23 Twitter Tips for Job Seekers to Get Started


One best resource which is perfect for your job search is twitter. Twitter gets you linked with new people, organizations, jobs, courses, and ideas. This online tool can be used in the right manner so that your online brand is improved and you stand on top of the search results.

Apart from other social networking sites, twitter is your entryway to expand your network. Being an open network, twitter is a perfect platform to get you linked with other professionals. Let’s run through a few Twitter tips for job seekers.

twitter tips job seekersFind your New Job With Twitter – Beginner’s Job Guide:

The following mentioned are few best tips on how to use twitter for better job opportunities.

1. Research twitter:

Dedicate time and research about twitter, get to read some profiles and know its usage. Also, make sure to bookmark a few profiles which you like to follow. Make a detailed list of your likes and rejections on twitter. Twitter’s user stream can be looked into for profiles.

2. Use real photo:

It is suggested to use the real photo to upload on Twitter, if you are looking for a job opening then this point is mandatory. It will never sound professional when some other photo is added to the twitter profile.

3. Username for twitter:

The username used for twitter must be unique and so pick the one that supports your job search. The username can be altered later. In the retweet, usernames are the ones that are included and hence making use of descriptive, short and memorable ones is vital.

Descriptions can be aspects that you do professionally and your name would be what you mention. Using a real name for twitter accounts can help recognize. For adding a username, 15 characters can be used in twitter excluding @ along with any mix of the upper and lower case.

4. Concentrating on keywords:

The tweet, as well as twitter bio, should be concentrated towards keywords. Remember to tweet against topics that are appropriate to the profession.

5. Make an employee-focused twitter profile:

Your bio supposed to have 280 characters and hence make sure to use this and describe who you are. Lure the employers and make them come back to you for your bio information.

6. Offer more details for employers:

To provide a more detailed version about yourself make sure to add a link to your profile so that complete details about you can be read through it. You can mention your LinkedIn link or some other link that has more details.

7. Following people:

Twitter used for ample purposes where the major one is for a job hunt. If you are one amongst the list using twitter to tap a job, then it is mandatory to follow tweeters related to your target industry or area. There are ample twitter applications and directories where people of a specific field can be found out.

It is usual that when you follow someone on twitter, they also follow you but remember that this happens only if you have a good history of tweets. This may lead you to lose your followers when you do not have a good history.

8. Tweets related to brand:

Professional and job seekers should bear in mind to have a quality history of tweets and tweet something related to the profession. Make a habit of updating yourself with blogs, news and latest updates in the industry and tweet accordingly.

9. Getting associated with people:

Job hunters must make sure that just by following someone on Twitter beneficial for job purposes, it is equally important that you know by your followers. Using Twitter for your job purpose is one way to show that you’re giving off your professional vibe.

There may be only 280 characters but making use of interesting conversation by averting controversy and utilizing the right spelling & punctuation is mandatory.

10. Google alert for tweet content:

It is always a smart way to tweet first as you’re a job quester. For the same, setting up Google alert by visiting can be used for your goal companies. In this way, you become the first to tweet if there is any information from the organizations.

11. Helping others:

It is essential to be a smart tweeter and help others at times required. Your ability and authenticity presented by helping your tweeters with help at times required by voting a poll, answering any questions, sending them links they require and so on. You can also offer them career expertise which you well versed in. In this way, your viability as a job seeker presented.

12. Making use of the third-party application (API):

A third-party application used by users who find Twitter to be baffling and disorganized.,, are few APIs that assist in organizing tweets according to the columns as desire such as reference name, ones consisting of hashtag or keywords and listing of followers ones interested in.

13. Requesting for help:

Twitter can be beneficial for job seekers as they can ask for help from anyone else. Seeking help doesn’t conclude that you coming across desperate. You can ask help from ones who report on your industries if there are any hidden job openings in the industry that are not advertised. Job seekers can make use of this feature on twitter.

14. Follow people who wanted to know you:

Job seekers should be aware of and follow beneficial people. They should follow employers, employees of targeted organizations, recruiters, networking contacts, industry leaders, and individuals who can help you to connect to recruiters.

15. Being cautious:

Be wary when you receive a DM or tweet with someone who has not interacted with you and are ready to offer a job opportunity for you. Judge yourself, are they very good to you and why they are offering a job for you.

Make sure to keep your fingers away from clicking any unwanted or unknown links. Seeking help from like @safety can be a suggested idea.

16. Use twitter advanced search features:

The advanced twitter search function utilized for searching for opportunities such as jobs, Portland, Finland, etc. This can be very beneficial for job seekers to get the category of search they require.

17. Set up auto-follow:

For job seekers who decide to follow people who follow you can make use of a tool called SocialOomph which automatically follows people. The tool can also help you to prune your followers list regularly and also weed out spam followers. This weeding out can be done as tweeters are not contributing or maybe their tweets aren’t interesting.

18. Tweet often about job search:

Present to your twitter friends that you’re hunting for a job. It can be tough to put on an occasional reminder, so post updates regarding career search and its tactics. If you have helped someone on twitter and impressed them, then ask them if they know any referrals. This can be one tip for job seekers on Twitter.

19. Follow the 75-25 rule:

At times of job search process make sure to follow the 75-25 rule where 75% of your tweet must be professional and 25% can be made personal. Job questers required to follow this tip for a job search to make their tweets more professional.

20. Make your retweets into contacts:

Your conversations from twitter turned into face to face conversations and phone conversations by a job seeker. When you find that you’ve got a good opportunity make sure to act immediately.

21. Thank you tweets:

When you involve in twitter, some people recommend you, compliment you, and re-tweet you and more. Make it a habit to thank people often so that they avoid clogging your tweet stream.

22. Best Hashtags usage:

A hashtag is where ‘#’ use in front of the word, where it helps twitter users to find tweets with the hashtag. This can use thoroughly; in the same manner, the hashtag directory is also present. Job seekers can search for the top hashtags and use them for their job search.

23. Tweets with gusto:

Tweets can be accompanied with images so that your tweets improved with more shares and views. Research by buffer has stated that tweets which have images receive 89% more favorites and nearly 150% more retweets than ones without images. Hence job seekers can make use of images in their tweets and make their tweets interesting.

To Wrap up:

These are a few tips that used by job seekers with the help of twitter. There are ample tools and features in twitter which can be useful for job hunting and networking purpose.

It hence suggested that job seekers run through various job sites and get to know the features and apply them in their job hunt. Twitter is being the most talked social media site in terms of job search and hence people can make proper usage of the site.


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