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Top 14 Dos & Don’ts Before Leaving Your Job You Must Know


There are several things to keep in mind while quitting a job and moreover, there are certain things that a person needs to handle before quitting their job. For instance, some people behave very rudely with their colleagues and bosses to let their frustration out, but this kind of behavior is a big No.

Instead of that, a person should think that if his future employer examines his previous track record, then his rude behavior can cost him that job which he always wanted to pursue in his life.

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Leaving Your Job

15 Things to Do Before You Leave Your Job:

Changing jobs is very normal in the job market and almost everyone will go through such experience in their career. The one most wise advice which most experts say is to have a good departure or leave at good terms.

When changing jobs it is very important to do a few things that help you make your shift a great experience. Burning bridges while moving out can harm you in many ways. On the other hand, there are several advantages of maintaining good relations with your colleagues and managers.

To make all this possible, one needs to plan all the things ahead and execute it smartly.

Things To Do Before Leaving Your Job:

  1. Calculate your expenses and income (in case of retiring)
  2. Look for unemployment advantages (when laid off)
  3. Create a budget
  4. Plan your finances
  5. Do not quit without an option
  6. Talk to your HR about ex-employee benefits
  7. Being good and polite
  8. Saying thank you
  9. Always staying humble
  10. Save work samples
  11. Get some referrals and recommendations
  12. Write something about the organization
  13. Updating resume and LinkedIn profile
  14. List out your tasks and roles
  15. Take help of your supervisor to make your transition go easy

Things To Do When Leaving Your Job:

Some of the things which should be done before quitting their job can make things easy for that person or the employee. These things which need to be listed in the Do’s category should be followed before quitting any kind of job. And they are as follows,

1. Help training the candidate before quitting:

Most of the employees provide two month notice period in the form of the resignation letter. And during that notice period, the ex-employee needs to train that fresher so that he can handle the work efficiently.

But unfortunately due to lack of time duration the ex-employee might lose his time or else the current employee may be learning things very slowly. And this affects the company and the ex-employee. So to avoid all those issues the ex-employee should think of taking some extra time to train the current employee completely.

2. Keep resume updated:

It is the first and foremost thing to remember before quitting their job. When a person decides to quit a job, then he should think about updating his resume in advance so that it won’t cause any sort of trouble during the recruitment period.

And once the person updates his resume, then he should keep his networks active to avail the news from the networking process. Therefore, it is one of the Do’s that every person needs to keep in mind before quitting their job.

3. Upload the resume on professional job sites:

After updating the resume a person should start his hunt for a new job immediately without wasting much time. There are several professional job websites online which help those candidates who are in search of great job profiles.

Therefore, if a person decides to quit his job, then after completing the process of resume updates, that person should think of joining professional job sites where he can find the best possible jobs for themselves.

4. Be ready with recommendations or reference details:

If one of the employers recommends a person or an ex employee to another reputed company, then that is considered as a privilege.

Most people don’t even receive any sort of recommendation from their previous employers, but if someone receives such a glowing recommendation, then they should be great with their work. Therefore, recommendation letters or getting recommended by someone important can increase the chances of getting a job as quickly as possible.

5. Keep samples of projects:

If a person keeps a record of his work sample, then it doesn’t mean that he is doing something illegal to that company. Keeping a work sample can help him get a better job with his excellence.

These record samples can be presented in front of the employers as proof for their efficient work. Therefore, it is very much important for all the employees that if they keep recording their work, then it can help them grow better in their professional careers.

6. Try to be humble:

It is one of the important things that every employee needs to learn while working in the office. Being humble to colleagues and employers can help them build trust in themselves. And especially, when a person decides to quit their job, then to maintain a good relationship with the colleagues can always favor that person.

Therefore, while providing resignation and during his notice period, that person needs to behave humbly so that the employer can recommend that particular employee to another company by looking at his humble behavior.

7. Plan your finances:

Earning a good amount of salary is one of the most important parts of being employed or working in the company. So employees need to know that planning finances will provide them all the details about financial sources available in the company.

Therefore, if a person decides to quit his job, then, first of all, he should plan his finances to make sure that he will be secured until he gets a new job offer.

8. Calculate future benefits:

When a person decides to quit their job, then they should figure out all the benefits of the company. For example, a person working in a company gets an offer from a better company, then the first thing he should do is that they should calculate the future benefits from that company.

Therefore, calculating future benefits helps to make a wise decision with the joining company. And moreover, these calculations provide a better perspective for that person.

Things NOT to Do When Leaving Your Job:

When an employee decides to quit his job, then he should avoid performing some things which can affect that immensely.

1. Never quit your job without prior notice:

It is one of the important things that every employee need to know in their life that while taking a decision of quitting their position in that company, an employee needs to provide prior notice to the company so that they analyze the reason for quitting, then they can even hire any other employee equal to his knowledge and skills.

Therefore, it’s very much necessary to understand that every company have their own rules and regulations and providing prior notice before resigning can be added to that list.

2. Avoid taking up negativity:

Some of the employees have a habit of bringing negative elements in their professional meetings, which consider as unacceptable during working hours.

If an employee is preparing himself for the important meeting, then another employee comes up briefs him all about negative energy, then there is a possibility that the employee can go with the flow and ruin his presentation by being influenced by other employees’ thinking.

3. Avoid bringing frustration out during exit interviews:

Some people keep their frustration inside them and never let it out until they have to undergo some sort of exit interview before quitting their job.

Therefore, during an exit interview, an employee needs to control himself and behave professionally in front of the interviewing panel. And brief them all the positive elements of the company. This kind of behavior can get them some sort of recommendations for that company to acquire new opportunities.

4. Avoid discussing your exit:

If a person has a gossiping nature, then quitting the employee should avoid discussing anything with those colleagues. Some people find it depressing to discuss goodbyes and farewell, but some don’t.

Therefore, it’s always better to maintain a healthy environment in the company even while quitting the job in that company. So avoiding discussion about one’s reason for quitting or questions about quitting can create a happy environment in the workplace.

5. Avoid being slow:

Some employees think that if they are quitting their position and their notice period is getting over, then start slowing their working pace ultimately.

This kind of behavior can get them in trouble because most of the manager takes a track record of employees who are quitting their job. Therefore, every manager tries to make note of employees working pace if he decides to quit his job, and once a person loses his working pace, then there is a possibility that he may not receive any glowing reference letter from that company.

6. Avoid being dishonest:

Some employees have a habit of changing their reasons for their decision regarding quitting. This kind of constant denial can get themselves into trouble. So it’s better for the employee that if he tries to be honest with his employers, then there is a possibility that employers can understand his reason for quitting the job.

Therefore, it is advisable for all the employees that once a person decided to quit his job, then he should try and be honest with employers about his reasons for quitting the job.


Finally, during the discussion about these Do’s and Don’ts, a reader can obtain clear observation about the depth of the discussion and need for it.

Therefore, if a reader wants any suggestion with his decision about quitting their company, then he should follow all the above mentioned Do’s and Don’ts, to avoid confusion and make an exit from the company.

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