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Stuck In A Job You Hate? Here are 10 Things to do


If you are feeling bad about your current job and see no hopes whatsoever, I completely empathize with you. There was a period in my life where I had to work in an environment I hated so bad. Plus my job description did not suit my qualifications.

Even though the pay was good, my heart was just not in it. But I did cope up with the challenges and today I have the job of my dreams. Want to know how I made that happen? Keep reading the post to discover.

stuck in a job you hateIn this article, I am going to tell you the top ways in which you can survive in an office environment you hate. If you follow all of these points, success is guaranteed.

What to do when you’re stuck in a Job you hate?

1. Try to have a better sense of humor:

It is difficult to stay light hearted and relaxed at work. We can promise you it surely isn’t easy. But if you want to bear the job, you have to develop a better sense of humor. If you can’t stand those you are working with, just laugh about how silly and petty some people can be.

Laugh at them the way you would laugh at children fighting over toys. Turn your tasks into some kind of game. Be playful and stay open to change. The whole point is to enjoy yourself.

2. Be kind when you have the opportunity:

Do you know how much you can surprise people with acts of kindness? What would really happen if you started to act like an incarnate of Jesus and Gandhi. Yes people will be surprised at work. But you should try it. This will surely change your workplace. You may also keep a journal or start a blog or do some kind of social experiment.

Observe the changes and write it down. Some people are not used to someone being this nice to them. So when you show random acts of kindness, you will surprise them. Maybe they will start liking you a bit more.

3. Try to build meaning in any way you can:

Even though it is easy for you to create meaning in some careers as compared to others, you can always create meaning in the job you are at the moment. Search and find out one or more things that you like about the job situation you are in at the point. Then focus the time and energy on them. Here is an example to illustrate.

If you have worked in many government jobs, there is chance you now find to be very boring and monotonous. But yes there will be some co workers you love spending time with. These relationships will add more meaning to your life and help you deal with day to day problems.

4. See whats wrong and make changes accordingly:

People can feel bad for different kinds of reasons. The first thing you can do in cases like this is see what is really making you feel bad and how you can come out of the current situation. There is a chance you don’t feel like your work is a challenge. Or maybe you think the job is way too stressful.

It could happen that the team you are working for doesn’t fit with your personality all that well. Instead of accepting your current situation, you should be proactive and try to improve your condition. You may also ask your boss for some really challenging projects. See if you can be sent to work for a different team.

5. Stay healthy:

It is very important to stay healthy and balanced at this point. This will make a big difference when it comes to the things you do. Even if you don’t like it, it is still important. The idea is basically to allow both your physical and mental needs to take precedence over other petty things.

Most importantly, you must get good sleep every day. Make sure you are exercising around 3 to 4 times a week. You need to make healthy food at home. Also keep some time aside so that you can just relax and do nothing. So make sure to prepare a good schedule but don’t let your job get in the middle of it.

6. Get rid of negative conversation:

Complaining about your job can surely be a lot of fun because it does look cathartic but taking out your anger and frustration will only make matters worse. In case the negativity spreads to all your co-workers, you can surely exacerbate the problem by coming up with a better mentality.

Yes you should just keep all your feelings in a bottle otherwise you will go berserk one day. There is no need to look at all things in a negative manner. So don’t waste time complaining. Search for better solutions instead. You should look for new ways to improve things. If you are not able to change the way things are at office, do consider ways in which you can deal or cope with these problems. Try to be more proactive and less negative. This will surely help your situation.

7. Know how to deal with your boss:

If your work isn’t going too well, chances are your boss is responsible for it. But you must know how to cope with times like this. One way in which you can deal with your boss is by maintaining some sort of distance with them. For example, check if your assignments can be sent through someone else.

You may also want to get as much as you want in writing. Just make sure you aren’t getting to some crazy competition with your boss because they are probably way better at doing this than you will be.
Finally, here are some points that will help you find a good job you like!

8. Take the work out of work:

It’s time for you to figure out what you love to do. Assess yourself and make a list of all the things you like and things you don’t. What do you enjoy doing most often? Once you know what you want to do with yourself, make that thing your gig. Do you enjoy socializing? Maybe you could become a great interviewer? Do you enjoy giving people lessons? A teacher’s job would suit you perfectly.

Are you into reading and writing? Then maybe an editor’s job is perfect for you. Our parent’s generation believed that getting a job is all about having financial security and a roof on top of your head. You should only do the things you loved as a hobby. There is no need to settle for that any further. If the job you are doing doesn’t make you happy, switch to something else.

9. Improve Your Skills:

Also its time to improve and hone your skills if you want the job of your dreams! Now that you have discovered what you like doing best when alone, think of ways in which you can turn this into a sustainable career. Most importantly, you need to be good at this whole thing. Thankfully there are classes you may take to improve them. Shaping your skills are very important and you must be the best at what you are doing.

Despite having a busy life, you should make time for yourself. This means you might have to sacrifice your favourite TV show, stopping hanging out with friends often and make less time for social media. Take classes and practise as much as you can. It is the only way in which you will get better and hopefully get a job in that field.

10. Work on your marketing strategy:

Once you have perfected your skills, it is high time you understand how to market yourself. For this you need to dig deep, search your soul and find out what sort of business personality suits you best. This is also called brand identity and it is not just for the big organizations anymore. You need to see what makes your service so valuable and precious.

Are your services fast and advanced? Do you want the prospects to think of you as a friendly person or corporate one? Who can be your clients and how can you help them in solving these challenges? This step is surely not the easiest but surely is important. After all, you wont be able to move on to the next step and spread the word until you have an idea on what you are talking about.


Hopefully the post has helped you. Do give us your feedback, ideas and suggestions. We are also open to some of your questions. We will try our best to answer all of them. On that note, good luck and here’s hoping you can find the best job soon.

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  1. Great tips! It’s definitely not a good idea to quickly quit your job just because you hate it right now. Instead, developing your skills while waiting for the right opportunity is wiser. Plus, who knows: maybe the tides will change?

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