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11 Most Effective Ways to Find Strong Job Leads


Gone are those days when you could easily secure a stable and long standing job right after getting your college degree. In fact, there are thousands of well educated and intelligent people all over the world who still haven’t got the opportunity to establish and earn a name in the corporate world. With collapsing economies everywhere in the world, employment opportunities are on a steady decline. Since job vacancies are so limited, most professionals find themselves working for mediocre companies with inadequate salaries. Competition has fairly increased and traditional tactics of getting a proper job don’t work its magic anymore. Nobody looks at the newspaper for ads either. Technology has certainly advanced and job seekers have started to become more innovative. Modern and advanced programs are on the rise too. When job seekers look for new jobs, they definitely need some good leads. Without this, it is literally impossible to find something favourable enough. And this is exactly why you need to have an idea on how to guard the perfect job that will secure you financially and help you climb the stairs of success. The tips enlisted below will certainly help you in that case. Read them thoroughly before you make a final decision.

effective ways find job leads11 Different Ways to Find Job Leads are:

1. Establish A Proper Networking System:

In order to land a good job, you have to learn how to network the right way. This is definitely a smart and efficient way to find something stable and long standing. Networks are something that takes time to establish. This also depends upon the amount of effort you are willing to give. The method of network consists of almost everybody you can think of. From your friends and family members to neighbours, customers, vendors or even associates; all of them can help you find a good job. The larger number of people you add to your networking system, the more you have the chance of finding yourself something worthwhile. If you are not looking for a stable job at the moment, try to improve your relationships with others and build a stronger channel of communication. This will definitely help you network better with people.

2. Do All Your Homework:

Before you take the initiative of meeting or contacting the job recruiter or lead, make sure you have done some research. This will definitely help you in some way. You should have an idea about the company you are keen on working for. It is good to prepare some PAR stories. They should be a 40 to 60 word synopsis on the sort of obstacles you have met, the techniques you have used to handle the situation and the amazing outcome. You should definitely try adding a few good characteristics or stories. This will interest the client.

3. Attend job fairs:

Job fairs are something you must attend if you are keen on landing a job anytime soon. Also remember that it is vital to make a good impression when you visit a job fair. This is where you will be speaking to a hiring manager for the first time. There have been several cases where a good resume and a great impression have helped people get a job of their choice. So make sure you never go for a job fair with a cold or soggy expression. Dress right and stay confident. A bit of research should also help. This will help you select the companies you would like to work for in the future. Target them so that when you approach these companies, you will be having full knowledge about them.

4. Give Volunteering A Chance:

Volunteering is yet another effective way to help you land your dream job. When you begin to volunteer for different companies, you will learn about the different techniques and skills required for making a good impression in front of the clients. It is also one of the best methods used to increase your network.

5. Look for ads:

Looking for ads in the newspaper or the internet will also help you find a job. However, newspaper ads are not as popular as they used to be. Some of the best jobs these days are not shown online. They are kept hidden. But if you are a fresher and in search of something new, just for experience, then some of the ads shown on the internet should definitely help you.

6. Hit the streets:

Now this is a very innovative and interesting method of searching for a job. Not all are able to do it. This is also a very traditional method of job hunting and very few people use it today. But if you think it is appropriate, and then you should definitely give it a shot. For this, you can literally from one door to the other and submit your resumes to the employers or simply wear your resume around your neck. Some people find it very creative to attach your CV to your tie and walk around the streets. This should definitely attract job recruiters. However, the only problem with this method is that it could get you the wrong impression. So it is best to be careful.

7. Speak Directly:

Popularly known as cold calling, speaking email is something most experts find effective and useful. However, you should remember a few things before you make the final call. Write a good script if you can. It is very important to have an idea on what you are going to say to the recruiter. Your script will only be of some use if you can manage to get an appointment soon. Secondly, drop in a message when you have to. It should be short and crisp. Let them know that you will be making a call on a certain date and time and that you would like to get a call back too. Third, do a thorough research of prospects. This should be done before you make the final call. However, don’t make the mistake of spending too much time on this. A little bit of information should suffice.

8. Join A Group or Organization:

Joining a new group or organization certainly seems like a good idea. These companies are very much beneficial when it comes to looking for new contacts and building better networks of communication with others. Through this you will be receiving vital pieces of information that would benefit your interests. If you haven’t joined a group yet, then it’s high time you do so.

9. Be Enthused and Keep In Touch:

It is very important to be enthusiastic while trying to look for a job. Most people in search of new opportunities ruin their image when they show lack of interest. So it’s best to show some sense of eagerness. Try to lean forward and ask questions if you have any. This will surely help you make a good impression. It is also crucial for you to stay in touch. Try to speak to your lead once in a while and keep them updated about your recent achievements. If you have made any progresses recently, communicate this to them as well. Every hiring manager is looking for a professional and strong candidate and these qualities will definitely help him remember you and keep you at the back of their mind.

10. College or Alumni: 

A lot of fresher’s and young professionals who are in search of a good job often leave out this option. However, it is important to know that these institutions should not go unnoticed. There are actually quite a number of organizations who look for fresh candidates through these centres. Most companies want new graduates to work for them. So if you aren’t a part of your college alumni, then do register right away. This will also help you meet new people and establish new contacts.

11. Stay updated:

Job hunting is very stressful at times. But the key is to concentrate on your search and show some dedication. Keep a track of the resumes you have sent in the past and remember to give top priority to what you are searching for. The best job will surely come your way in due time.

In a job market that is modern, looking for the perfect job requires a combination of methods. Do keep in mind that there are plenty of methods available for finding job opportunities. So don’t be reserved at all. Go ahead and explore all different fields. You will definitely find something of your choice. And remember to be confident throughout the interview. That always helps you find something noteworthy! Also keep in mind that a job resume is useless until you follow up. You should keep a notebook with all details of when you have initiated contact and most importantly, if you have sent a resume or not. Landing the perfect job needs a proper catalog of job leads in order to sail. So here’s hoping you have learnt enough through the tips enlisted above. If your hiring manager is going through a hundred resumes, this will definitely attract them about you!

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