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How to Stay Creative in a Non-Creative Job?


Non creative jobs are the ones which do not include any creative angle especially in the case of business. The creative angle lies in the companies which deal in public relations, advertising and all. Such fields demand their employees to bring forth the creativity and innovation so as to reach the customers with novel things every time. Making the consumers happy is a task of the company and in order to shed off the monotony of the work, one has to indulge in creative activities. One can make the job creative irrespective of the job being non creative. The steps for staying creative are:

creative in non-creative jobHow to Stay Creative with a boring 9-5 job:

1. Stay focused on the work:

The first thing is to get in love with the work you do. Whatever the work is, just do it with full interest. Developing interest in the work you do, will ultimately bring creativity in the work. If you yourself will find your work boring then it is obvious that your work will not give you pleasure and also your creativity will be hampered. So, making your work interesting will surely add the angel of creativity in it.

2. Grab all the opportunities that can make you creative:

The creative opportunity may not be frequent enough, but even if they are coming once in a while, just go and grab it. It is what can actually add joy and creativeness in the non-creative work. A sales department may have brought an interesting contract and communicate with you effectively. If not this, may be an internal position has come through which may suit you better. So whenever you find such spots, better to go and grab the opportunity. Such events and opportunities can add creativity and also element of joy in your work.

3. Shift to the designing jobs:

Mostly, the designing, writing and all such jobs demands creativity but do not worry, even if you are bored of your job, there are many chances of shifting your job from non-creative to the creative department. You have a golden opportunity to shift to the creative field, provided one must have the knowledge of that field and should make sure that you perform equally well akin to the previous field.

4. Let creative people surround you all the time:

In an organization, there are all sorts of the departments and every department has certain role to play. But make sure, wherever you work, just work being around the creative people as creative people can add spark to your non creative work and can lit your work. So let yourself be surrounded by the creative mind-sets, so as to add some creative angel to already non creative work.

5. Keep an eye on the rewards:

Keeping an eye on the rewards does not mean forcefully possessing an award. It just simply means one must work so much hard that he or she is capable of earning the award. When one will work for the rewards from the organization, the work will automatically focus on getting the touch of creativity in it. So, no matter how boring your work is, one must work hard and on it to make it interesting by adding some creative elements in it.

6. Looking at the work from different angel or point of view:

When a person looks at his or her work from different angle that is apart from the angel of company, one gets little freedom to add something new into it. So what new can be added is the creativity. In order to add creativity to the work, look at the project from different angel or point of view so as to give it novelty.

7. Take different opinions at a time:

Working on any important project for the company, one need to give proper attention to it. Attention from yourself, attention from others in terms of their point of view. When others point of view is included in the work, some sort of uniqueness along with creativity is added and this is how opinion of others affect the work in greater positive manner. So, taking advice and opinions somehow helps in adding creativity in the non-creative work in an organization.

8. Change your own perspective towards the work:

Having a perspective that your work is not at all creative is the wrong approach. First of all you need to have good positive approach towards the work. No work is termed as non-creative as all sort of work involves some creativeness that is why the work gets accomplished successfully. Even if you are in engineering field, there also requires lot of innovation and creativeness. Be it any field, creativity is the demand because that is what differs you from rest of the crowd.

9. Make good use of your breaks, vacations:

Even if you feel your field does not have creativity, need not ponder over this, as there are vacations to add and showcase your creative side. Make the best use of the vacations or the breaks as during those days, one can feel relaxed free from daily routine work and can even have some relief. Creativity not only means adding innovation in the already existing thing but it also means to show the simplest thing in the best possible way such as it attracts maximum people. During vacations, one can think of different ideas that could be applied at work place and can make his or her job creative.

10. Uniqueness adds to it:

Creativity is something unique, idea that brings happiness in someone’s face. Try and add uniqueness to what you do on daily basis. When some unique element is added, it brings creativity in it and this way too one can stay creative in the non-creative jobs.

11. Try not to restrict and set boundaries:

Setting boundaries means restricting yourself to one thing. Do not ever do that. Just try and experiment different things at work. Restricting to one thing will obviously bring monotony to what you are doing. Creativity can come with experimentation. Try something new which will bring uniqueness ,with it non-creative job will also look interesting and creative.

12. Bring forth varied ideas, share it too:

Bring forth different ideas for a single task and then sharing it with others is always a good idea. More you think, more ideas you will get and out of many number of ideas, one may be creative. Moreover sharing your information, ideas, beliefs etc. with others only enhance to the knowledge you ultimately gain. When number of ideas is there, you may choose anyone of them which you find is interesting and can apply to your non creative work and make that work creative.

13. Positivity and find creativity in work:

Having in mind that your work is not creative will surely make your task monotonous, so first and foremost be positive and try to find creativity in it. Creativity has no time; you can add creativeness whenever you want and that too at any time. So be positive at first and then see creativity will ultimately be included in your non creative and monotonous work.

14. Enjoy what you do:

Enjoying the work given should be the first and foremost thing. One should not make faces out of the work given. If you make faces, you will never be able to enjoy and show interest in your work. So first, enjoy and then see automatically the creativity will come. You will feel like working hard on the project and will also make your work creative from non-creative.

15. Take advice from seniors:

Taking advice is good. Never hesitate to ask for advice. Go ahead and put forth your queries and seek for good response. Advice will assist you in adding something productive to your work. So take it and make use of it in productive manner. This way too one can turn the non-creative work into something creative.

So, above are the points which are useful to make your work creative or to add creativity in your non creative work. Otherwise no field is non-creative, whether it is an engineering field, business or any, creativity is the first and foremost thing which is required to make the work interesting. Non creativeness comes only when we do not enjoy our work but if we enjoy our work, we tend to bring novelty in it every time. So enjoying the work we do is also one of the things that can add positivity and good points to our work. So follow the points and try making your work productive, attractive, praise worthy, acceptable and creative. If every time element of creativity is added to work, it will obviously enhance the quality of work and will be praise worthy and acceptable by the organization.




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