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How to Remember People’s Names Always? 14 Simple Hacks


Remembering peoples’ name is one of the important criteria for interacting with people. Addressing or admiring the person with his/her name is most important in some situation. Everyone is attached with his/her name intimately and emotionally. It is tough, Remembering Names when you’ve met them for the first time and it depends on the time you spent with that person and interaction with him/her.

Unfortunately, many of us totally forget the name of other person as soon as the introduction is finished. This happened to me many times. Most of the time in school days it is very difficult to remember the poets and authors names because of lack of interest in that subject. Interest is one of the main things to remember. Here are some ways and tips on how to remember people’s names.

how remember people's namesImprove Your Memory – 14 Hacks to Remember People’s Names:

There are many easy ways to remember things and tricks to memorizing. The following mentioned are few memorization tricks on how to remember better the names and faces of people and some best ways to memorize things.

1. Introducing him/her:

The best way to remember ones name is introducing him/her to friends and colleagues. This will give you chance to repeat him/her name and remember. Taking a sincere goal to introduce acquaintance for other friends will get some how chance to spend time with the new one and getting a good impression. If we know some people who are our friends but still are not exposed to the social periphery, introducing them to your group and talking to him by his name will make him feel friendly and also raise your group.

2. Linking the name with someone you know:

This one is very clear and easy way to remember. When you first get introduced with that person link him/her name with the famous actor/anchor or any of your dear ones so that when next time you see that person you will remember his/her name for sure. The person will feel as if personal attention has been given to him. The audience for the name depends upon the person.

3. Paying Attention:

Remembering ones name is up to the interest of person and ability. It is tough to deal with infinite number of things they think about and care about. If a person is more interested he pays more attention in remerging of others names and interest. For Example, when a person is introduced to another who has to work with him for certain period, he generally pays attention on that person and skills, habits etc.

4. Connect the name with his physical appearance:

It is very easy way by connecting the name with his appearance and how he looks and walks and behavior of that person. When name compared to his/her face it is very easier everyone agrees with this. That is why it will be so helpful when a person is remembering by his mental photo.

For Example: if you are talking with girl who has very impressive eyes your mind will be capturing that photo and you will remember her so when next time you see her you will remind her name cause of her impressive eyes. Visualizing and recognizing a person name with his face is the best way to connect the two in mind. People’s faces and names connected together is a good way to recognize people.

5. Writing the Name:

When you are at party and been prepared to meet infinity number of people then it is so difficult to remember everyone name so get prepared to take some time after every conversation and note down their name and the topic you have discussed with them so afterwards you can recollect their names with the topic you have discussed with them. You can make some handy wallet or notebooks where you can write and remember.

6. Don’t use the alternate name or nickname:

Always address someone with his original and exact name the person used at the time of introduction of him/herself. Using nickname for calling shows the disrespect and arrogance of the caller. It doesn’t develop any type of good impression between both. Name is the most intimated thing for any individual and needs to be given due respect. Pronouncing and spell it in a correct way makes you remember.

7. Using peoples names frequently:

At the time of conversation or in between using the name of person creates his interest and respect for other and there are chances for developing good rapport between them. Confidently speaking and spelling out ones name in regular intervals sticks the name and captures the photo image to memory. The choice of name often affects the development of the character of the person in your mind.

8. Event:

Make a networking event with like minded people or colleagues who are concerned about you and make new friends and try to remember the name of the person as much as you can. The behavior and physical appearance of the person makes you remember the one you met in so and so event.

Add up them in your linked networks so that you can get in touch with them frequently and know about them in more detail. Mostly people collect the IDs of the social networking sites and add up them in there friends list and keep in touch with their updates and know about them in more detail about their interests and habits.

9. Verbal game:

Most of them suggest doing something verbal game when you hear a name for the first time this is another solution. Involve anything that you know about a person, try to interlink with that. You can immediately ask the person another question after his name so that while the person is answering, you get best way to memorize his name. Repeat his name at least ten times in your mind and simultaneously listen to what answer he gives to your question.

10. Focus:

Most of the experts say that one of the main reasons to remember the name of a person is to stay focused and learn the name with his image in mind. Many times it is most helpful take a business card of the person and has a glance at the name of the person while talking with him, this creates a great alignment between the person and visual image. Calling people by names creates incredible value which can change others lives as well. And if you stay focused on doing so, you will see that the financial success will automatically follow.

11. Stay healthy:

If one stays physically and mentally healthy by doing all sorts of exercise and meditation the mind will be pleasant and memory of the person will be active so that most of the stuff he can collect and put it in his memory list. Most of them complaint themselves to poor memory. This is all because of poor health and lack of mental peace.

12. Say name loud:

Actively using the name of a person loud will help getting it in mind. It is very true that when you will never say your name loud to anyone, you will never remember. And talking to yourself will make you smarter. We all know the tips but we don’t try it often. Once you try and you will feel that the person’s name has been engraved in your memory.

13. Meaning of Name:

In case of some unfamiliar people names, ask the meaning of the name so you can remember the meaning and ask a person to spell it out and how to pronounce, this gives us the time to think and remember the name. The main objective of one’s personality is to achieve his greatest self and courageously do your purpose for which you were put on earth. Everyone wants his names on the lights and the broadways. He wants to reach that point that when people hear his name, they will immediately think of the fled he is specialized into.

14. Know more about the person:

People who have social awareness are very much interested to know more about relations, habits, and they are much more motivated to remember the names. Experience is the name we give to our own mistakes. If you want to tell something about some person, you will have to start with his name. Those whom you want to remember for reasons loving you and helping you, it is important to carve names in the hearts and not in the marbles. In this world of Smartphone, you can click one’s photo and associate that person’s name contact with the photo.


There is no single man in the history of the world whose name is remembered because he spent a life of ease. The importance of name shall be realized when, say for example, a rose is a flower, and when we call someone by “rose” it is understood by the name that the person smells as sweet as the rose. Here in lies the power of names. Using and trying of memorization techniques and practising leads ways to remember things and feel comfortable and confident. So, being socially aware, staying healthy and keeping the brain active helps in staying updated and sharp.


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