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One Bad Fish Can Spoil the Whole Pond


As kids we have all heard this quote. And did we ever understand the meaning behind the line? I doubt.

But as we work as professionals now, in a team, these statements matter and we can relate. Either a rotten apple or a bad fish, remember, both will spoil the surroundings and that’s exactly what we would not want in our teams at work place.

Just like these, we have disruptive team members. Who would –

  • take long breaks
  • argue with team leaders
  • absenteeism
  • irritate team members, frustrate them and spread negativity

There are team members and then there are team members. Yes, the ones who are self driven, motivated and think out-of-the-box. And then there are team members who spread negativity and are frustrated and stressed out. Why do some people exude positivity and some negativity, we are yet to understand.

But, as team members or Managers or Team Leaders we can always tweak a little to turn these bad fish into a good one.

What can be done to get them to look at their better sides and work amicably?

Let us have a look :

1. There are a few times, when people should be accepted the way they are. Most of the times, nothing or no one can change them. So it is better if we accept them at the earliest.

2. Remember the way you handle kids. The same way these people should be handled. Their ego should be fed and little should be spoken of them. They would want to be given some attention.

3. It is always good to know that it is their issue, not yours. We need to understand that they cannot be pacified and losing our temper will land us in trouble.

4. It is annoying, but sometimes it is good to see things from their  perspective. We might empathize as to why are they troublesome and why do they do things the way they do it?

5. Last, but not the least, personify humility, patience and tolerance. Who knows they just might want to imbibe those qualities.

These are not the only ways to handle people like this, I will continue writing. But then start with these habits. Till the next time I write, you will already be habituated to the aforementioned.

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