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How to tell Boss you’re not coming back after Maternity Leave


One of the biggest cross roads each women reach is the intersection of kids and career. There are many women employees who are successful in their career and decide to take a break at times of maternity. It so happens that they find it difficult after delivery to leave the precious little one as it requires utmost care of the mother.

The deadlock is that the women employee needs to report back to office after maternity leave. The new mother finally takes a decision to quit the job. Every new mother who is also an employee passes through this phase in life. Let’s glimpse through few tips about how to tell your boss that you’re not coming back from maternity leave.

not coming after maternity leaveNot Returning to Work after Maternity Leave? 15 Tips to tell Boss:

1. Knowing the rights:

There wouldn’t be any legal recourse if an employee has decided to quit from going back to work after maternity leave.

If the employee has made any contractual obligation with the company then she needs to follow the contract or in some cases need to repay some amount of money for not returning from maternity leave.

2. Being honest:

Till the baby comes out as a new mother you will not know what you need. If you have come to a decision that you’re not going back to work after maternity leave and also wanted to have a good relationship with your employer, inform your boss once you have decided.

Do not wait till the end of the day at time of your return to work. By this way you may have lost your paid maternity leave but you would have gained your employers relationship.

3. Think about your colleagues:

When you have decided not going back to work after baby or at the end of maternity leave, you should remember that you leave your coworkers under lurch. You can keep that in mind and go to work temporarily until a new replacement is obtained.

4. Advocating together:

Affinity groups are formed in many companies where employees share about these issues and find a solution. These groups can be made use of, in order to get the right solution.

By this way the company is benefitted and talented employees are retained. They suggest you when to tell your boss about not coming after maternity leave.

5. Right option:

For females who have planned to stay at home after maternity leave are suggested to inform their bosses well in advance. It can be a good idea to inform your boss that you’re not coming after delivery when you enter your third trimester.

By this way the employer will be provided with ample time so that he finds another replacement and has ample time to train.

The boss is also provided with more space to think over other options if you’re not coming back. As a woman you think from one person’s point of view, but as a boss he has to think from multiple angles and so informing well in advance is mandatory.

6. Company’s trust:

Many female do avoid informing their bosses in advance for their health insurance, medical claim, maternity leave benefits and also salary benefits and have to battle with financial hardships during the phase of pregnancy. If you have decided then these benefits and perks are to be veered into muddy gray area.

Once you knew, your job should also know that you aren’t coming to work. By this way you can gain company’s trust and also open doors for work or freelancing after some time. So informing your boss well in advance is important for future career.

7. Mentioning your achievements:

When you talk to your boss about not coming back after maternity, you can also highlight certain positive and great achievements that you have done till date and feel honored. You can mention that you are an achiever and now it’s time to do the same achievement in personal life too.

You can mention that you need some time to dedicate for your baby till they grow up. By this way you can mention that you would not be back after maternity leave.

8. Telling your boss once you are comfortable:

There are many women who plan to return to work but they don’t. For Example, United States considers the Federal Law which allows them a twelve weeks of leave when the employee has personal illness or giving birth.

Leaving out the salaries and other benefits, a female employee can tell the boss that you’re not coming back after the employee has decided and is comfortable with the decision. The employer faces the worst case as he looks for other possibilities when you aren’t returning.

9. Averting emotions:

Every female employee experiences multiple emotions within themselves when they tell their boss that they aren’t coming back after maternity leave. They may experience tear falling, heart racing, stomach dropping, and lot more emotions within themselves, but they have to tell their decision to their boss.

Your hormones rage you and you may find that these are usual human reactions that rule any human being. So you should inform the boss your decision.

10. Confidence in speech:

After you decided to tell your boss about your termination make sure to inform your boss in a confident manner. Believe that your decision is a brave and important one instead of feeling that you are less worthy.

Make up your mind that you’re successful women making a sacrifice to bring up another strong and confident human being like you. So speaking with a confident tone is important. This is an important feature every woman should possess to inform their boss that they aren’t coming back after maternity leave.

11. Planning well ahead:

It would be a good suggestion for female employees to plan well ahead and practice to speak before they go on live to speak with their boss. Make your conversation appropriate, perfect, and positive and mention your actual situation. Show that you’re interested but you are not able to join back.

12. Right time to inform:

It is a good advice that female employees make a smart and right decision in informing their boss about their decision. Your boss is also a human being and can understand the difficulties a women experience at times of delivery.

By three weeks the employee can inform their boss about their termination, instead of employee who say during the last day of leave. By this way the boss is impressed and you also have a good relationship with the boss.

13. Thank your boss:

After making decision and informing your boss about your termination do not forget to thank your boss for the experiences, opportunities, and all the new skills you have learned. Mention some great things about them as their reference may be needed in future and also it is not good to burn bridges.

14. Show your grace and appreciation:

After speaking to your boss, make sure to speak some things about the organization, make sure to speak about the positive aspects of the organization and you were lucky to have a nice boss.

Also make sure to speak about the good office environment and the care they took on you during your early pregnancy period by avoiding excess workload. You can also add up that if in case you decide to get to your career later, you would surely choose the same company.

15. Meeting or calling the boss at the right time:

Since you have been working with your boss you know his appropriate peak time when he would be busy and at leisure. Confirm with your colleagues if your employer is free or stressed out before you could call and inform about your termination.

Call your boss when he is a bit relaxed and cool, rather than calling during meetings or busy schedule.

Finally :

These are considered to be few tips which can be followed in informing your boss that you would be not returning to work after maternity leave. Taking a look at the medical benefits, leave, insurance policies and claims, informing your boss well in advance can be the best choice so that you gain their trust. This can be a safe option as you may need their assistance in future for any purpose regarding career.

Every woman faces this situation in life and can glimpse through these tips and gets alerted. There is nothing wrong to terminate from work after delivery, handling the situation on the right manner is important.

For young mothers who are pregnant and muddled about informing their boss about their work termination can read through these tips and sharpen their ideas. You can also browse through some websites which consist of some reviews and experiences of mothers.



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