Crowdsourcing Solutions

The Biggest Challenge of Managing Remote Recruiters


The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated a few trends to supersonic pace. Covid has done to many businesses in months what they had planned to occur over many years. While the few businesses that are fortunate enough to benefit from this tailwind, the others have been hard at work to scale up.

Managing Remote RecruitersAmong these significant changes some megatrends have started to emerge, just a few of which are listed below.

  1. Digitization of Business is now critical for survival
  2. Remote working
  3. Companies are moving to the Cloud in a massive way
  4. People are beginning to question the value of conventional but very expensive education programs for Ivy league colleges
  5. Many More

While these trends will play out over time we focus our attention on Remote working and specifically the challenges built around it.

Covid-19 did to Remote Working what the Beatles did to the Music Scene in the 1960’s. In the last 15-18 months Work from Home (WFH) or Remote Working is something everyone has heard of.

So as more and more organizations start to work from home permanently the challenges presented are also unique. Especially in the area of recruiting.

The Wisestep team ran a Poll amongst its users on the Primary challenges for Recruiters in Remote Working.

What’s the biggest challenge for Recruiters in Remote Working?

  1. Sharing CVs with the Team
  2. Team Productivity
  3. Analytics on Performance
  4. Data Privacy

Here’s what the people said on the Wisestep Poll.

Wisestep Linkedin Survey Results

Common Recruiting Challenges of Remote Hiring Process:

We spoke to people who chose the majority option and came away with many reasons on  Why Productivity in Remote Working has been affected a lot more. Here’s the breakdown of what people told us.

1. Recruitment is a social activity:

Recruitment as a function inherently requires that you speak to Team members, Hiring managers, Clients and Candidates.

All of whom are now working remotely or trying remote recruitment. This social element of recruitment cascades to the others if there is any drop in productivity in any one group of people who need to work together.

2. Availability:

Not all your collaborators, Clients or  Candidate are available within the same time band as when they were working from office.

You knew that you speak to Colleagues and clients during work hours, many of the Candidates preferred speaking before or after work or on breaks. This set of “Availability Rules” which were well synchronized earlier no longer hold.

As team members, clients and candidates manage their time according to their personal situation the “Availability Rules” are different from earlier.

3. Infrastructure: 

What was earlier a quick chat over coffee to plan for the day, has now become a Zoom call or a google meet, with its attendant, computer, internet or Camera issues.  A 5 minute Coffee chat is now a 15 min google meet just to get everyone on the same virtual meeting.

4. Using a Recruitment Software:

Not every Recruiting team or Recruitment professional uses Candidate sourcing or an efficient Applicant Tracking Software. For them tracking and managing all their activities and sharing that with their team creates extra work that would not have occurred earlier.

Applicant Tracking Systems and Recruiting Automation Software automate a lot of processes like,

  • Sourcing with AI Powered CV Matches
  • Resume Harvesting with Intelligent Bots
  • Jobs Distribution with Single click Posting to many job boards
  • Single Click Bulk campaigns to Candidates

5. Sharing Experiences and Resources:

Learning from others was much easier at the office where you could do a quick 5 min session with a colleague and be on your way. That experience is now a virtual zoom call that takes 20 mins just to get setup.

So the first instinct is to google the solution, watch a few videos which might take much longer than a quick but specific insight from your Colleague on solving the problem.

6. Social Media Distraction:

At the workplace, everyone complained about access to Social networks and because everyone was watching everyone else, Social media activity was restricted to usually what was essential to work.

With Work from home however, it’s quite easy to dive into  the Social Media rabbit hole and end up “doom scrolling”.

7. Family Space invades “In the Zone” Space:

In an entire working day there is a period of time when you are “In the Zone” . This is the most productive part of the day where a large percentage of your work gets done.

If you get distracted while you are “In the Zone” it’s a real effort to get back into it and you restart . This is a huge drag. This is much more likely to happen at home when you have kids or  family around and have to attend to their needs and requests.

If you want to improve Recruiter Productivity, Sign up on Wisestep. You can also get in touch with our sales team by writing to sales [AT] or book a demo with them.

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