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LinkedIn for Sales Representatives: 10 Best Profile Tips


There are hundreds of sales profiles on LinkedIn but we can promise you that not all of them are unique. To set an example as a sales professional, you have got to know some unique and interesting ways. And if that is your cry of request, this article will really help you. In this post you will learn how to improve your LinkedIn profile as a sales rep and attract more recruiters and clients to your profile.

linkedin for sales

How to Optimize LinkedIn For Sales Profile:

1. Think of all the people you can attract:

Experts have suggested you should focus on improving your relationships which might be extremely appealing and exciting to the prospects. Some of them could also end up becoming your customers.

So if you want a professional piece of advice, it would be to keep things as simple as you possibly can. It will really impress those who don’t like to waste their time and are in search of something very productive. So , think of all those you would like to attract while writing down your profile summary and also keep it simple.

2. Talk about how helpful you are on your profile:

As you know the first section on your profile has to be the summary and this is the place where your final impression will be made. So you have to make sure this section is on point. Although some people talk about what they have done in the past, we would definitely request you to show how helpful you can be to their company.

A smart way to go about this is by saying that you help people learn music or whatever it is that your job entails. That will definitely improve your effectiveness and get you more views.

3. Be very specific:

There is nothing wrong with being specific on your profile. In fact, we think that is a great idea. You should be very honest about your current job designation and what you are hoping to land in the future.

In that way people will know what you want and only the right ones will approach you. People who are actually interested in talking to you will make sure to reach out and speak to you. It could be a great way to find the job of your dreams… think about it!

4. Check two to three times per week:

This tip works well not just for sales reps but also those who want to land the best job. You should stay active on a regular basis and log into your profile at least three times a week. That will really help. There are a whole variety of communities and groups found here.

You can connect to a couple and share some nice articles and comments if you like. Just make sure you are doing everything you can to get noticed. See how quick you will find something for yourself.

5. Get the best picture for your profile:

A good headshot is a great idea for your profile. There are not several people who have a professional picture of themselves taken. It is always very attractive to add a good photograph.

You don’t have to focus on anything or add some funny selfie. Just ask yourself what would be the best picture to post? What kind of photo would attract you? Your answer is right there itself.

6. Use some good badges all over your website:

This tip might really help you in the future. There are some designs available on LinkedIn which will definitely allow you to promote your profile. All you have to do is go to your settings and edit your profile. There are some HTML codes you will have to use and it will be directed to your profile very easily. Adding badges is an old and very effective technique to attract more people to your profile. So don’t miss out on this point.

7. A little stinginess will help:

I am sure there are several of you who are surprised while reading this but a little bit of stinginess will take you a long way. When it comes to recommendations and endorsements, only remember to take it from people you really like and look up to.

When you do the right thing of recommending, their reputation will surely be looked upon as an extension of values that are of your own.

8. Being a chameleon:

Being a chameleon may also help. Don’t think that everyone will know if you have changed your username or that everyone will spell your name the right way. So make sure to add all the wrong spellings in the keywords as well. That will surely make you more visible.

Additional Quick Tips!

1. Use Twitter:

Social media is a great way to get you noticed. So make sure to use Twitter for the same purpose. Go to your settings on your LinkedIn profile and see how you can connect yourself to this social media. You may display some of your tweets related to this. Also use some of your hashtags. That will surely help.

2. Your email id:

You may also use your email id to find some help. It is a good way to stay connected with all of your clients or those you are currently working with. This will definitely boost your exposure on LinkedIn and help you meet more people online as well as offline. Try it!


A good sales reps profile on LinkedIn is one that is capable of attracting new prospects, one that is above average and can certainly make a difference. Hopefully you have noted down all these points and make good use of them while creating your profile. They surely can get you the best results.

On that note, good luck! And in case there are questions you have in mind or would like to give us some of your feedback, please feel free to comment below. We would love to know whats on your mind or how this article has helped you.

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