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How to Learn Python from Scratch Fast: Excellent Guide


What is Python?

Python is one of the famed programming languages and is used in many fields such as the development of games, backend web servers, and others in the midst.

It is a general-purpose, object-oriented, interpreted, and Python is considered as a reliable general purpose language and is also been a must-have tool for any coder.

Python has exploded in recent years in the programming area amongst many programmers. Since the language is easy to discover, use and is a powerful language, it is used by many developers for several roles. Let’s glimpse through a few points about how to learn Python from scratch.

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Effective Guide to Learn Python From Scratch:

1. Installing Python:

It is quite simple to install Python, systems that have windows also come with Python installed. To install Python for Windows system, the Windows Python interpreter can be downloaded from the Python website.

Installing the right version appropriate to the operating system is mandatory. Linux and OSX have Python already installed in it, here Python software not required but a text editor required.

2. Installation of Python interpreter:

The Python interpreter is one that requires install without changing the settings. Python can also associate with the command prompt by facilitating the last module in the list of modules.

3. Installation of the text editor:

Python programs are ones that developed on notepads or text edits, but a specialized text editor can be the right choice which makes reading and writing the Python code easier. Several free python editors can be picked from where a few of them are Text Wrangler (Mac), Notepad++ (Windows) or JEdit.

4. Test your installation:

Once you have installed Python, you can check the same by opening the command prompt and typing Python. In this way, Python loaded and its version number displayed.

5. Online sources:

Learning of Python language can be initiated from online sources as there are many. Python tutorials for beginners are the best way which makes learning the language easy, simple and clear.

Look for beginners’ guide for Python as you’re new to the language. Also, aspirants can browse through the number of introductory best Python books that are available online. All these books deal with the Python basics.

Sample codes on various sites are another way to practice the basics of Python. By practicing sample codes, new codes can also be coded. Online Python documentation is the initial port of call for your language learning process. Many other brief tutorials can study which offers basic knowledge about Python language and helps you get a start.

6. Python package index:

When you wanted to learn something specific, then there are abundantly possible resources and the Python website is one. Python package index is available with Python website which also has a search page for searching the sources of Python linked information.

7. Learning the basics:

To get and learn the basics, the learner has to learn the following topics. Few of them are variables and types, basic operators, Python lists, string formatting, conditions, loops, Python functions, basic Python string operations, dictionaries, Python classes and Python objects, Python modules, and packages and a lot more. One who desires to learn to code can get through these topics online and excel in learning the language.

Python Scope in Future:

Python considered one of the easy and efficient languages which are easy to learn. Almost all developers should be aware of the Python language. There is a vast scope of Python in software development. The language is mature and supports everything that one can imagine.

Usage of Python:

Python is best used in several integration tasks as numerous applications make use of Python as the main embedded scripting language. The scope for Python is more as it has several ready-made Python tools and is a perfect language for integration.

Few Python examples are that 3D software like Maya makes use of Python for the automation of small tasks and other integration tasks like asset management and talking to the database.

In web development:

Python language prominently used in web development and mainly on the back end side. Python has a good scope in the future for more of web development projects as it has good iteration time, perfect integration with database and other web related standards, easy extensibility, and more features. Examples of Python are that they use in the dropbox, Quora, Pinterest, and NASA.

For scientist and data science:

Python used in data science space and widely used by data engineers and scientists. and Python is the famed introductory language in the United States universities. Python is made used for several aspects such as the development of web apps and desktop apps and also has tools that assist in data mining.

Apart from all these the language famed amongst the academic community, for bioinformatics and scientific computing. Civilization IV, Bit Torrent, Reddit, Google, Instagram and a lot more developed with Python.

Thus, Python has an excellent scope in the future for the development of several applications. Software engineers make use of Python as the main programming language for many apps.

Python Programming Certification:

When Python certification for programming considered, there are many such courses available. Classroom courses, as well as python online courses for the same, are available for a fixed duration of hours. The Versatile programming language is a perfect choice for making small range projects which utilize in small scripts as well as in large systems.

Features learned in classroom session:

The certification program helps the aspirants to learn version control, unit testing along with suggested idioms and styles. Python 3.0 which consider as the largest standard library of Python also explores as it assists in several programming tasks.

Problems and examples of real-world programming cover in the certification of the Python course. Web applications created making use of contemporary web application frameworks. A substantial, as well as an original software development project and portfolio, developed.

The weekly specialization of classes:

Some certain institutes or classes offer Python programming certification courses as few sessions. In that manner they start with basics of Python for few weeks, move on to Python data structures for few weeks, the course leads to navigation to web data with Python, making use of databases with Python and finally the course ends with processing, retrieving and visualization of data with Python. These paid programs can start by paying per course or for the complete course. Once the course completed successfully, a certificate awarded.

Online certificate course:

Apart from classroom sessions, there are many online certificate courses for fixed hours for Python programming. In that manner, the Alison course offers an online certificate course for Python. The free online course introduces the students to the basic programming of Python.

Python considers as one of the best programming languages worldwide. The course guides the students to make use of free open source PyScripter IDE for Python or Python IDE, they also help students write basic programs

The course guides the students to make use of free open source PyScripter IDE for Python or Python IDE, they also help students write basic programs utilizing concepts such as variables, functions, loops, If-Else statements, While loops, recursive statements, iterative programs and also with few algorithms such as Insertion Sort algorithm.

The certificate course will be of great use to those who wanted to have a thorough understanding and knowledge of the basics of Python programming language.

Online activities to show your Python programming skills:

Those who are good at programming through various courses and online sessions can develop small applications with Python and can post them on the open hub or GitHub. In this way, other well-versed Python programmers would see and reply to you. There are many Python groups on Facebook, stack overflow, LinkedIn, and other social media sites.

There are many questions posted and when you answer those questions, then there are many chances to update your knowledge and gain a job too. Few companies host online and offline tests for coding which can help you learn Python. In the same manner, one can get a link to community people and coding groups of your place.

Salaries for Python Developers:

The average salary for Python developers varies with the job role they hold in the United States. In that manner, a junior Python developer in the United States would receive an average salary of $62000.

Python web developers in the United States would receive $476000 as an average. It would be $104,000 for senior Python developer and $92000 for Python developer. In this manner, the salary range differs according to the job roles they hold in the US.

There is a huge demand for many Python developers these days. Hence, Python developers are always in high demand across the globe.

Several other factors decide the salary of Python developers. The factors are geographic location, years of experience, product domain and more. It’s important to remember that Python developers highly price and are recruit in masses if available.

Highlights of Python:

When a survey conducted about the best programming languages to learn in the year 2015, Python was one of the lists. When the popularity of Python was analyzed in famed sites such as Stack Overflow and GitHub, Python appeared as the best option amongst other languages. shows the top ten demanded technologies which are mainly required for job advertisements and vacancies. This shows that Python advertised by 5.5% of adverts with a salary range of $100,000. Python also falls under the list of being a technology that pays more than $100,000.

Main Reasons to learn Python:

Easy to learn:

Being the demanded and best-paid technology, any programmer must learn Python for several reasons. Python is one of the easy to learn programming languages as the python codes that are 5 times less than Java and about 10 times shorter than C++. For job aspirants who desire to become a fully stacked programmer can start their travel from Python as it can be a stepping stone for becoming a well-versed developer.

Highly demanded:

Amongst other programming languages, Python is one which considered as the largest programming language in job demand growth. By January 2014, the demand for IT professionals dipped by 5% whereas for Python programmers enhanced by 8.7%.

Another interesting news about Python is that, in a survey in New York for the most demanded tech workers, Python programmers were ranked 8th which is mentioned in Reasons to Learn Python. Python programmers are always in high demand across the globe.

Online working:

Python programmers utilize their skills in web development and they have been the foundation for several sites such as The New York Times, Pinterest, BitBucket, The Guardian, and Instagram. To design your website and applications, programmers make use of Python.

With so many advantages Python can be the building block so that programmers can branch out and excel in other programming languages in the IT field. With Raspberry Pi which is a microcomputer for doing it yourself stuff, there are many do it yourself projects that can be tried.

Hence, Raspberry Pi would guide you in a fun and exciting way in the utilization of Python programming. For ones who are keen on learning Python programming languages can check the courses online immediately and learn Python online.

The course details either classroom or online session mentioned above. Aspirants who wish to learn Python programming can run through the tips and make use of the same. Since there are more chances for Python developers, learning and excelling in the language can be of great usage.

The salary details also mentioned which gives a vague idea of the language and its demand in the present. More of Python programmers are in high demand and hence aspirants who wish to learn Python skill, can run through the syllabus and start Python learning. Python thus holds a special position in the programming field even today.


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