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How to Make a Lasting Impression at Work?


Creating a lasting impression at work isn’t always easy!

You will be given a load of tasks to complete in a day and there are times when work pressure is going to be insane.

Despite all of that you will be expected to make a good impression and we completely understand how hard and cumbersome it is for you!

But don’t worry about that anymore because we have bought you some of the best tips and tricks that will help you, create a good and lasting impression at work.

make lasting impression work

Quick Ways to Leave a Lasting Impression:

1. Keep things real:

The first thing you should here, is be simple and keep things real.

Just like Oscar Wilde had once quoted “Be yourself, everyone else is taken!

Sometimes we try so hard to impress others that we don’t remember our interests and needs. And that is exactly what needs to change.

We shouldn’t be holding back any creative thoughts or ideas. Neither should be downplay our personalities, all for the fear of getting judged.

So, do yourself a favour and keep things as real as you can.

2. Learn how to be comfortable while working under pressure:

A second technique you should remember is to know, how to be comfortable when you are working under pressure.

In the business world, you have to learn ways to tackle work stress. When you have been presenting in front of a big audience or dealing with all kinds of customer care service crisis, it can get really difficult to create an impression that is lasting.

So pay close attention to how you deal with stress and begin to get comfortable with it.

In fact, try to put yourself in uncomfortable situations and learn how to adjust and get comfortable inside it.

3. Listen to your colleagues:

This tip will also be very useful to you. Listening for long is a good habit to develop.

It will always make a good and long lasting impression of you. When we say listen to people, we mean try to hear what they are saying and pay close attention to it.

And in order to do this, stop interrupting and listen for feelings, repeat what you have heard back and look for better clues.

After all, who doesn’t want to be around a person who values their thoughts and feelings.

4. Get elected:

This is one of the smartest techniques that will help people remember you for very long.

Promoting yourself will always encourage achievements. And many people in the corporate world have rose to power in the same way.

But this procedure lacks authenticity so you need to be mindful of that. You have to try and influence them if you want them to vote for you.

The technique of “vote for me” looks really bad and you shouldn’t be doing that at all. So try to use the other ideas suggested in the post to get more attention.

5. Keep updating people:

To make a lasting impression, you need to update people about the project you are currently working on.

This will give you a peace of mind and them as well.

They will also think that you are interested in your interests as well as theirs. It could be a quick and easy way to get a better impression.

6. State your full name:

When you are attending a business phone call, state your full name. You should also state your purpose alongside.

That will improve your impression all the more. Also prepare your introduction thoroughly before you dial the number.

7. Introduce yourself before someone else does it:

One of the finest ways to make a lasting impression is by introducing yourself before someone else does it.

When you are among a group of people, don’t wait for someone to do the job.

Make sure to stick your hand out and say “Hi! I am John! Nice to meet you”!

Smile when you do so. It will create a very good first impression. People are not going to forget you at all after this.

8. Ask a question that is based on the last conversation:

Another technique you can try is asking questions that are based on the previous conversation.

When you meet someone you haven’t seen for a while, bring up the old topic and speak to them about it.

It will make them think you still remember them and that will also give them a million bucks feeling. Maybe even a billion!

9. Show printed resumes at a job interview:

If you are going for a job interview, try to show them a couple of printed resumes. That would always make a good impression and help them remember you in the long run.

10. Be curious:

Another good thing you should always try doing at job interviews is by showing a sense of curiosity.

Before you speak about who you are and your previous experiences, throw a question that shows how much you care about your position and the company you have been working for.

11. Look at everyday like a temporary situation:

Another smart thing you can always do is look at everyday as if it is a temporary situation.

You should prove yourself and do as much as you can. Push yourself! And when the next day comes, make it a point to do it all over again.

That is how you will make an impression that will last long.

12. Try to take interest in others interests:

If you want people to remember you for long, you have to take an interest in their interests. We are so busy these days that it gets very difficult to make time for others.

Therefore when you start making time for others, they feel obliged and grateful about it.

Even if you aren’t a part of big groups, there is still a lot of ways in which you could speak to people and get to know them.

A simple friendly conversation would be a great to begin with.

13. Try to smile at your colleagues:

Another thing you should remember to do is smile at your colleagues.

Even when different cultures are bought together, a smile will bring in a lot of joy and happiness and that will also make you a very sociable and fun loving person to be with.

When you smile, you let people know how happy you are and that will make them feel better about themselves as well. Try this with your office members and they will surely like you better than before.

14. Learn all the names:

So when you are with your office members, remembering all their names will really help you. So make it a point to learn all of them.

People’s names are highly important and nobody likes to have their names pronounced wrong… or worse… forgotten.

So use their names and make it a point to remember all of them. See how longer they will remember you compared to others.

15. Discuss those things that have value to them:

This is something that will really help you in the future.

If you want to influence people, you have to understand and make a note of what matters to them.

Once you have developed your listening skills, you will begin to understand what matters most to your colleagues and in that way you will learn to discuss those things that have value to them only.

This is one of the best relationship management strategies of all times.

16. Go out of your way:

Another way to make a lasting impression at work is by going out of your way for your colleagues.

When you go out of your way for some people, there is a chance they will do the same for you.

The real key to influencing people is by having meaningful relationships with them.


This brings us to the end of the list. These tips and ideas can really help you create a lasting impression at work if you follow all of them enough. Plus if you have any questions to ask us or some comment you would to post, feel free to comment below. We would love to know how the article has helped you. And as far as the questions are concerned, we will try to answer all of them.

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