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How to Overcome Lack of Work Experience: 12 Best Ways


The major concern for fresher who are just about to enter the job market is not having enough experience that companies and employers look for. Despite working on various internships during college, getting good grades and proving themselves as who are always step ahead of others, is never sufficient for companies while hiring. At the end of the day one question of how much experience you have de-motivates the fresher and miss out on the opportunities lying in front of them.

Overcome Lack of Work ExperienceIt is equally important to understand that this issue and concern can be turn in their own benefits if played right. Confidence is surely the key to success and one need to prove them that they have enough experience to carry out the job role extremely well.

Ways to Overcome Lack of Work Experience:

1. Customize your CV:

Every company has different skill set requirement. Research about the job role and the company and accordingly customise your CV before sending it to them. You might have done various activities during college, it is important to understand if those are applicable to the set company.

Mentioning too much on the CV will also not go down well with them and missing out on the important points will be a loss of opportunity. Understand what exactly is to be mentioned to be precise.

2. Mention adaptive skills in your CV:

When an employer talks about experience, they generally mean by how much work pressure you can handle or do you have leadership skills to perform when required. In your CV highlight that you have strong communication skills, leadership qualities, decision making capability and a strong team player.

Technical aspect of the work can be learn easily but these qualities cannot be taught in a day, they come with experience. Even in interview, give examples of your these qualities.

3. Define your goal:

It is of utmost important what your goal is. Once your goal is clear, the path towards it becomes automatically clear. Employers appreciate fresher who are extremely goal oriented since it leads to results.

Even before applying know the exact path of how you will reach your goal and what all will be required. A good knowledge on the same proves that you are step ahead than others and are ready to start working on it.

4. Use right keywords:

While writing the CV it is important to use the correct words as per the industry standards, do not write fancy jargons as it shows your immaturity and unprofessionalism.

Using the correct words will impress the employers and will show your talent that you are ready to grasp the knowledge of the industry easily. This will save lot of time for a company hence easier for them to hire.

5. Work on independent projects:

When in college start working on independent projects of your own. Think of a problem that you see and with some research resolve the issue. This will be helpful when during interview you can present your project and show your capabilities of a problem solver, taking initiatives and leadership skills.

6. Show the future:

Even if you don’t have that desired experience yet you have great knowledge and worked on various internships. One of the best way is to present the future to your employer meaning how you can contribute to the company’s growth and bring more and more business.

Show them your commitment towards the company ensuring loyalty and with time you will deliver the results which no one else can. Keep in mind do not bluff but be realistic in your words.

7. Blogging:

Write a blog on the field of your interest. Write about the recent happenings in that field and what are your views on it. Interact with like minded people and know their views.

One thing that always keeps a person step ahead is knowing what’s happening around the world. This can easily put the experience factor a step back if done right. Everyone wants a person who is up to date on the current scenario.

8. Know your own capabilities:

One thing where freshers tend to get wrong is they themselves are not aware of their own capabilities. No matter how much work you had done in your past it is important to know your own strength and weaknesses.

A clear idea about it will help you go to the right place. If you need a help of a counselor go for it, rather than being confused and wrong.

9. Mention recommendations:

Good recommendation letters from your faculties or people from your internship will be an add on, since it will ensure the current employer that you are ready to take up a bigger job role.

It will increase your confidence level too, when in for interview as you can prove your efficiency easily to the prospective employer.

10. Attend seminars and events:

Various events and seminars happen for every industry. It is good to attend these and meet like minded people there, mingle with them and share your views. It is the best place to network, get your business card printed and share with them.

Let them know you are open for an opportunity in future. This will help you if someone is looking out to hire and in getting you projects or internships.

11. Look for jobs in companies who prefer hiring fresher:

This will give you opportunity to learn and grow with time. These kind of companies welcomes freshers and are well equipped to train them as per the industry needs.

The initial pay package might not be much but it will pay the rewards in longer run. But the rules as stated above do imply on these companies too, so it is good to work consistently to achieve your goal.

12. Keep your fears aside:

As a fresher one tends to hear lots of advice from the people around which might scare the person even before applying for the job. The best advice is to get over the fears and inhibitions, until you don’t try you will never get to know.

Follow your heart and do not worry about the results, one need to attempt something before even getting the result. Sometimes the employers are impressed with you and your work that you might immediately get hired. So better to go for it.


With so many freshers entering the market every year the market is getting tougher these days. The only way to step and attract the employers without any job experience is with knowledge and confidence.

One need to prove that you are ready to take up bigger challenges and the employers are looking out for someone who can immediately start working rather than waiting to learn the tricks of the trade and then work on them. The more you are focused you develop your skills and knowledge as per it and making it easier to impress the employer.


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