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70 Great Jobs That Allow You to Travel Around the World


For some traveling is a passion and for some it is a job. There are many jobs that allow you to travel to earn income while exploring the world.

We all have this hidden desire of going around the world and seeing places, but as we cannot afford we keep it buried deep inside ourselves. What if you land yourself in a job where you need to travel all around the world?

Though it seems like a dream come true but still it remains a distant dream for some people.

Everybody is not that lucky to have a bohemian life and be happy about that. Good food, new places and at the end of the month getting paid for traveling, sounds surreal, right?

But it is not you just need to know the right track and you can follow your dream and be in different locations all throughout the year.

One month at one location, then next month in another. Experiencing a new culture, lifestyle and languages are something which will be part of your life all throughout.

The best part of these jobs is that you are fulfilling your dream of traveling the world and alongside you will also be earning so nothing can beat that!

Then there are some jobs which might not be a traveling job, but you will be able to continue with your job while you are traveling.

In both the ways it is ensured that you don’t give up your passion of traveling and exploring the world. There are so many wonderful places across the globe and it will be a pity if you sit at home thinking that you cannot travel just because of a job that sucks.

Spread your wings and fly out in the open sky as there are loads of opportunities out there waiting for you to discover. Here we are discussing few jobs that allow you to travel the world.

Great Travel World Jobs If you are still wondering about whether these kinds of jobs still exist or not, then here is a list of 70 great jobs that you can do while you are traveling.

Best Jobs that Allow you to Travel the World:

1. Online Freelance Work:

When you are freelancing then there is no fixed working hours and it is even better when you are doing it online, then it means no reporting to any office instead just complete your work and submit it to the concerned person on time.

It really doesn’t matter whether you are working from your home or sitting on a camel and doing your work. What’s important is that you finish the work on time!

Online freelance work can be anything starting from programming, content writing, legal work, admin work, illustration, translation, web designing or even engineering jobs.

There are sites which offer you the opportunity to work as a freelancer and pay you good money too.

2. Traveling Salesperson Jobs:

If you think being a salesperson is a bad job, then think again as it can help you earn a big time when you are away in the Caribbean or Mexico or Greece or for that matter to any resort area which has tourists coming over from all around the place.

You can sell timeshares in there as the major hotels and resorts find it very productive when in a distant land an American is selling to an American or Italian dealing with Italians. This job will fetch you a fortune if you can do it well.

3. Yacht Crew Jobs:

You can head straight to the local yacht club and learn the details about the job and it is human nature that when we want something very badly then we make our way through the hurdles and reach them.

So even if you don’t have any idea about the job your willingness to learn will be enough to get you started and when you can travel around then why not try it out!

Some of the names like Phuket, San Diego or Panama will be enough for you to get started with job hunting, which says ‘Find a crew or Crew Seekers’.

travel as yacht crew 4. Travel bloggers:

It is a bit tougher, but once you are on the right track, you will see that you couldn’t have asked for a better job.

Sharing your travel experience while you are on the go is something everybody will look for. It will take you around a year’s time to get yourself established in this genre, but when you are investing on this just keep one thing in mind and that is you are doing something which you really like.

So traveling all around the world and making an effort to stand out tall amongst the number of bloggers will not be a smooth trail but is not impossible too.

5. Global Travel Volunteer Jobs:

You will find volunteer jobs all across the globe and sometimes you will get paid in kind and not in cash.

So if you are okay with that then hop on and start traveling whenever you feel that you want to save the cash for later.

Then get yourself a Conservation Volunteer job and get yourself free accommodation and food. If you are lucky then you can get yourself some money too.

6. Traveling as Flight Attendant Jobs:

One of the best ways to visit different places while serving people. Depending on which airline you are in, your wage might vary, but the one thing that remains the same is that you travel to far off places and getting paid for that too.

Another advantage is that your family can also join in sometimes as they will get discount on their tickets because of you.

flight attendant on board7. Technical Writer:

Writing manuals or providing detailed specifications of hardware, technical writing can be done sitting in the closed room or under the sun as long as you are doing good.

Once you get enough experience and few people to back you up with projects you can hit the road on your own and enjoy your work while traveling.

Starting pay can be anything around $25 but it will increase as per your experience.

8. Pilot:

It is not easy to reach the heights, but if you are trained to do so then this can be an amazing job.

Viewing the world from the sky will give you a totally different perspective of the place you are going to land on.

9. Travel Bartender Jobs:

Though it is a bit risky because you will be working without proper permission, but if you can find a place where the tip is good then you can earn good money while you are traveling.

10. Import/Export Business:

Buy a piece of product in one country and sell it somewhere else. If you have strong marketing skills, then you will be able to do that easily.

11. Travel Translator or Interpreter:

Know more than two foreign languages fluently then you can easily get yourself a job anywhere but do remember to carry your certificates if you have any as that will add some extra credit to your name.

12. Tour Guide Jobs:

If you like to explore the history of a place and have a knack of sharing your knowledge with others then it will provide you a great scope of earning while you are traveling to.

13. Travel Agent:

Though it seems the world of travel agent will soon vanquish due to easy availability of information over the internet still you can get yourself a job by offering services that is generally not offered on websites.

14. Skiing Instructor Jobs:

If you are visiting a place where it is covered with snow then train yourself first and be a ski instructor and earn $12 per hour.

skiing instructor jobs15. Traveling Babysitting Jobs:

This will earn you accommodation while you take care of the kids and you can also get some care-taking job for yourself if you want.

16. Resort Worker:

There are some international resorts, which hire people with varied range of efficiency starting from baker to electrician.

17. Campsite work:

You can go out with your own RV or can work as a tour guide in places like the US and Canada.

18. Jobs in Courier Industry:

Though it is not that popular these days, but if you still look into it, then you will find a suitable one for you.

19. Drivers for cars or RVs:

If you are a good driver with no accident record then you might get yourself a job in some car rental companies. They look for people who can drive long hours without any problem.

20. English Tutor:

There is a huge opportunity for English teachers all around the world almost but if you are talking about payment then Korea and Japan are considered to be the highest paid countries of the world.

21. Travel Hostel Work Jobs:

There are places where some hostels offer you free accommodation in return of some odd jobs like cleaning.

If you are traveling to a place where you know you can arrange something like this then go online and apply first just to make sure that you have the job when you reach there.

22. Working Holiday Visas:

There are some countries which will offer you Visas to work for one year while you are staying in there.

So by any chance if you are traveling to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, Singapore or Ireland and if you are within the age group of 18 to 30 then you are entitled for one.

23. Acting Part Time:

There are some countries which will cast you in their film or television soap opera for a miniscule role and pay you for doing that role.

24. Blogging:

You can start your own blog about any of your interests and earn money while you travel.

25. Buying and Selling Online:

It is a good way of earning and here you can buy from one and sell the product to another at a good price.

You can also sell some of your unused products and get paid for that online and the best part is that you can do this from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.

26. Affiliate Marketing:

Get yourself trained in this and start working on it to get yourself a good amount at the end of it. Competition is high in this sector so you have to be very careful and hard working too.

27. Traveling Yoga Instructor:

While traveling you can make use of your Yoga experience and make some money out of it.

yoga teacher jobs abroad28. Foreign Language Teacher Jobs:

It is not necessary that you will have to teach English only instead you can teach any language like Spanish, French, Arabic, German, etc. and earn some money.

29. Musical Instruments:

If you are good at stringing guitar, then you can turn it into your profession and charge people per hour for giving them lessons on how to play guitar or for that matter any musical instrument.

30. Traveling Dance Teacher Jobs:

Know the right moves, then put it to use and earn money by helping people groove to the music.

You can choose a location in the backyard of the hotel you are staying after consulting the Manager and start your classes in there.

31. Corporate Jobs:

The Information Technology or the corporate jobs offer you the opportunity to visit some other country and work in there for a couple of years.

This is a great way to travel distant places at the expense of your office.

32. Travel Writers Jobs:

It is a rare quality, but some people are just born with the abilities to write about the places to visit in this world.

There are travel magazines which are always on a look out for people who can express in a way which will make others feel that they are actually visiting the place.

33. Cruise Ship Crew Jobs:

If you are working on a cruise ship then nothing like that, as it will give you the opportunity to travel and also get paid for doing that.

cruise ship crew jobs

34. Edit Menus and Signs:

It is one of those odd jobs which you can do while you are traveling. There are some places which try to attract foreign tourists, but the menu card that they have is filled with mistakes so correcting them and charging for that is a good way of earning money.

35. Water Sports Jobs:

You can earn money by bringing in people for some water sports organizer.

Going to different locations and bringing in people in their group will help you in earning some good commission.

36. Travel Photographer:

If you are a decent photographer and have some amazing snaps to share, then there are travel magazines that are ready to pay you for those unique snaps. So keep on visiting places and start clicking.

37. Tour Escort Jobs:

You will find international tour operators looking for people who will be traveling with the group.

The payment might not be higher, but you will be traveling to different locations at someone else’s expense and getting paid for that too.

38. Selling off at Foreign Markets:

There are places all over the world where you will find a market where you can enjoy selling your stuffs in foreign lands by hiring a stall. If you have any artwork or crafts, then feel free to sell it off at a reasonable price.

39. Fish and Game Warden Jobs:

You will be traveling to some coastlines, wetlands, rivers or to some deserts to enforce wildlife code in the state.

If you like exploring then this can be a great job for you which will allow you to travel a lot.

40. Wildlife Photography:

If you are one of those who loves nature and can spend hours sitting at a place to take just the right snap of the creature then you have this amazing job where you will get paid a good amount for doing that.

wildlife photographer jobs


41. Traveling Surveyor Jobs:

These are the kind of jobs where you will be traveling a lot to set up the boundaries of official land, water boundaries and even airspace boundaries too.

42. Fruit Picking Jobs:

If you are visiting Australia then you can earn yourself some money by doing odd jobs like picking up fruits in a farm.

43. Traveling Au Pair Jobs:

This is a two in one job where you baby sit and also do light household chores. It is a minimum 6 months job so before joining make sure you are staying in that long.

44. Massage Therapist Jobs:

If you have experience in doing this then you can put to use this talent of yours when you are traveling to earn some extra money.

45. Freelance Photography Jobs:

Have a digital camera and eye for things, then start clicking and it doesn’t mean that you have to click on something specific.

Just take snaps that interests you and there are magazines who are ready to pay you for that.

46. Online Poker Player Jobs:

You just need a good internet connection and that’s it you can earn money sitting somewhere in the world.

47. Day Trading while Traveling:

If you know your numbers well then only go for this else you would end up losing money instead of earning it.

48. Peace Corps Volunteer Jobs:

It is a serious thing and needs some time commitment, so before you go for this just prepare yourself well and remember they won’t pay you much.

But they offer some benefits like covering you up with health insurance.

49. Ethnomusicologist Jobs:

If you have ears for music and a degree attached with it, then you can study the relation of music and culture and also get paid for it. The competition is severe so you better prepare yourself for that.

50. Online Teacher Jobs:

If you are a teacher then this opportunity is great for you as you will be able to teach your students from anywhere you want and the best thing is that most colleges are going for online learning these days.

51. Online Affiliate Programs:

Affiliate marketers have their duty online too creating websites that will sell products for other people and enjoy a percentage of that sale. You can make good money via affiliate programs.

52. Biologist Jobs:

In love with nature and want to be there, then don the hat of the biologists and enjoy your stay out in the sun with a good paycheck at the end of the month.

53. Work Exchange Jobs:

You can do some odd jobs in exchange of money or food or accommodation and if luck favors then you will get a combination of two.

54. Travel Industry:

Gives you hope to travel once you reach a position so it can be considered to be the first step towards achieving that goal.

55. Surfing Instructor Jobs:

There are places where instructors are required to teach people how to surf so if you have an experience of that then you can get paid for doing that.

surfing instructor jobs56. Scuba Diving Instructor Jobs:

Some water sports need training before you can do that so if you have the experience of scuba diving and have proper training for that then make use of it and train others to get paid for that.

57. Traveling Construction Work:

Short term employment is offered in some places for people who know a bit of construction so if you are one of those then you can try your luck there.

58. Consultation Jobs:

If you are a consultant then you can share your experience with some who are in need of that and earn yourself some good money at the end.

59. Home Swap Jobs:

Instead of spending a lot on hotels if you have an apartment in the place you are traveling, then you can stay in your place making yourself comfortable instead of spending money on hotels

60. Christmas Tree Salesman:

If you are traveling during Christmas then it is a good idea to sell Christmas tree as it will also earn you tip over the regular money that you earn because people are in a good mood at that time of the year.

61. Work at the Festival:

During festivities there is always a demand for people to do some odd jobs, so when there is any festival going on just land in up there and you are sure going to get a job out there.

62. Traveller Farming Jobs:

During the farming season if you are visiting places like Australia then you will get these odd jobs of farming and you will be paid well too.

63. Home Delivery Jobs:

Some restaurants offer home delivery and they are look-out for people who can do these odd jobs.

If you know the place well then contact restaurants and get started, you might get your meals for free along with some extra money as well.

64. Grape Harvesting Jobs:

At the time of harvesting if you are present there, then you can enjoy your tenure in harvesting grapes and get favors in kind as well as in cash too.

65. Military Services:

This offers you opportunities to travel distant lands, but there is also the fear of getting killed during the war, but that might happen while traveling on the road so you can try your luck out there.

66. Geologist Jobs:

If you know the portfolio of Geologist, then you know that this is a work where you need to travel a lot so why not get in there.

67. Deckhand Jobs:

This is not at all an attractive career, but this will help you travel the world on a cargo ship. You need proper training for this.

68. Independent Business:

You need a laptop and internet connection and you have ample of business opportunity out there.

Starting from website development to programming the scope is plentiful.

69. Real Estate Agent:

You need to have expertise in the business, but once you have that you can choose your location and start doing your business.

real estate agent jobs abroad70. Online Copy Editing:

You can do copy editing work online from anywhere in the world, as long as you get an internet connection and laptop to work on.


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  1. That is quite a list! If I had a choice I would like to be either a travel blogger or a photographer as I love doing both.

    I think though that for the most part a job that allows you to travel is best suited for the single person. That is of course unless you can earn enough to take the family with you. 😉

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