There are people existing in this era who easily get bored even with the most obvious of things or bored of everything. That kind of people only crave for something happening as the day passes by. And if something exciting in their job never crops up, they tend to get easily bored at work and lose interest in their field.
Normal jobs like being a physicist or manager or a supervisor demand your constant attention towards daily affairs which are likely to get you bored. Especially if one has fluctuating kind of personality, sustaining in a job for a longer period of time becomes harder and harder for them.
So let us discuss some of those coolest and exciting bored job positions which are not only bizarre by nature but also quite interesting to work for.

Jobs For People Who Get Bored Easily:
Some of the most interesting job positions are mentioned below, to provide you with a fair of most interesting careers idea about the existence of this kind of posts and how much beneficial these can be if you possess a fluctuating mindset.
The following mentioned are few careers for people who get bored easily and tips on what to do when bored.
1. Travel journalist:
Being in a travel journalist job is by far the most desired job for people who really crave for excitement in their lives. Travel journalists are expected to travel various destinations in their own country or outside their country and provide a full report on various aspects of that particular places as well as covering the areas such as living expenses, visiting expenses, the best site seeing places, people and their culture as well as behaviour, travel sources, etc. All your expenses are covered by the company as well as you get your salary for each destination you cover. So each time you get to travel new places and get a chance to blend with new surround and new culture and ethics.
Pay grade-
Somewhere around 25000- 200000 INR per visit, depending on the place you are destined to visit. All your travel expenses are covered by the company, if you are working under a company, or else if you are freelance travel journalists, things may get a bit challenging for you to live up your expenses.
2. Food taster and critic:
If you possess a sharp taste bud that can even differentiate slightest taste difference, then you are the right one for this food taster job. All you need to do is visit any restaurant on behalf of any news company or magazine or any food regulation board and get to tickle your taste buds with their specials. Some restaurants will pay you to taste their food and post a good review about their business on any tabloid or magazine for promotion and increase in customers.
Pay grade-
Somewhere around 10000- 100000 INR per restaurant review. Food critic not only gives a review about the quality of food but also about the hygiene and customer services. Some people prefer going freelancing and giving a review about various food joints and other food paradises through their articles that get themselves a decent earning, though freelancing can be challenging as mentioned earlier.
3. Amusement rides tester:
Another adventurous job post available is that of becoming an amusement rides tester. The job demands you to test any ride that is installed in the amusement park and create a report on various issues like safety, speed control and limit, height and other tit-bits. This job is only for people who are really strong hearted since the person may face many such rides that can get your nerves standing. A person with sound health and no physical disorders or insomnia with high courage are considered as the ideal candidates for this job. This job can be really exciting since you will get to ride new rides and yet get paid.
Pay grade-
Somewhere between 10000- 200000 INR depending on the type of ride and report you are testing and making.
4. Game reviewer:
If you love playing video games all day long and yearn to just drop all job pressures and run back to your gaming consoles, then this game reviewer job might be the best one for you. Gaming Company hires you for playing various video games invented by their employees and gives a detailed review on the game including improvements. Some companies even hire to test new gaming products and gadgets before hitting the markets. Every gaming company has this spot reserved for special people with correct professional gaming sense and are crazily in love with playing games. All they ask you to do is sit all day and test their new games and products.
Pay grade-
Somewhere between 15000-75000 INR per review, they are paid. Since the total release of the game and profit of the product depends on these professionals, they are paid quite well for reviews. The company might be paying you well, but your review must be of a professional level to challenge the release at any cost.
5. Adventure guide:
You can find adventure guide jobs in any hotels that is well known and by the place, it is situated. If there is something interesting about the place, then the hotel hires people who are dynamic and have good interpersonal skills with charm and smartness added, to get their tourists get a look at those interesting places in and around the place. This kind of jobs are easily found in places that are isolated, calm as well as serene and by a job as an adventure guide, you can explore the place off-limits by yourself without much offence. Your skills must be at par to round this job.
Pay grade-
10000-30000 INR per month, depending on the place you have landed yourself in. It may increase in places that hold strong historical backgrounds and strong stories since people love exciting stories and past related to the places.
6. Body part modelling:
This is quite a unique job that has recently come up. If you have a specific body part like hands, palms, legs, eyes or lips which you consider to be the striking part of your body, you can use them to showcase to the world by modelling those specific body parts. This job can be for various healthcare or fashion and lifestyle magazines or blogs for which you would be modelling. You don’t have to get yourself photographed as a whole. Only the body part is necessary for the job.
Pay grade-
Somewhere between 1000- 10000 INR per photo shoot. All you need is to keep that specific body part well-groomed and in perfect photogenic conditions. You can do this for your own site or blog if you have one.
7. Bakery chef:
You need to have a minimum requirement of a degree in cookery and bakery with good knowledge in experimentation and skills. You get to try on thinking something innovative every time you bake something. Different colors, different flavours and experiment fusions of colors and flavours all at the same time. This comes up with a risk of creating disastrous fusions but if everything goes alright, you may end up creating something irresistible. So bakery is never easy to go with, but one of the most creative jobs that would never make you feel bored.
Pay grade-
You may get a pay somewhere between 30000- 50000 INR if you get to work under a specific bakery or company. But if it’s your own enterprise, then you may get all the profit, but in this case, investment is necessary.
8. Disco-jockey or DJ job:
This is the dream job of many youngsters nowadays. It’s not only one of the best paying exciting jobs, but also you get to enjoy this everyday only for partying. So it’s a profitable situation for you if you land this job. All you need to know is about music mixing, bass inspecting, and good jockeying. Mostly all the disco bars and DJ zones start soon after dusk, so all your work will be considered during the night time. If quality mixing is done, then pay gets higher. The more popularity a DJ gains the higher he/she earns.
Pay grade-
Somewhere between 2000- 10000 INR per night or per session. Pay may get higher if more popularity is earned or indirectly bring in more customers for the bar.
9. Outfit designer:
As an experienced outfit designer, you get to think of different fashion every day. Create something new every time that people would appreciate and buy. Such posts can be company-based, brand-based or freelance. If your designs are highly appreciated, good brands may hire you to design clothes for their collection. Also, through this job, you will push yourself every day to create something different from yesterday and better. You will challenge yourself to think and rethink all possibilities of design that would seriously keep you engaged and shall give you no chance of getting bored.
Pay grade-
Somewhere between 10000-200000 INR per chosen design. If your design gains high popularity and brings your brand a hooping profit, then you may receive a certain percentage of the total profit as the designer. Thinking something new consumes a lot of time and coming up with new appreciable designs is not easy. Yet there is no chance of getting bored easily.
10. Story-teller:
A storyteller job is probably one of the endangered jobs in today’s world. Not everybody possesses the real art of storytelling. Storytelling involves a person describing a story in a real fascinating way. Storytelling posts nowadays are found mainly in day care centres and old age homes as well as some hospitals, mental asylums, and churches and holy places. You get paid to tell fascinating stories and descriptions in a different and exciting ways. So you need a lot of time thinking different stories and exciting pieces for your next day. This job hardly gets you bored if you are a good reader and love storytelling.
Pay grade-
The pay grade for this post is indefinite since it varies from place to place. This job can be pursued as part time or full-time job. Full-time story tellers get more pay than mere part-timers. It depends on the type of place you are working and the economic condition of the place.
11. Surfing instructor:
Everybody loves a life full of adventure. The surfing instructor job is one such type of job which is a sport in itself. All you need to have is a good professional surfing skill to become one. You will meet new people every day, teaching them various techniques on surfing or tips and tricks for various skilled stunts for those who have already basic knowledge on surfing.
Pay grade-
This can be self-learning, since if you open classes on your own, you can charge people the way you want. But if you are working in some restaurant or enterprise, then you may receive a stable salary ranging between 10000-30000 INR.
12. Architect:
Architect jobs are one of the prestigious jobs that are becoming highly demanding in today’s era. Architecture is something that everybody cannot pursue. You need to possess high creativity with huge knowledge of structural members and techniques. As an architect you not only design structures, you shape the user’s lives, affect their lifestyle as well. So you need careful thinking and cautious planning to become a fully-fledged architect. Once you have become an architect, the job is full of creativity and challenges that would exercise your skills and make them sharper. You get to compete for best designs and projects. So this won’t be a cake-walk for you.
Pay grade-
If you work for a firm, you may receive 10000-50000 INR per month but as an experienced architect if you open a firm of your own, then you may receive more. This job idea is certainly not boring and will certainly tingle your nerves.
Now that 12 most sorted out great careers or exciting jobs are listed above with full details, there would be no problem in trying out any one of them if you think you possess any of those extraordinary skills. If you are being listed under the category of most boring person, then these jobs will certainly bring you to excitement every day.