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Job Interview Questions and Answers for Fresh Graduates


Getting through a job interview easily is always a dream for all job seekers. In the present scenario, there is huge competition in the job market as several candidates getting graduated every year have increased, and at the same time companies have also started to filter the candidates effectively using various interview techniques.

Freshers who have just entered the job market have many options in terms of different types of companies. But at the same time, there is a lot to be learned to crack a job interview. This article is all about how to crack job interview questions and answers for fresh graduates.

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interview questions and answers for fresh graduates

Interview Questions and Answers for Fresh graduates:

Any interview will never be successful without preparation. The best way is to practice a few common interview questions in advance to crack the interview.

Here is a list of common non-technical interview questions and technical interview questions for freshers.

Once you have been well practiced with this type of interview question, it will be very useful in the interview as well as increase your self-confidence.

Non Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresh Graduates:

1. Tell me about yourself:

Tell me about yourself” is one of the most common interview questions asked to both freshers and experienced. But for freshers, the main intention is to make them relax and talk about themselves.

Even though this question might look very simple and common it has great importance because it sets your character, tells them about your communication and also helps the interviewer to decide how to proceed the rest of the interview.

The best tip in answering would be to keep it short in the beginning and know how interested is the interviewer to listen and then increase the content.

Never overboard this question in a funny way or irrelevant. Just keep it minimal and use effective words to describe your journey.

2. Why should we hire you for our organization?

This interview question has many purposes for various aspects. But as a fresher, the candidate should be able to tell the best about the organization as well as tell more about the organization in general.

The key to answering this question is to do good research about the organization and speak your interest orienting with them. Do not fake, but keep it powerful to show your interest in the organization.

For example, you cannot go on speaking about you need the money and all other unnecessary stuff. Yes, money is the truth behind all the job, but you need to answer them so that if they feel that you work for their progress more than for your money.

3. Can you tell us about your goals?

This interview question has primary aims as well as a secondary aim in asking you this question. The primary aim would be to know how ambitious are you towards your career.

And the secondary aim is to know whether your goals would suit the organization’s job profile. So, whatever your goals might, keep your answer simple and design it in such a way it suits your job role.

For example, if your goal is to be in the management sector, but now you have applied to a technical role tell them you would take this as a challenge to become a manager in the next 10 years and not about your career quit, to join the management degree.

This will make them confident about you; as well they would understand being in the management is your dream.

4. How much does this job mean to you?

This interview question is very much motivated to know your interest in the organization. Being a fresher you might have various dreams about your job. Not necessarily it might be related to the organization but the answer should be in a way that this job role is to your career as a fresher.

Never speak about the pay scale which motivated you but speak about the organization’s growth which motivated you. It is all about knowing your interest in the job role.

So, speak positively throughout the question. You need to answer this question from your heart. Stating about progress and other facts related to the job.

5. Can you tell us your knowledge about our company and our vision?

This question typically depends on your knowledge about the organization. Do a complete research about the organization, their market and also about their work culture.

Also, know about their vision which will well help you gain some intention. Do not speak in a rush like the way you have mugged up. Use common and make it little casual to show that you are not prepared only for this interview, but for yourself too.

Do proper research about the organization carefully and in detail beforehand, and be prepared to answer one of their practical problems with a practical solution.

To be specific you can research the company’s stats and approach them with the solution of increasing it more.

6. Tell us about your strengths and weakness:

This question is also a very common interview question which will make you a star as well, chances are there to pull you down too. So, be careful while answering this question. Speak well about yourself as your strength and weakness should always be something not related to work.

For example, never tell keeping uptime is your weakness; this might be a huge blunder as it is what they expect from any job seeker.

Everyone has a weakness. So, point something like shopping, eating too many sweets are your weakness. This cannot create any wrong impression in general.

If you are stating your weakness, the interviewer must feel like it’s practically your strength. Do not state impractical weaknesses that would make the interviewer feel as if you are an immature person and don’t fit to get this job.

7. Where would you see yourself in the next 10 years?

Yes everyone has their dreams. The interviewer might not also stay in that organization for the next years. But this question should be always answered positive and very much related to the organization.

Answer this question in a way that you see yourself in the same organization in some better position but not like doing your own business or being in abroad. Might be a little fake, but as a fresher they expect you to grow with them.

So, nothing wrong in speaking yourself related to them. But at the same time, you need to carefully choose your words.

You can say something like, “I would like to see myself in so-and-so position managing so-and-so team with company’s stats becoming so-and-so”. There is nothing harm in using the company’s stats as your weapon.

8. Do you have any idea to study further or work only?

This is a tricky question to answer. But make sure for now you do not come up with your future ambitions for doing higher studies. Some people recommend being as honest as you are not their slaves.

But for sure a few years spent in that organization should never see you like you are going to leave your job immediately. So, for now, until settling down it is better to tell you would like to work.

You can answer this question well by stating that you want to get involved in the company’s growth and progress first, then if the company requires higher qualification for certain promotions or posts, only may opt for higher education for the company’s benefit. Beat around the company’s bush and you may get yourself into the right one.

9. Any personal preferences for job location:

This is a very simple question. All you need to do is try to answer positively that you are okay with any location. A company may have many locations and bases as a matter of fact.

So they might need you for their newer location is the most probable call for the interview. But then, if you feel that you want yourself into the older plant, you should state it as a small fact or wish, not as something you want by hook or crook.

And then if you find that your interviewers are okay to know your real preferences, tell them something feasible nearby to your hometown or any kind of preferences.

Keep the answer short and do not force them, interviewers may find you arrogant and may opt-out choosing you for their company.

10. Do you have any salary expectations?

Payscale is something that can never set by the job candidate. It is always predetermined and mostly it is a question for namesake.

You can answer this question with a little hint of the wise statement, like, your priority is the company’s growth, not your pay scale.

If a company sees you as a potential to increase their stats, then they can opt for increasing the pay.

In other words, just answering that it is not your priority and you are okay with company standards is wise but can be lame too. It is good to not discuss anything more about this at this level.

11. What if I do not give you this job?

This question might be a little intimidating but all that expected is to be positive in your answer. Some candidates go arrogant after this question, which reveals their other side quick enough. The trick to this question is not putting down any kind of emotional answers.

Be positive, and just tell them you will accept the reality and might be ready next time. You can give a hint about the importance of the job in your life and the importance of you for this job but stick to the mechanical answer of trying it next time since you like this company.

Loyal and Positive answers are the key to these kinds of interview questions.

12. Any questions for us:

This is a tricky question to end up the interview or know really if you have any questions. Try to guess the pulse of the interviewer by his/her body language and put up some very casual questions about work culture etc.

But not serious questions like how many years you have been with this organization leave flexibility etc. you can ask to enquire about some problems that the company is currently facing, and you can answer them as well if you have a solution ready.

Your solution might show that you are truly interested in this company’s growth. Put these if it is necessary. Any interview should be ended positively, so be careful with your questions.

Technical Question and Answer in Job Interview For Fresh Graduates:

Every candidate would face interview questions from a technical aspect. This set of interview questions would be related to your subject matter. So, be it whichever sector you belong to, try to prepare well for technical interview questions.

  • The rule of thumb here is to keep it short and be clear in your answer.
  • Spend enough amount of time to prepare this part as it is the prime reason for conducting the interview.
  • Do properly detailed research on the job role you have applied and prepared technically according to the expectations of that job role specifically.
  • Go through all your course materials thoroughly if you are sitting for campus placement. Since you are a fresher, getting a job through campus is much easier than off-campus.
  • Be positive and truthful. Bluffing is the worst thing you can do in the interview.
  • From a personal experience of a candidate, when TATA steel was conducting its recruitment drive in 2016 Odisha, he visited numerous colleges and universities for recruitment. And choosing only a single or few candidates from each university. According to the survey conducted, he only chose those candidates who were truthful and confident in their answers.


Every interview will have their unique style depending on the organization. As a fresher, it is always important to be ready for anything as well be well prepared. Remember it is going to be your first company with whom you start your career.

Understand the reality and be sincere in all your preparations. Nothing well prepared goes waste. Hope this article helps you to know the job interview questions and answers for fresh graduates in detail.




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