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10 Important Life Skills for Working Moms to Master


Working moms have to balance work life and office life. This is really not as easy as it sounds. There are many challenges involved in the life of a working mom. Very often, these challenges act as hurdles and prevent the working mothers from progressing in their careers. Here are some life skills that can help working moms lead a much better life by balancing career and personal life:

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Life Skills for Working Moms:

Work-life balance has a lot of importance in our lives and this is where most of them suffer to manage it properly. This is especially seen in the case of working moms. Though modernization and thinking positively have crept deeply in our roots, still there are few hurdles working women usually face both in their personal and professional life.

The prime reason for this is the predefined decision that the society has forced upon women, that they are meant to look after the family and children. On the professional front gender biases, underlooked by employers, lesser pay, etc. But as times are changing, women are charged up by the problems they are facing and coming out successful with flying colors.

It is the difficulties that are making them strong and help them boost to chase their goals. We here at wisestep wish every working mom the very best and list down a few things that you face as a mother which can help you transform in your career.

List of mom skills :

  1. Build up Self Confidence
  2. Lots of patience
  3. Checking out the deadlines
  4. Being good at prioritization
  5. Good negotiation
  6. Effective communication
  7. Ability to influence teams in the workplace
  8. Being inspired
  9. Ability to work as a team and individual well
  10. Make the workplace positive and vibrant
  11. Being a role model

Eternal Struggles of Working Moms:

There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill

Working mom problems are extremely challenging. There are instances when no matter how hard you try, you don’t receive what you are deserving or at least expect. Being a working mother, the struggles or things which they need to manage will be several. This not only makes them stressed but also sometimes lower their morale.

Prioritizing the roles both in personal and professional life is not so easy. But if they manage it well, then they can definitely fulfill their dream of achieving their goals making them a successful mother as well as a professional employee.

As per a study conducted by Kathleen L. McGinn at the Harvard Business School along with Mayra Ruiz Castro and Elizabeth Long Lingo, having a working mother improves children’s prospects.

Working both inside and outside the home gives your kids a signal that contributions at home and work are equally valuable,’ the study says.

Some of the struggles or hindrances working moms usually face are

  • Morning rush
  • Daycare dilemma
  • sick child
  • No bonding time
  • Not being available all the time
  • Make a choice
  • No “ME” time
  • The guilt of a mother
  • Important milestones
  • Fulfill your child’s wish after a long day work

Skills Every Working Mom Should Have:

1. Ready Support From Near and Dear Ones:

A working mom can never balance work life and personal life if she does not have the support of people around her. A growing child needs attention at every stage. Lack of proper attention to the child means a bad childhood for the little one. A working woman should thus have the support of family. In rare cases when you are late at office, your husband or in-laws should be able to pick your child from school. If there is any kind of emergency, a backup support or help from family can count a lot.

If you are living in a nuclear family, you need to make sure you have a babysitter or nanny to shoulder the child’s responsibilities in your absence. This is vital if you wish to do justice to your family life while maintaining a strong career.

2. Knack To Find and Identify a Flexible Job Option:

Flexibility at work is another important aspect that most mothers seek. The modern professions are often very demanding. That is fine and a woman can cater to high expectations too if the work life is flexible. Ability to alter work schedules and work as per your convenience can help you spend sufficient time with a child.

While applying for a job, working mothers need to consider the flexibility aspect. While it is not always possible to judge the company at the interview itself, you can still get a fair idea by asking questions to the employers during the job interview. You may ask whether the firm has flexi timings. You can also ask them whether they have work from home options in case you are unwell or unable to travel to office. Answers to these questions tells you about the flexibility of the firm or organization.

3. Willingness To Cope With Guilt Positively:

Motherhood has never been really easy. The innocence of a child can actually make you feel helpless and even guilty at times. You may have to rush to office even when your child is not perfectly well. Your baby may ask for your company and you may have to force yourself to the office. This is never really easy and you should possess the courage to cope with the guilt during such situations.

A good way to deal with such situation is remind yourself that you have to ensure a stable career to brighten the child’s future. You are doing it for the child and so there is no real reason to be guilty. Women who dare to face such situations manage to succeed in their careers in spite of their motherhood. Others may either fail to succeed in their careers or the guilt may lead to psychological pressure that causes other health hazards.

4. Time Consciousness and Time Management Skills:

Time consciousness is a vital ingredient in the making of a good mother. A working mother has to manage several household responsibilities along with the countless job related responsibilities. It requires a woman to manage time, allocate sufficient time for her household chores and manage time at office too.

A working mother should be able to manage both office and work responsibilities without letting either of them suffer. This requires time management skills. Women who value time and are able to allocate sufficient time for each activity, succeed in maintaining the balance without losing out on health.

5. Ability to Balance Work, Home and Health:

Many modern women manage to balance work and personal life. Most often this is achieved by keeping their own personal health at stake. Most women do not get their ‘me time’ because they are already busy with other household activities and work related responsibilities.

Working mothers often compromises on their health and fitness to make sure that their family responsibilities and professional life do not suffer. This in turn affects their overall health. A working mother should be able to find at least half an hour each day for exercise, meditation, yoga and other rejuvenating acts.

6. The Courage To Say ‘No’:

We all need to accept the simple fact that there is a limit to how much we can do. The family, as well as the workplace, expects a lot from a working mother. It is not always possible to keep everyone pleased. At times, your office may just want you to work a few extra hours to cover up for the company’s losses. In such situations, you may have to either say no to the firm for those extra hours or to someone at home who expects your contribution.

While it may sound easy, saying ‘no’ really requires courage and is not everyone’s cup of tea. You must have the courage to say ‘no’ when things are getting beyond your control. Toiling excessively to keep everyone pleased will only affect your health adversely.

7. Ability To Tackle Stressful Situations:

Stressful situations can happen at workplace or your home. If you give in to stress, it is going to affect your health but not help you in anyway. Being a working mother, you should be able to deal with stress and get back in full swing with all activities. Never let stress affect you deeply.

Daily yoga and meditation may help to get rid of stress. Sweet music can be another way to get rid of stress. Diverting your mind from difficult situations that are not in your control is another way to cope with stress.

8. Access To Quick and Healthy Recipes:

Working moms often feel guilty that are unable to prepare the most sumptuous meals for their family and kids. Due to hectic office hours and the stress associated with professional women, do not enjoy cooking after work. This is causing the kids of this generation to resort to unhealthy junk food. Many women tend to order food from hotels and restaurants when they are late from work.

This is really a bad option as outside food is known to be unhealthy. A wiser option would be to learn some simple and quick recipes that are healthy too. A list of yummy salads, fresh juices and long lasting jams and pickles can prevent your kids from eating outside. You can research online for some quick yet yummy recipes.

9. Ability To take Out Sometime Just For The Child:

Being a professional woman does not free you from the responsibilities of a mother. Your child needs your care, love and some healthy time. Make sure you do spend good time with your child to establish a nice bond. You must make sure that your professional life does not come in the way of your little one’s childhood.

Prepare a routine in such a manner that your child gets a couple of hours from your daily routine for some storytelling sessions or interesting puzzles. A child develops and grows when it receives the affection and care of both parents. It is vital that you establish a strong bond with your child. This will help your child to grow up and be a mature and stable individual.

10. Ability To Stay Unaffected By Senseless Taunts:

It is not easy to balance work and home life. In countries where the women in the past generation gave up their jobs as soon as they got married, a negative attitude towards working mother is sure. If you have a mother-in-law who is a housewife, she may taunt your or harass you with words. She may even try to show you that your job is affecting the child’s life. Family members may try to make you feel guilty about working.

Do not give in to such social pressures. It is your choice to work or not. Others around you do not have right to comment or decide. If they pass comments or taunts, you must be strong enough to ignore those harsh words.

Additional Tips That May Count Equally for Working Mothers:

While we have listed some significant life skills, there are other things that may help working mothers prosper in their career. Here we have listed these additional tips:

1. Take a Break Occasionally:

Working mothers have more reasons to get stressed because of the countless pressures in their life. An occasional break may help to get rid of stress.

2. Go For Medical Checkups at Regular Intervals:

Working mothers often tend to ignore their own health and realize about their illness only at a later stage. It is best that you undergo regular medical checkups to stay healthy.

3. Avoid Discussing Office Issues at Home:

It is best to leave your office worries in office and spend the valuable time you have with your family.


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