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Being Seen: The Importance of Being Visible Online


It is usual that job applicants research the internet in order to fetch more details regarding the company they desire to work for. The reverse also happens where the employer who wanted to know more about the candidate researches the applicant. Just a google search is enough to provide them with ample information about the candidate. Being seen is considered important today, as being visible helps employees to try to find more data online.

being seen or being visible importanceThe power of online media is very beneficial and marks an important phase for job seekers. Though you’re a business man, job seeker or an employee in an organization being visible is mandatory. A few pointers below could help us know the importance of being online or visible.

On Seeing and Being Seen – Importance of Being Visible Online or Offline:

1. To survive the competition:

According to a survey by Google 97 percent of clients hunt for business online. Most clients are present online and you must also be there too. The competitive business market has made customers to hover online and choose from there. When you’re online, your business would be forefront and would establish itself in the customers mind and also within the opponents. By this way sales in a business is boosted and also loyalty is built.

2. Remembering the brand:

In business world surviving in the present job market is tough. There are number of new businesses that pop up each day with new features. The public are confused as new ones arise each day. It is therefore important to be visible online to show the public that you’re still working and function your business.

3. Developing brand strength:

When a business makes itself visible then its logo and brand name would be fixed among the public. When brand identity is boosted, it also means that it has a link with quality and so the product or business is elevated online.

4. Helps people pick your brand:

The mentality of public is to watch out for the various options and pick the best one to spend. They are also keen on obtaining the right value for what they spend. When one is visible online, they are able to view the choices that are available and choose the best one.

5. Builds trust:

In order to avoid being connived by sellers when a business is visible with all essential details, it would be beneficial for the customers. When more data about a business is available, the more comfortable the client feels in purchasing it. Hence being visible is mandatory for many reasons.

6. Visibility grabs industry related experts:

To enhance your visibility and get noticed by your industry related experts, make use of LinkedIn where you need to create a full profile and update the same. By doing so, groups of the same field can be identified and discussions can also be contributed.

7. Post your URL:

With the plenty social networking sites available, you can create a profile in twitter or LinkedIn and post your URL on it. By posting your URL you can help other people find more information about you.

8. Develop your own blog:

A bit of hard work is necessary for developing a blog and updating it regularly. By developing a blog, you can showcase your talent, skill and expertise. You can make yourself visible in this way also. This way your expert skills can be demonstrated to the recruiters.

9. Contribute for other blogs and forums:

If you think you are unable to develop your own blog, then make sure to be visible on others blog. Try to participate in many discussions and also answer questions that may be popped up. Try to elevate your image on these social networking forums by making use of apt punctuation, perfect English, correct grammar and spelling.

Avoid using negative thoughts, harmful and sarcastic words, because these are perils and may spoil your image online. It is important to possess a good image online for job hunt purposes.

10. CV’s online:

In case you’re a job seeker make sure that you can develop your own multimedia CV or Visual CV. Your CV can be updated on the various job boards present. The best part of Visual CV is that it is free to develop it online. The added advantages of this multimedia CV is that you can add videos, audios, images, pages, documents and more.

The same can be emailed to employers and can also be saved as PDF or URL. By this way your online presence and creativity can be known by the employer and also job hunt can be made easier.

11. Google profile:

A google profile is one which was brought to light during April 2009. The main advantage of the profile is that they are personal profiles and the names appear at the bottom of the page when typed in. The beneficial factors of google profile is that you can add your contact details, image, bio data, and also can add the links for your blogs and profiles in other sites. This way the candidate is made visible and is ready to get recruited by employers.

12. Maintain personal and professional image:

It is really important for candidates to have separate image for professional and personal purposes. When you have Facebook links with friends and family then make it personal and alter the settings so that only friends and family can get together. It can be made visible and accessible only for friends.

To maintain professional image on social networking sites, maintain other social networks which are completely for professional purposes. This way your visibility would be enhanced and more opportunities reach you.

13. Visibility through video:

To enhance your business or product and make it visible to all the people across the globe, YouTube can be a great way. Almost all people these days use the web to research for any particular product before they purchase it. For the same reason, posting your product on YouTube can be the best way to make it visible and increase its presence.

14. Online visibility for business:

A website for a business is necessary to make it visible to people around. Whether its business related posting or candidate posting online, there are few aspects which need to be looked out for in order to be visible. Search engine ranking should be monitored; the website should possess good content, so that people get linked easily. In the same manner when your website ranks higher in the search result, you are visible better.

15. Employee visibility at office:

You can always enhance your visibility by giving a short talk to your senior executive at any place you meet, may be in the elevator too. You can give a short intro about who you are what project you’re working for and accomplishment made till date. By this way the senior employee would know you more.

16. Utilize social events:

Apart from making your visibility online, it is also a good idea to enhance your visibility in the organization. Take initiatives and try to talk to your boss in social events, have a short talk about business and not very personnel. Avoid talking about benefits, salary, holidays etc. This is a great way to mark you important and enhance visibility.

17. Volunteer company events:

You will be noticed and made visible more when you volunteer for events such as picnic, party and other events that take place in an organization. Employees help is needed for such events and when you do it, you’re recognized. By being visible in this way you get chance to get along with higher employees too.

18. Contacting outside groups:

You can get to know more of professional contacts when you speak with people outside your circle. The best part of being visible outside your group helps you to learn more and enhance your knowledge. Speak on topics which would impress the audience and also help them to be educated.

19. Writing for publications which are professional:

The best way to be visible is to write for publications where your name would be printed for your chore done. It would be smart if you pick a topic which is familiar and would appeal the readers. Hunt for details and find out what publications require, may be a email letter or query letter. Then offer sample works that you have done previously and get into the track to become visible.


These few tips are beneficial for employees working in an organization, job seekers and also business people who desire being visible and grab others attention. Run through the tips and follow a few of them so that you’re visible and can achieve your desired dream in career.

When you are being seen and visible more in your field, make yourself valued more and marketable more. Your visibility and publicity can be elevated by following the above points. Hence make yourself more visible and get recognized.



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